[1] At his comming into Scotland,The bishop of Durham go|eth into Scotland. he was courte|ouslie receiued of the king himselfe at the abbeie of Melrosse. And there, after the king had (for a counte|nance) complained much of the vniust slaughter of his men late committed at Norham: vpon the bi|shops gentle answers thervnto, he forgaue the same, and after began to talke secretlie without witnesses alone with the bishop. And first he declared what iust causes mooued him in times past to séeke amitie with the king of England: which now he desired much more to haue confirmed, for further maintenance & increase thereof. Which he doubted not but should sort to a fortunate conclusion, if the king of Eng|land would vouchsafe to giue to him in matrimonie his first begotten daughter the ladie Margaret, vp|on which point he purposed latelie to haue sent his ambassadors into England,The Scotish king desireth the ladie Mar+garet e [...]dest daughter of K. Henrie the se|uenth to be his wife. which thing he would the sooner doo if he knew the bishops mind therein to bée readie to further his sute. The bishop answered but few words, sauing that when he were returned to the king his maister, he would doo the best in the matter that he could.