[figure appears here on page 142]
[1] K. Iohn _IOHN, the yongeſt ſonne of Henrye the ſecond, was proclai|med King of Eng|lande, beginning his raigne the .vj. day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord .1199. An. Reg. 1. the firſte of Philip Em|peror of Rome, and the .xx. of Philip king of France, King Williã as yet liuing in gouernement ouer the Scots.
Rog. Houed.So ſoone as his brother Richard was
deceaſ|ſed, hee ſendeth Hubert Archbiſhop of Canter|bury, and William
Marſhall Earle of Stregill (otherwiſe called Chepſtow) into Englande, both
to proclaime him king, and alſo to ſee his peace kepte, togither with
Geffrey Fitz Peter Lorde chiefe iuſtice,
and diuers other Barons of the Realme, whileſt be himſelfe went to Chi|non
where his brothers traſure laye, whiche was forthwith deliuered to hym by
Robert de Turn|ham: and therewithal at the Caſtel of Chinon and Sawmer and
diuerſe other places,
Mat. Paris.
Chinon. Robert de Turnham. Saumur.
Rog. Houeden
Thomas de Furnes.
[3] Now whileſt king Iohn was thus occupied in recouering hys brothers treaſure,
and trauel|ling with his ſubiectes to reduce them to his o|bedience, Queene
Eleanor his mother by the helpe of Hubert archebiſhoppe of Canterburye and
other of the noble menne and barons of the lande trauayled as diligentlye to
procure the engliſhe people to receiue their othe of allegiance to be true
to King Iohn: for the ſayde archbi|ſhoppe and William Marſhall Earle of
Stri|guill being ſente ouer into Englande, as before you haue hearde, to
proclaime him king, and to kepe the lande in quite, aſſembled the eſtates of
the Realme at Northampton,
Mat. P [...]
The [...]+ſembled [...] Northamp [...]
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] King Iohn alſo hauing vnderſtanding of his purpoſe, ſent ouer the ſaide Lorde Euſtace againe vnto him with the like requeſt, who in ſuche wiſe perſwaded him, that he was conten|ted to abide a time, in hope of the better ſucceſſe in his late attempted ſute. And all this was don chiefly by the woorking of the kyngs mother, whome the nobilitie much honored and loued: for ſhe being bent to preferre hir ſon Iohn, left no ſtone vnturned to eſtabliſh him in the throne comparing oftentimes the differẽce of gouern|ment betwene a king that is a man, and a king that is but a childe. For as Iohn was .xxxij. yeres olde, ſo Arthur Duke of Britain was but a babe to ſpeake of.) In the end winning al the nobilitie wholye vnto hir will, and ſeeing the coaſte to be cleare on euery ſide, without any doubt of tempeſtuous wether likely to ariſe, ſhe ſignified the whole matter vnto Kyng Iohn, who forthwith framed all his endeuours to the accompliſhment of his buſines.Queene Elea|nors enuie a|gaynſt Arthur. Surely Quene Elianor the Kyngs mother was ſore agaynſt hir nephew Arthur, rather moued therto by en|uye conceyued agaynſte his mother, than vpon any luſte occaſion giuen in the behalfe of the childe,Conſtance du+cheſſe of Bri|tayne. for that ſhe ſawe if he were King, howe his mother Conſtance would looke to beare the moſt rule within the realme of Englande, till hir ſonne ſhuld come to lawful age, to gouerne of himſelfe. So hard a thing it is to bring wo|men to agree in one minde, their natures com|monly being ſo contarie. When this doyng of the Queene was ſignified vnto the ſaide Con|ſtance, ſhe doubting the ſuretie of hir ſon, com|mitted him to the truſte of the Frenche King, who receiuing him into his tuition, promiſed to defend him from all his enimies, and forthwith furniſhed the holdes in Britayne with French ſouldiours Queene Elynor being aduertiſed hereof,Queene Elea+nor paſſeth in to Normand [...] ſtode in doubt by and by of hir countrey of Guyenne, & therfore with all poſſible ſpeede paſſed the ſea, and came to hir ſonne Iohn in|to Normandie, and ſhortly after they wente foorth togither into the countrey of Mayne, and there toke both the citie and caſtell of Manne,The citie of Mauns take [...] throwing down the walles and turrets therof, with all the fortifications and ſtonehouſes in & about the ſame,Mat. Paris. Rog. Houe [...] and kept the Citizens as priſo|ners, bicauſe they had ayded Arthur againſt his vncle Iohn. After this, king Iohn entring into Anion, held his Eſter at Beaufort (which feaſt fell that yere the .xviij. day of April,) and from thence he went ſtreyght vnto Rouen, where on the Sunday next after Eaſter, being Sainct Markes day, he was girded with the ſword of the duchie of Normandie in the high Churche there by the handes of Walter Archbiſhop of Rouen.King Iohn in+ueſted Duke [...] Normandie. And ſo being inueſted duke of Nor|mandie, hee receiued the othe according to the cuſtome, that he ſhould defend the Church, and maynteyn the liberties therof, ſee Iuſtice mini|ſtred, good lawes put in execution, and naugh|tie lawes and orders aboliſhed. In the meane tyme his mother Quene Elenor, togither with Captaine Marchades entred into Anion, and waſted the ſame, bicauſe they of that countrey had receyued Arthur for their ſoueraigne Lord and gouernor. And amongſt other townes and fortreſſes, they toke the citie of Anglers,The Citie of Angiers take [...] ſlewe [figure appears here on page 792] manie of the Citezins, and committed the reſt to priſon. This enterpriſe beeing thus luckily atchieued, the reſidue of the people in thoſe par|ties were put in ſuche feare, that of their owne accord, they turned to their woonted obedience, ſeeming as though they woulde continue ſtill therin. The Frenche king all this while con|ceyuing an other exployte in his heade more commodious vnto him than as yet to attempt warre againſte the Engliſhmen vpon ſo lighte an occaſion, diſſembled the matter for a tyme, as thoughe he would know nothing of all that [page 793] was done, til the king ſhould be otherwyſe oc|cupied in England about his coronation.
