[1] [2] Wherefore they determined to vphold the enter|prise of the Irishmen, and other complices of this conspiracie: so that consulting with sir Thomas Broughton, and certeine other of his most trustie freends,An ill matter followed to the proofe. he purposed to saile into Flanders to his aunt the ladie Margaret duchesse of Burgognie, trusting by hir helpe to make a puissant armie, and to ioine with the companions of the new raised sedi|tion. Therefore after the dissolution of the parlement which then was holden, he fled secretlie into Flan|ders vnto the said ladie Margaret; where Francis lord Louell landed certeine daies before. Héere after long consultation had how to proceed in their busi|nesse, it was agreed, that the earle of Lincolne, and the lord Louell should go into Ireland; and there to attend vpon the duchesse hir counterfeit nephue, and to honor him as a king, and with the power of the I|rishmen to bring him into England.