[1] [2] [3] The eighteenth of Februarie, the king at his pa|lace [page 791] of Westminster created his onelie sonne Hen|rie prince of Wales, earle of Chester, &c: who after|ward succéeded his father in possession of the regall crowne of this realme Moreouer, this yeare also, after the deceasse of that noble queene, for hir vertue commonlie called good queene Elizabeth, departed out of this world also sir Reginald Braie knight of the garter,Sir Reginald Braie his [...] a verie father of his countrie, for his high wisedome and singular loue to iustice well worthie to beare that title. If anie thing had béene doone a|misse contrarie to law and equitie, he would after an humble sort plainelie blame the king,Iu [...]t cõmen| [...]tions of Morton arch| [...]op of Can|t [...]rburie and [...]ir Reginald Braie. and giue him good aduertisement, that he should not onelie re|for [...]e the same, but also be more circumspect in anie other the like case. Of the same vertue and faithfull plainnesse was Iohn Morton archbishop of Can|turburie, which died (as is shewed aboue) two yeares before.