[1] In the meane ſeaſon king Iohn hauing ſette ſome ſtay in his buſineſſe on the further ſide of the ſea, he left his mother ſtil in Guienne to de|fend that countrey againſt the enimies, and ta|king the ſea, [...]g Iohn cõ| [...]th ouer into [...]glande. came ouer himſelf into England, landing at Shorehã, the .xxv. day of May. On the next day, being ye Aſcention euen, he cant to London, there to receyue the crowne. On the morow after, being the Aſcention day, whẽ the nobilitie and cõmons were aſſembled, and the king broughte into the Churche of S. Peter at Weſtmin. there to receiue his diademe. Hubert Archebiſhop of Canterbury being chief in au|thoritie and honor, both for his age and calling, ſpake theſe words or the like in ſubſtance before the whole aſſemblie:
[1] [2] [3] [4] [...]e Archbi| [...]p of Can| [...]buries ora| [...]n.Moſt honorable Lordes of the ſpiritualtie, and moſt graue and politike peeres and barons of the temporaltie, you are come hither this day to chooſe you a king, and ſuche a one as (if need ſhould require) may be able of himſelfe to take ſuche a charge vpon him, and hauing taken it vpon him, to execute that which he ſhal think to be expediẽt for the profit of his ſubiects: we haue therfore one preſent here amõg vs, vpon whom the hartes and good willes of high & lowe, riche and poore, do generally depend: a man I doubt not, but that for his owne parte, will applye all his whole endeuour, ſtudie, and thoughte vnto that only ende, whiche he ſhall perceyue to bee moſt profitable for the common wealth, as kno|wing himſelf to be borne not to ſerue his owne turne, but for to profite his countreye, and to ſeeke for the generall benefite of vs that are his ſubiectes. And albeit I am ſure that you doe well knowe how all theſe qualities are moſt a|bundantly plãted in the perſon of Iohn duke of Normandie (a perſon of hygh prowes and no leſſe prudencie) for the which ye ought to iudge hym ryghte worthye of the gouernement: yet beeyng in doubte leaſte the common fame ſhould carrie you awaye, or leaſt you ſhoulde turne your myndes to the fauour of an other, as in reſpect of ſome better ryght, by title of a more lawfull deſcente of inheritaunce pre|tended by others than he hath to ſhewe, I re|quire you to giue eare vnto my wordes: who bearyng the ſtate of two mauer of perſones, ought to be profitable to my countrey, not on|ly by example and exhortation, but alſo by loyaltie and good counſell, whyche hytherto I haue euer ſtudyed to perfourme, and where|in (God willing) I meane to perſiſte, ſo long as I ſhall continue in this mortall & tranſito|rie tabernacle. Therfore wheras at this preſent wee haue in hande to conclude vppon ſuche a weyghtie matter, which being once done, can not be vndone, I cõmend vnto you this Iohn, euen with all my very hart, and iudge that you ought to accept him for your King, who in all things which he ſhall ordein, purpoſe or take in hand, ſhal not fayle ſo to anſwere your opini|ons, with his well doyng, and to ſatiſfie youre good expectations alredy cõceiued of him with his diligent prouidence, that al the whole realm ſhall not only like of, and allowe your doings herein, but alſo with highe cõmendation extoll the ſame to the very ſtarres. Theſe things do I promiſe vnto you, and ſo farforth as in me may lye, I dare take vpon me all chances & perils yt may procede therof. Whẽ the Archb. had ended, diuers held their peace, & many with great zele ſaluted king Iohn, whom the ſame day the ſaid Archebiſhoppe crowned at Weſtmynſter, af|ter the manner, with great ſolemnitie, & no leſſe reioycing of all ſuch as were preſent.
