[1] [2] [3] Then he led him from Bainards castell by Cheape to Barking; and so returned by Watling street a|gaine: during which time there was shot out of the Tower a woonderfull peale of ordinance. But he would not enter into the Tower, bicause as ye haue heard before he had aduowed not to enter the for|tresse of anie forren prince, [...] in the which a garrison was mainteined. From London the king brought him to Richmond, where manie notable feates of armes were prooued both of tilt, turnie, and barriers. In the meane season the erle of Suffolke, perceiuing what hope was to be had in forreine princes, and trusting that after his life to him once granted, king Henrie would [...] set him at his full libertie, was in maner contented to returne againe vnto his [...]