[1] [2] Besides this, he was sober, moderate, honest, cour|teous, bountious, and so much abhorring pride and arrogancie, that he was euer sharpe and quicke to them that were noted with that fault.Iustice min|gled with mercie. He was also an indifferent and vpright iusticer, by the which one thing he allured to him the hearts of manie people, and yet to this seueritie of his he ioined a certeine mercifull pitie, which he did extend to those that had offended the penall lawes, and were put to their fines by his iustices. He did vse his rigour onelie (as he said himselfe) to dant, bring low, and abate the high minds and stout stomachs of the wealthie and wild people, nourished vp in seditious factions and ciuill rebellions, rather than for the gréedie desire of monie; although such as were scourged with amer| [...]iaments cried out, and said it was rather for the re|spect of gaine, than for anie politike prouision. In|déed he left his coffers well stuffed, for he was no wastfull consumer of his riches by anie inordinat meanes.