[figure appears here on page 793]
[page 545]
[...]. Paris.At the ſame time alſo, he receyued the homa|ges of
the Lords and Barons of the Realm, and promiſed with all ſpeede, to haue
conſideration of things that apperteyned as well to Religion,
[...]dor. as to the due execution of lawes, whereby euery mã
myght come to enioy that which was his owne, by right and due courſe of
iuſtice. We fynde, that there were preſent at this ſolemnitie and
Coro|nation of King Iohn, whiche was celebrate on the Aſcention day the
[...] Houed. of May, Archbyſhoppes and Byſhoppes to the number of ſeuenteene, as Hubert
Archbyſhop of Caunterbury, Iohn Arch|biſhop of Dublin, alſo ye Archbyſhop
of Raguſe, William Biſhop of London, Gilbert Byſhoppe of Rocheſter, Iohn
Biſhop of Norwich, Hugh Byſhop of Lincolne, Euſtace Byſhop of Elye, Godfrey
Byſhop of Wincheſter, Henry Byſhop of Exetor, Sefride Biſhop of Chicheſter,
God|frey Byſhop of Couentry, Sauarie Byſhoppe of Bath, Herbert Biſhoppe of
Sareſbury, Phillip Biſhop of Dureſme,
Roger Biſhoppe of S. An|drew in Scotland, and Henry Biſhoppe of Lan|daffe in
[...]. Par.
[...]itions to [...] Pike.
[...]. Houede.
[...]liã Mar| [...] Earle of [...]ghule. [...]ey Fitz [...] created [...] of Eſſex.
[10] The Coronation beeing thus ended,Ambaſſadors from the
king of Scottes. it was not long ere there came Ambaſſadors from
the Scottiſhe Kyng, namely William the Prior of
[figure appears here on page 545] May,
William the Prior of Sainte Colmes Ins, and one William Hay, the whiche on
the behalfe of the ſaid Scottiſh Kyng, required reſti|tution of
Northumberlande and Cumberlande, with the appurtenaunces, promiſing, that if
the ſame were reſtored to him, he would ſerue the K. of England with all his
whole power agaynſt al men then aliue, otherwiſe, that is, if hee coulde not
haue thoſe countreys, whiche of right to hym apperteyned by law, as he
pretended, he would do the beſt he could, to recouer thẽ by force. K. Iohn
made aunſwere heerevnto, that if his couſin the K. of Scottes would come
vnto him, he ſhoulde bee aſſured to receyue at his hands all that was
reaſon, as well in thoſe demaunds, as in all other things. Hee alſo ſente to
him the Byſhop of Du|reſme, to require him to come vnto Notting|ham, where
he would meete with him. Howbeit, K. William refuſed to come himſelf as
then, but he ſent the B. of S. Andrewe, and Hugh Male|biſſe to follow his
ſute, with promiſe to abſteyne from any forcible inuaſiõ of England, by ye
ſpace of fortie days, ſo that he might within ye tearme haue ſome reſolute
aunſwere frõ K. Iohn, wher|vnto he might ſtãd eyther on the one ſide or on
ye other.
Nic. Triuet.
The French K. inuadeth Normandye The Earle of Flanders.
The league renued be|twixt England and Flanders.
Rog. Houed.
The Earle of Namure. France [...]+dited. Norman [...] inte [...]
[4] Furthermore, king Iohn did ſet a rate vpõ the prices of Wine, as Rochel
wine to be ſold for .xx. ſs. the tonne, and not aboue. The wine of
Aniou for .xxiiij.ſs. the tonne, and no other French wy|nes aboue
.xxv. ſs. except it were of ſuche notable goodneſſe, as that ſome
peraduẽture for their own expences, wold he contented to giue after
.xxvj.ſs. viij.
for the tonne, and not aboue. Moreouer;A rate of
the prices of Wines. the galon of Rochel wyne he appoynted to be
ſold at foure pens: And the galon of white wine at .vj. pens. It was alſo
ordeined, ye in euery citie, town & place wher wine was vſed to be
fold, there ſhuld be .xij. honeſt mẽ ſworn to haue regard yt this aſ|ſiſe
ſhuld not be brokẽ. And that if they found any [page 548]
Vintnor that ſhould from the pinne ſel any wine by ſmall meaſures contrary
to the ſame aſſiſe, his body ſhoulde bee attached by the Sherife, and
deteyned in priſon, till other commaundemente were giuen for his further
puniſhmente, and hys goodes ſeaſed vnto the Kings vſe. Furthermore, if any
perſons were or ſhuld be found to buy and ſell by the hogſhead or tunne,
contrary to this aſ|ſiſe, they ſhould be committed to priſon, there to
remaine, till other order were taken for thẽ: ney|ther ſhould there be any regrating of wines, that were brought
into England. But this ordinance laſted not long, for the marchãts could
not beare it, & ſo they fell too, & ſold white wine for
the galon,
King Iohn returneth into Englande. 1200 A ſubſedie. He ſayleth a|gaine into Normandy.
An. reg. 2.
