[1] Iohn Tonneis a diuine and an Augustine frier in Norwich, wrote certeine rules of grammar, and other things printed by Richard Pinson; Gefferie surnamed the Grammarian; Iohn Alcocke bishop of Elie, changed a nunrie at Cambridge into a college named Iesus college, about the yeere of Christ 1496. The chiefe cause of suppressing the nunrie is noted to be, for that the abbesse and other of the conuent liued dissolute liues; Stephan Hawes a learned gentle|man, and of such reputation, as he was admitted to be one of the priuie chamber to king Henrie the se|uenth; William Bintree, so called of a towne in Norffolke where he was borne, by profession a Car|melite frier in Burnham, a great diuine; William Gallion an Augustine frier in Lin, and at length be|came prouinciall of his order.