[1] [2] The kings woonted po|licie now a|gaine practi|sed.But yet to vnderstand the full meaning of the said earle, the king vsed his old fetch: for immediat|lie after the earle was fled, he appointed sir Robert Curson, whome he had aduanced to the order of knighthood, and made capteine of Hammes castell, a valiant man and a circumspect, to dissemble him|selfe one of that conspiracie; who went into Fland|ers, to espie what was doone there by the ladie Mar|garet, and hir nephue the earle of Suffolke. After that the said sir Robert Curson was thus gone into Flanders, the king to put him out of all suspicion with the said ladie Margaret and the earle, caused the said earle, and sir Robert Curson, and fiue persons more to be accurssed at Paules crosse, the first sun|daie of Nouember, as enimies to him and his realme.