[1] Certes this peace was diſpleaſant to many, but namely to the Erle of Flanders, who here|vpõ making no accompt of K. Iohns amitie, cõcluded a peace with K. Philip ſhortly after, & ment to make war againſt the infidels in the eaſt parties. But by the chronicles of Flaun|ders it appereth,Iaco. Me [...]. that the Erle of Flanders cõ|cluded a peace with the Frenche King in Fe|bruarie laſt paſt, before that king Iohn and the French king fell to any compoſition. But ſuch was the malice of writers in times paſt, which they bare towards K. Iohn, that whatſoeuer was done in preiudice of him, or his ſubiects, it was ſtil interpreted to chãce through his defalt, ſo as the blame ſtill was imputed to him, in ſo much that although many things he did perad|uenture in matters of gouernemẽt, for ye which he may be hardly excuſed, yet to thinke that he deſerueth the .x. parte of the blame wherewith writers charge him, it might ſeme a great lack of aduiſed conſideration in them that ſo ſhuld take it. But now to proceed with our purpoſe.
[1] King Iohn being now in reſt from warres with foreyn enimies, began to make
war with his ſubiects purſſes at home, emptying them by ſubſidies, taxes,
and tallages, to fill his coffers, which alienated the mindes of a great
number of them from his loue & obedience. At length alſo when he had
got togither a great maſſe of money, he went ouer again into Normandie,
where by Helias, Archbiſhop of Burdeaux, & the biſhop of Poictiers
and Scone,
Rog. Ho [...]
K. Iohn is deuoted.
Mat. VV [...] Mat. Pa [...] Rogl. Ho [...]
[1] Moreouer, about this time,
Mat. Pa [...]
Geffrey [...] of Yorke [...]+priued.
Rog. Houed.
A counſell cal|led at Weſt-minſter by the Archbiſhop of
[1] In this yeare alſo, Huberte Archbiſhoppe of Caunterbury helde a Counſell at Weſtminſter [figure appears here on page 549] agaynſte the prohibition of the Lorde chiefe Iu|ſtice, Geffrey Fitz Peter Earle of Eſſex. In the which Counſell or Synode, dyuers conſtitutiõs were made and ordeyned for order and cuſtomes to be vſed touching the ſeruice and adminiſtrati|on of Sacraments in the Churche, and other ar|ticles concerning Churchmen and eccleſiaſticall matters.
[1] [...]thur Duke [...]rytayne, [...]n homage [...]ne king of [...]glande.About the ſame time, King Iohn and Phillip King of France met togither neere to the towne of Vernon, where Arthur Duke of Brytayne (as vaſſall to his vncle Kyng Iohn) did his homage vnto him for the Duchie of Brytayne, and thoſe other places whiche he helde of him on thys ſyde, and beyonde the riuer of Loyr, and afterwarde ſtill miſtruſting his Vncles curteſie, he returned backe againe with the French Kyng, and would not committe hymſelfe to hys ſaide Vncle, who as he ſuppoſed, did beare him litle good wil. Theſe things being thus performed, [...]g Iohn re| [...]eth into [...]lande. [...] Queene is [...]wned. King Iohn retur|ned into Englande, and there cauſed his newe married wife Iſabell to be Crowned on ye Sun|day before the feaſt of Sainte Dioniſe, the eyght of October.
[1] The ſame time, hee gaue commaundemente vnto Hugh Neuill hygh Iuſtice of his forreſts, that hee ſhould awarde his preceptes vnto al for|reſters within the Realme, to giue warning to al the white Monkes, that before the Quindene of Saint Michaell, they ſhoulde remoue out of hys forreſtes all their horſes of Haraz, and other cat|tel, vnder the penaltie to forfeit ſo many of them, as after that daye chaunced to be founde within the ſame forreſtes. The cauſe that moued the K. to deale ſo hardly with them was, for that they refuſed to help him with money, when before hys laſt going ouer into Normandy, he demaunded it of them towardes the paymente of the thirtie thouſande pounde whiche hee hadde couenaunted to pay to the Frenche Kyng, to liue in reſt and peace, which he coueted to haue done for reliefe of hys people, and hys owne ſuretie, knowing what enimies he had that lay in waite to deſtroy him, and agayne, what diſcommodities had chaun|ced to his father and brethren, by the often and continuall warres. But nowe to proceede with other doings.
[2] Immediately after the ſolemnization of the Queenes Coronation ended,An ambaſſade ſent vnto the K. of Scottes. hee ſente
Phillippe Biſhoppe of Dureſme, Roger Bigot Earle of Northfolke, and Henry de
Bolmn Earle of He|reford, Nephew to William King of Scotland, and Dauid
Earle of Huntington, brother to the ſame King, and Roger de Lacy Coneſtable
of Cheſter, the Lorde William de Veſcy, and the Lord Robert de Ros, which
had married two of the daughters of ye ſayd K. and Robert Fitz Ro|ger
Sherife of Northumberlãd, as Ambaſſador [...] from him vnto ye foreſaid William K. of Scot|land, with letters
patents, conteining a ſafe con|duit [page 550] for him to come into
The King of Scottes came to the Kyng of Englande at Lincolne.
