[1] [2] When all things were prepared and set in order, vpon the fouretéenth of Nouember then being sun|daie,The solemni|zation of the mariage be|tweene Ar|thur prince of Wales & Ka|tharine daugh+ter to the king of Spaine. the foresaid ladie was led to the said mount, and there prince Arthur openlie espoused hir, both be|ing clad in white, both lustie and amorous, he of the age of fifteene and more, and she of the age of eigh|téene or thereabouts, the king and queene standing priuily on their stage. After the matrimonie celebra|ted, the prince and his wife went vp into the queere, and there heard a solemne masse soong by the archbi|shop of Canturburie, associat with ninetéene pre|lats mitred. And after the masse finished, the bride was led homewards to the bishops palace by the duke of Yorke being then a goodlie yoong prince, and the legat of Spaine. Next after followed the ladie Cicilie sister to the quéene, supporting the traine of the spouse.