[1] Some affirme, that the king appointed to haue fought with them not till the mondaie, and preuen|ting the time set on them on the saturdaie before, ta|king them vnprouided, and in no arraie of battell; and so by that policie obteined the field and victorie. The prisoners as well capteins as other, were par|doned, sauing the chéefe capteins and first begin|ners, to whome he shewed no mercie at all. The lord Audeleie was drawne from Newgate to the Tow|er hill in a coate of his owne armes,Iames lord Iu [...]elie igno|min [...]ouslie drawne to ex|ecution and beheaded. painted vpon paper reuersed and all to torne, and there was behea|ded the foure and twentith of Iune. Thomas Flam|mocke & Michaell Ioseph were hanged, drawne, and quartered after the maner of traitors, & their heads and quarters were pitched vpon stakes, and set vp in London, and in other places: although at the first, the king meant to haue sent them into Cornewall, to haue béene set vp there for a terror to all others. But hearing that the Cornishmen at home were readie to begin a new conspiracie, least he should the more irritate and prouoke them by that displeasant sight, he changed his purpose, for doubt to wrap himselfe in more trouble than néeded.