Math. Paris. Ran. Higd. Rog. Houed. Polidor.
[1] The ſame day that the Kyng of Scots tooke his iourney homewardes from Lincolne, ye corps of Hugh, Biſhop of that Citie (lately before, de|parted this life at London, after his returne from the parties of beyonde the Seas,) was brought thither to be buried, the King, and al ye Byſhops, Earles and Barons went to receyue it, and ho|nored his buriall with their preſence. On ye mor|row [figure appears here on page 550] after being Friday, hee was enterred within the new Church which he had builded.
[1] [2] [3] This Hugh was a French man by nation, borne at Granople, a man of a pregnant witte, and ſkilfull both in ſcience of holy Scripture, and humane knowledge. He was firſt a regular Cha|non, and after became a Cartuſian Monke. K. Henry the ſeconde moued with the fame of hys vertue and godly lyfe, ſent the Byſhop of Bath to bryng hym into Englande, and after he was come, made hym fyrſte Abbot of Whithing in the dioceſſe of Welles, and after created hym Byſhoppe of Lincolne. Hee was noted to bee of a very perfit and ſound lyfe, namely, bycauſe hee woulde not ſticke to reprooue menne of theyr faultes playnely and frankely, not regardyng the fauoure or diſfauoure of anye manne, in ſo muche, that hee woulde not feare to pronounce them accurſed which being the Kynges officers, woulde take vpon them the puniſhmente of any perſon within orders of the Churche, for hun|tyng, and kylling of the Kynges game within hys Parkes, Forreſtes, and chaſes, yea, and that which is more,A preſen [...]ous part [...] Biſhop. hee woulde denye paymentes of ſuche ſubſedies and taxes as hee was aſſeſſed to pay to the vſes of Kyng Rycharde and Kyng Iohn, towardes the mayntenaunce of theyr warres, and dyd oftentymes accurſe by hys ec|cleſiaſticall authoritie, ſuch Sherifes, Collectors, or other officers, as dyd diſtrayne vppon hys landes and goodes for to ſatiſfye theſe Kyngs of their demands, alledging openly, that hee woulde not pay any money towards the maintenance of wars, whiche one Chriſtian Prince, vpõ priuate [page 551] diſpleaſure and grudge made againſte another Prince of the ſame Religion. This was his rea|ſon, and when he came before the King to make aunſwere to his diſobedience ſhewed heerein, hee woulde ſo handle the matter, partly with gentle admoniſhments, partly with ſharp reproofes, and ſometyme mixing merie and pleaſant ſpeeche a|mongſt his ſerious arguments, that ofttimes hee would ſo qualifie ye kings moode, that beyng dri|uen from anger, he could not but laugh and ſmile at the Biſhops pleaſaunte talke, and merie con|ceytes. And this manner hee vſed, not only with the King alone, but with the father and the two ſonnes. That is to ſay, Henry the ſecõd, Richard and Iohn, in whoſe tyme he liued, and gouerned the See of Lincolne. He was after his deceſſe for the opinion which men conceyued of his holynes and vertues, admitted into the number of the Saintes.
[1] Yee haue heard howe K. Iohn had conceyued no ſmall diſpleaſure againſte the Monkes of the white order, for that they would not depart with any money, excuſing themſelues, that they might not do it, without conſente of a generall chapiter of their order. Wherevpon the King had cauſed them diuers wayes to be moleſted, but chiefly in reſtreyning them of libertie to haue any Horſes, or other cattell goyng to paſture within his for|reſts. They therefore takyng aduice togyther, choſe foorthe twelue Abbots amongſt them of that order, the which in all their names went to Lincolne, there to make ſute to the King (com|ming thither at this time to meete the King of Scottes) that it would pleaſe him to remitte hys diſpleaſure conceyued agaynſt them, and to take them agayne into his protection.
[1] This ſute was ſo followed, although with ſome difficultie, that at length, to witte, the ſun|day after that the King of Scottes had done his homage, through the help and furtherance of the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, they came to ye kings ſpeeche, and obteyned ſo much, as they in reaſon might deſire: for he pardoned them of all his paſ|ſed diſpleaſure, receyued them againe into his fa|uoure, tooke them into his protection, and com|maunded that all iniuries, greeuaunces and mo|leſtations ſhoulde bee reformed, redreſſed and a|mended, whiche in reſpect of his indignation had bin offered and done to them by any manner of meanes, and to ſee the ſame accompliſhed, writ|tes were directed vnto the Sherifes of the coun|ties, bearing date from Lincolne the .27. of No|uember. And thus were thoſe Monkes for ye time reſtored to the Kings fauour, to their great com|moditie and comfort.
[1] [...] Moones.Aboute the moneth of December, there were ſeene in the prouince of Yorke fyue Moones, one in the Eaſt, the ſeconde in the Weſt, the thyrde in the North, the fourth in the South, and the fifthe as it were ſet in the middes of the other, ha|uing many Starres aboute it, and went fiue or ſixe tymes in compaſſing the other, as it were the ſpace of one houre, and ſhortly after vani|ſhed away.
