[1] [2] At last he well remembring that Sluis was a [...]ousenest, and a verie den of théeues to them that trauersed the seas towards the east parts, inconti|nentlie dispatched sir Edward Poinings a right va|liant knight and hardie capteine,Sir Edward Poinings a valian [...] capi|teine sent into Flanders with an armie with twelue ships well furnished with bold souldiers and sufficient ar|tiller [...]e. Which sir Edward sailed into the hauen, and kept the lord of Rauenstein from starting by sea. The Duke of Saxonie besieged one of the castels, lieng in a church ouer against it: and the Englishmen as|saulted the l [...]sse castell, and issued out of their ships at the ebbe, neuer suffering their enimies to rest in quiet one day togither for the space of twentie dais, and euerie day slue some of their aduersaries; and on the English part were slaine one Uere,One Uere brother to the earle o [...] Ox|ford slaine. brother to the earle of Oxford, and fiftie more.