[1] [2] Beside this act, all atteindors of this king enacted by king Edward and king Richard were adnihila|ted, and the record of the same iudged to be defaced; and all persons atteinted for his cause and occasion were restored to their goods, lands, and possessions. Diuerse acts also made in the time of king Edward and king Richard were reuoked, and other adiudged more expedient for the common wealth were put in their places and concluded. After the dissolution of this parlement, the king remembring his fréends left in hostage beyond the seas,The king re|d [...]meth his [...]ostages. that is to wit, the marquesse Dorset, & sir Iohn Bourchier, he with all conuenient spéed redéemed them, and sent also into Flanders for Iohn Morton bishop of Elie. These acts performed, he chose to be of his councell a con|uenient number of right graue and wise councel|lors.