[1] The Winter after was extreamely colde, more than the naturall courſe had bin aforetime. And in the Spring time came a great glutting, and continuall rayne, cauſing the Riuers to riſe with hygher flouds, than they hadde bene accu|ſtomed.
[1] In the yere .1201. 1201 Kyng Iohn held his Chriſt|mas at Guildforde, and there gaue to his ſer|uauntes many faire lyueries,Mat. Par. An. reg. 3. and ſutes of appa|rell. The Archbyſhoppe of Caunterbury dyd al|ſo the lyke at Caunterbury, ſeemyng in deede to ſtriue with the Kyng, whyche of them ſhoulde paſſe the other in ſuche ſumptuous apparrellyng of their men: whereat the Kyng (and not with|out good cauſe) was greatly moued to indigna|tion agaynſte hym, although for a time hee cou|loured the ſame, going preſently into the North, where he gathered of the countrey there no ſmall ſummes of money, as it were by way of fyning them for theyr tranſgreſſions committed in hys forreſtes.
[1] From thence he returned and came to Can|terbury, where he held his Eaſter, which fell that yeare on the day of the Annunciation of our La|dy, in the which feaſt, he ſate Crowned, togyther with hys wife Queene Iſabell, the Archbyſhop of Caunterbury bearing the charges of them and their traynes whileſt they remayned there.
[8] At the feaſt of the Aſcention nexte enſuing, Kyng Iohn ſet out a
proclamation at Tewkeſ|bury, that all the Earles and Barons of the Realme,
and alſo all other that helde of him by Knightes ſeruice, ſhoulde be ready
in the feaſt of Pentecoſt nexte enſuyng, with Horſe and ar|mour, at
Porteſmouth, to paſſe ouer with him into Normandy, who made their apperance
ac|cordingly. Howbeeit, a great number of them in the ende gate licence to
tarry at home, paying for euery Knightes fee two markes of ſiluer for a
fyne, which then was a great matter. But he ſent before him into Normandy
William Marſhall Earle of Striguill with an hundred Knights,Rog. Houed. or men of armes, which he had hired, and
Roger de Lacye, with an other hundred men of armes to defende the confynes
of Normandy againſte the enimies: and to his Chãberlain Hubert de Burgh hee
delyuered the like number of Knyghtes or men of armes alſo, to keepe the
marches betwixt England & Wales as Warden of ye ſame. This done, he
pardoned his brother ye Archb. of York,The Archb. of
York reſto|red. & reſtored him to al his dignities,
poſſeſſiõs & liber|ties, cõfirming ye ſame vnto him in as ful
& large [page 552] manner, as euer Roger late
Archbiſhop of ye See had and enioyed the ſame: for the whiche confir|mation
his ſayd brother vndertooke to pay to the King within the tearme of one
yeare the ſumme of a thouſand pounds ſterling: and for the aſſu|rance
thereof, engaged his barony to the King in pledge. Moreouer, about the ſame
time, the Kyng ſent Geffrey Biſhoppe of Cheſter,Ambaſſadors ſent into Scot|lande. and Richarde Malebiſſe, with
Henry de Poyſy, vnto William King of Scotlande, requiring him, that the tyme
appoynted for him to make aunſwere
touchyng his demaund of Northumberland, might be pro|roged vntill the feaſt
of Saint Michael the Arch|angell next enſuing, whiche was obteyned, and then
the King and Quene (being come to Portſ|mouth on the Monday in Whitſon
weeke) tooke the Sea to paſſe ouer into Normandy,The King
paſſeth ouer into Nor|mandy. but not both in one Ship, ſo that the
Queene with a pro|ſperous gale of winde, arriued there at hir owne deſire:
but the Kyng was driuen by reaſon of a
pirry, to take lãd in ye Iſle of Wight, and ſo was ſlayed ther for a time,
howbeit, within a few days after, he tooke ſhip again at Portſmouth,
& ſo paſ|ſed ouer into Normandy, wher ſhortly after hys arriuall in
thoſe parties he came to an enteruewe with ye K. of Frãce,He commeth to talke with the Kyng of Fraunce. nere to
Liſle Donely, where comming a lõg time togither alone, they agreede ſo wel
yt within three days after, K. Iohn at the Frẽch kings requeſt went into
France, and was receiued of him with much honor, firſt at S. Di|niſe
with Proceſſiõ of ye Cleargie, and
there lod|ging one night,King Iohn entreth into
Paris. vpon ye morrow the Frẽch K. ac|companied him vnto Paris,
where he was recey|ued of ye Citizẽs with great reuerẽce, the Prouoſt
preſenting vnto him in ye name of ye whole Citie many riche giftes to his
welcome. K. Phillip fea|ſted him alſo in his owne Palace, and for his part
gaue vnto him to his Lords and ſeruantes many great & princely
giftes. Moreouer, the league at this time was renued betwixt them,
The league renued.
