[1] [2] [3] Then hasting thither, he laid siege to it, and wan|ting ordinance to make batterie,Excester as [...]saulted by Perkin & the Cornishmen. studied all waies possible how to breake the gates, and what with cast|ing of stones, heauing with iron barres, and kindling [page 784] of fire vnder the gates, he omitted nothing that could be deuised for the furtherance of his purpose. The ci|tizens, perceiuing in what danger they stood, first let certeine messengers downe by cords ouer the wall, that might certifie the king of their necessitie & trou|ble. And herewith taking vnto them boldnesse of cou|rage, determined to repell fire with fire, and caused fagots to be brought and laid to the inward parts of the gates, and set them all on fire; to the intent that the fire being inflamed on both sides the gates, might as well keepe out their enimies from entring,The citie of Excester pre|serued from fire by fire. as shut in the citizens from fléeing out, and that they in the meane season might make trenches and ram|pires to defend their enimies in stéed of gates and bulworks. Thus by fire was the citie preserued from fire.