[1] The prior, which for the opinion that men had con|ceiued of his vertue, was had in great estimation, pitieng the wretched state of that caitife, came to the king, and shewed him of this Perkin, whose pardon he humblie craued, and had it as fréelie granted. In|continentlie after was Perkin brought to the court againe at Westminster, and was one day set f [...]tte|red in a paire of stocks, before the doore of Westmin|ster hall, and there stood a whole day, not without in|numerable reproches, mocks and scornings. And the next daie he was caried through London, and set vp|on a like scaffold in Cheape by the standard, with like ginnes and stocks as he occupied the daie before, and there stood all daie, and read openlie his owne confession, written with his own [...] hand, the verie co|pie whereof here insueth.