[1] The king, whether to auoid the danger of so great and perilous sickenesse, then raging, or to take occa|sion to commen with the duke of Burgognie, did personallie take his ship at Douer in the beginning of Maie,King Henrie the seuenth [...]aileth to Ca|lis. and sailed to Calis, whither the duke of Burgognie sent to him honourable personages in ambassage to welcome him into those parties, and to declare that the said duke would gladlie repair [...] personallie to his presence with such a number as the king should appoint, so that it were within no walled towne nor fortresse. For hauing denied the French king to enter into anie of his fortresses to talke with him, he would be loth now to giue a presi|dent to him to desire the like méeting. The king in|terteining the ambassadours, and thanking the duke of his courteous offer, appointed the place at saint Peters church without Calis.