[1] [2] These newes being brought into England, caused king Henrie to make hast in sending foorth his ar|mie,King Henrie sendeth foorth his armie a|gainst the French. and therefore was the lord Brooke, with sir Iohn Cheinie, sir Iohn Middleton, sir Rafe Hilton, sir Ri|chard Corbet, sir Thomas Leighton, sir Richard La|ton, and sir Edmund Cornewall sent ouer into Bri|taine with all conuenient speed, hauing with them an eight thousand men, well armed and furnished in warlike wise, to aid the duke of Britaine against the Frenchmen. These lustie capteins being arriued in Britaine, after they had a little refreshed them, mar|ched forward, and comming neere to their enimies, pitched downe their field, not farre from the French|mens campe.