[1] [2] [3] Herevpon the Englishmen, perceiuing in what danger they were, and considering that it was in the middest of winter, a time not meet for men of warre to lie in the cold and frostie fields, they returned into England, within fiue monethes after their first set|ting foorth. So that finallie the French king got the vpper hand of the Britons, and did incorporate that duchie to his realme and crowne of France,The duchie of Britaine in|corporated to the realme of France. as in the historie of France it may appeere at large. ¶ In Iulie this yeere was a prest leuied for the king in the citie of London, of foure thousand pounds, which was repaied the yeare next following. In September, the quéene was deliuered at Winchester of hir first sonne, named prince Arthur; Iohn Stow. The birth of prince Ar|thur. and the fiue and twen|tith of Nouember (next insuing) she was crowned at Westminster with all due solemnitie.