[1] And that most greeued them, the Easterlings be|ing at libertie, brought to the realme such wares as they were woont, & so serued their customers through|out the realme. Wherevpon there insued a riot by the seruants of the mercers, haberdashers, & clothwor|kers in the citie of London, the tuesdaie before saint Edwards day. For they perceiuing what hinderance grew to their maisters, in that they were not able so well to kéepe them as before they had doone, assem|bled togither in purpose to reuenge their malice on the Esterlings,A riot made vpon the Ea|ster [...]ings. & so came to the Stilliard, & began to rifle & spoile such chambers & warehouses as they cold get into. So that the Easterlings had much adoo to withstand them, & kéepe them back out of their gates, which with helpe of carpenters, smiths, and other that came to them by water out of Southwarke, they sho|red & so fortified, that the multitude of the seruants and prentises, being assembled, could not preuaile.