[1] Quéene Elizabeth lieng within the Tower of London, was brought a bed of a faire daughter on Candlemasse daie, which was there christened and named Katharine; and the eleuenth of the same mo|neth the said queene there deceased, and was buried at Westminster, whose daughter also liued but a small season after hir mother. Abr. Fl. ex [...] pag. 876. Six kings of England bre|thren with the tailors com|panie in Lo [...]|don, before they were e [...]|tituled m [...]r|chant tailors. [King Henrie the seauenth being himselfe a brother of the tailors com|panie in London, as diuerse other his predecessors kings before him had béene (to wéet Richard the third, Edward the fourth, Henrie the sixt, Henrie the fift, Henrie the fourth, and Richard the second; also of dukes eleuen, earles eight and twentie, and lords eight and fortie) he now gaue to them the name and title of merchant tailors, as a name of worship to indure for euer. This yeare,Prior of Shene m [...]|thered. about the later end of March, the prior of the Charterhouse of Shene was murthered in a cell of his owne house, by meanes of one Goodwine, a moonke of the same cloister, and his adherents artificers of London. A drie summer,A drie s [...]|mer. hauing no notable raine from Whitsuntide to the later ladie daie in haruest.