[1] [2] [3] Then Perkin of verie necessitie compelled to for|sake the gates, assaulted the towne in diuerse weake and vnfortified places, and set vp ladders to take the citie. But the citizens, with helpe of such as were come foorth of the countrie adioining to their aid, so valiantlie defended the walles, that they slue aboue two hundred of Perkins souldiers at that assault. The king hauing aduertisement of this siege of Ex|cester,The king ma|keth out his power against Perkin. hasted foorth with his host, in as much speed as was possible, and sent the lord Daubeneie with cer|teine bands of light horssemen before, to aduertise all men of his comming at hand. But in the m [...]ane season, the lord Edward Courtneie earle of Deuon|shire, and the valiant lord William his sonne, accom|panied with sir Edmund Carew, sir Thomas Tren|chard, sir William Courtneie, sir Thomas Fulford, sir Iohn Halewell, sir Iohn Croker, Water Court|nie, Peter Edgecombe, William saint Maure, with all spéed came into the citie of Excester, and holpe the citizens, and at the last assault was the earle hurt in the arme with an arrow, and so were manie of his companie, but verie few slaine.