[1] The ambassadors comming to the court of Phi|lip the archduke, were honorablie interteined of him and of his councell, and willed to declare the effect of their message. William Warram made to them an eloquent oration, and in the later end somewhat inueihed against the ladie Margaret, not sparing to declare, how she now in hir later age had brought foorth (within the space of a few yeares togither) two detestable monsters, that is to saie, Lambert (of whom yée heard before) and this same Perkin War|becke, and being conceiued of these two great babes,The sum of D. Waria [...]s spéech to the archduke. was not deliuered of them in eight or nine moneths as nature requireth; but in one hundred and eightie moneths, for both these at the lest were fiftéene yéers of age, yer she would be brought in bed of them, and shew them openlie; and when they were newlie crept out of hir wombe, they were no infants but lustie yoonglings, and of age sufficient to bid battell to kings. Although these rawnts angred the ladie Mar|garet to the hart, yet Perkin was more vexed with the things declared in this oration, and especiallie bi|cause his cloaked iuggling was brought to light.