Mat. P [...]. Rog. Houed.
Ayde again [...] the Tur [...] and Infide [...]
[...] 120 [...]
[...]ugh Earle of [...]arche
[1] [2] [3] Queene Ele|nor.Queene Elenor that was Regent in thoſe parties being put in great feare with the newes of this ſodaine ſturre, getteth hir into Miradeau a ſtrong towne, ſituate in the Countrey of Aniou, and forthwith diſpatcheth a meſſenger with let|ters vnto king Iohn, requiring him of ſpeedy ſuc|cor in this hir preſent daunger. In the meane time, Arthur ſtil following the victory, ſhortly af|ter followeth hir, and winneth Mirabean, where he taketh his grandmother within the ſame, whõ he yet intreateth verie honorably, and with great reuerence (as ſome haue reported.) But other write farre more truly,Mat. Par. Mat. VVeſt. that ſhee was not taken, but eſcaped into a Tower, within the which ſhee was ſtraytly beſieged. Thither came to ayd Ar|thur alſo, all the Nobles and men of armes in Poictou, & namely the foreſayd Earle of Marche according to appoyntment betwixt them. And ſo by this meanes Arthur had a great army togither in the field. King Iohn in the meane time hauing receyued his mothers letters, and vnderſtanding thereby in what daunger ſhe ſtoode, was maruel|louſly troubled with ye ſtrangeneſſe of the newes,Polidor. and with many bitter words accuſeth the French K. as an vntrue prince, & a fraudulẽt league brea|ker: and in al haſt poſſible ſpeedeth him forth, con|tinuing his iourney for the moſte part both daye and night to come to the ſuccours of his people. To be briefe, he vſed ſuch diligence that hee was vpon his enimies neeks ere they could vnderſtand any thing of his cõming,King Iohn cõ|meth vpon his enimies not looked for. or geſſe what the matter ment, when they ſaw ſuch a companie of ſouldi|ers as he brought with him to approche ſo neare the Citie. For ſo negligent were they, that ha|uing once woonne the towne, they raunged a|brode ouer the countrey hither and thither at their libertie without any care. So that now being put in a ſodaine feare, as preuented by the haſty com|ming of the enimies vppon them, and wanting leyſure to take aduice what was beſt to be done, and hauing not time in maner to get any armor on theyr backes, they were in a maruellous trou|ble, not knowing whether it were beſt for them to fight or to flee, to yeeld or to reſiſt. This their fear being apparant to the Engliſh men (by their diſ|order ſhewed in running vp and downe frõ place to place with great noyſe and turmoyle) they ſet vpon them with great violence, and compaſſing them round about, they either take or ſlea them [figure appears here on page 553] in a maner at their pleaſure. And hauing thus put them all to flight, they purſue the chaſe to|wards the towne of Mirabeau, into which the e|nimies made verie great haſt to enter, but ſuch ſpeede was vſed by the Engliſh ſouldiers at that preſent, that they entred and wanne the ſayde towne before their enimies coulde come neare to get into it. Great ſlaughter was made within [page 554] Mirabeau it ſelfe, and Arthure with the reſidue of the army that eſcaped with life from the firſt bic|kering,Arthure duke of Brytaine ta|ken priſoner. was taken, who being hereupon commit|ted to priſon, firſt at Faleyſe, and after within the Citie of Rouen,Mat. Par. liued not long after as you ſhall heare. The other of the pryſoners were alſo com|mitted vnto ſafe keeping, ſome into caſtels with|in Normãdie, and ſome were ſent into Englãd.
[1] King Iohn hauing got this victorie, and ta|ken his nephew Arthure, he wrote the maner of that his ſucceſſe vnto his Barons in England, in forme as followeth.
Iohn by the grace of God king of England, and Lorde of Irelande,
to all his Barons ſen|deth greeting.
Knowe ye that we by Gods good fauour are in ſounde and perfect health, and tho|rowe Gods grace that maruellouſlye worketh with vs, on Tueſday before Lammaſſe day, wee being before the Citie of Mauns, were aduertiſed that our mother was beſieged in Mirabeau, and therefore we haſted ſo faſt as we poſſible might, ſo that wee came thither on Lammaſſe daye, and there wee tooke our nephew Arthure, Hugh le Brun,De Caſtre Eralde. Andrewe de Chauenye, the Vicont of Chateau Eralde, Reymonde de Tovars, Sauary de Mauleon, and Hugh Bangi, and all other enimies of Poictou that were there aſ|ſembled agaynſt vs,252. knightes or men of a [...]|mes beſide demelances. to the number of two hun|dred knightes and aboue, ſo that not one of them eſcaped. Giue God therefore thankes, and re|ioyce at our good ſucceſſe.
[1] The Frenche king at the ſame time lying at ſiege before Arques, immediately vpon the newes of this ouerthrowe rayſed from thence, and re|turned homewardes, deſtroyed all that came in his waye, till hee was entred into his owne Countrey.
