[1] [2] Immediatlie after came to the French king the lord Bernard Daubeneie a Scot borne, which on the French kings behalfe required K. Henrie to make some maner of end of those Brittish warres, whatso|euer it were. King Henrie being desirous of the same, sent ouer againe into France, Iohn the abbat of Abingdon, sir Richard Edgecombe knight, and the forenamed, Christopher Urswike, with full and per|fect commission & long instructions how to procéed, in driuing of some agréement betwixt the French|men and the Britons. These orators (according as they had in commandement) first went vnto the French king, and after they had communed with him, sir Richard Edgecombe, and Christopher Urs|wike departed streight to the duke of Britaine, in full hope to conclude a peace, vpon such offers and ar|ticles as they had to propone vnto him.