[1] It is ſayde that king Iohn cauſed his nephew Arthure to be brought before him at Falaiſe,An. Ro [...] and there went aboute to perſwade him all that hee coulde to forſake his friendſhip and alliance with the French king, and to leane and ſticke to him being his naturall vncle: but Arthur like one that wanted good counſel, and abounding too much in his owne wilfull opinion, made a preſumptuous anſwere, not onely denying ſo to do, but alſo cõ|maunded King Iohn to reſtore vnto him the realme of Englande, with all thoſe other landes and poſſeſſions which king Richarde had in hys hand at the houre of his death. For ſith the ſame apperteyned to him by right of inheritance, he aſ|ſured him except reſtitutiõ were made the ſooner, hee ſhoulde not long continue in reſt and quiet. King Iohn being ſore amoued with ſuch words thus vttred by his nephew, appointed (as before is ſayde) that he ſhoulde be ſtraytely kept in priſon, as firſt in Falais, and after at Roan within the new Caſtell there.
[3] Thus by meanes of this good ſucceſſe, the Countreyes of Poictou, Touraine,
and Anion were recouered. And ſhortly after king Iohn comming ouer into
Mat. Pa [...]
King Iohn o [...] ſoones [...]+ned.
[1] [2] It was alſo bruyted, that his bodie was bu|ryed in the Monaſterie of Saint Androwes of the Ciſteaux order. But when the Brytaines were nothing pacifyed, but rather kindled more vehemently to worke all the miſchiefe they could deuiſe in reuenge of their Soueraignes death: there was no remedie but to ſignifie abroade a|gaine that Arthure was as yet lyuing and in health. And when the king heard the truth of all thys matter, he was nothing diſpleaſed for that his commaundement was not executed, ſithe there were diuerſe of hys Captaynes which vt|tered in plaine wordes, that he ſhoulde not finde knightes to keepe his Caſtelles, if he dealt ſo cru|elly with his nephew. For if it chaunced any of them to bee taken by the king of Fraunce or o|ther their aduerſaryes, they ſhoulde be ſure to taſt of the like cup.
[1] But nowe touching the maner in very deede of the ende of this Arthur, wryters make ſundrie reportes: But certaine it is, that in the yeare next enſuyng, hee was remoued from Falais vnto the Caſtell or Tower of Rouen, oute of the which there was not [...]ye that woulde confeſſe that euer he ſaw him aliue.
[1] Some haue written, that as hee aſſayed to haue eſcaped [...]ut of priſon, and prouing to climbe ouer the walles of the Caſtell, hee fell into the Ryuer of Sayne, and ſo was drowned. Other write, that through verie griefe and languor hee pyned away, and died of naturall ſickneſſe. But ſome affyrme, that King Iohn ſecretely cauſed him to be murthered and made away, ſo as it is not throughly as yet agreed vpon, in what for [...] hee finiſhed hys dayes: but verily King Iohn was had in great ſuſpition, whether worthily or not, the Lorde knoweth. Yet howe ext [...]emelye ſoeuer he dealt with his nephew, diuerſe of thoſe Lordes that were taken priſoners with him he re|leaſed and ſet at libertie, namely Hugh le Brun, and Sauerye de Mauleon, the one to his greate trouble and hynderaunce, and the other to his gayne: For Hugh le Brun afterwardes leuyed and occaſioned fore warres agaynſt hym, but Sauerie de Mauleon continued euer after hys faythfull and loyall ſubiect, doyng to him right agreeable ſeruice, as partly hereafter it maye appeare.
[1] The Lord Guie,Guy ſonne to the vicont of Touars. ſonne to the vicount of To|uars, who had taken Arthurs mother Conſtance to wife, after the deuorce made betwixt hir & the Erle of Cheſter, in right of hir obteyned the duke|dome of Britain. But king Philip after he was aduertiſed of Arthurs death, tooke the matter very grieuouſly. And vpõ occaſiõ therof, cited K. Iohn to appeare before him at a certain day,Conſtance the mother of duke Arthure accuſeth king Iohn. to anſwer ſuch obiections as Conſtance the duches of Bry|tain, mother to the ſaid Arthur, ſhould lay to hys charge touching the murther of hir ſon. And for bycauſe K. Iohn appeared not, he was therefore cõdemned in the Action, & adiudged to forfeite all that he held within the precinct of France, aſwell Normãdy as all his other lands and dominions.
[2] About the ſame time the king cauſed a procla|mation to bee publiſhed for the
lawfull aſſiſe of breade to bee made by the Bakers,
Mat. Par.
The ordinance for the aſsiſe of breade.
[1] This yeare many wonderfull things happe|ned, for beſides the ſore winter which paſſed any other that had beene heard of in many yeares be|fore, both for continuance in length, and extreme coldneſſe of froſtes,Great tẽpeſts. there followed griſely tem|peſtes, with thunder, lightning, and ſtormes of raine, and haile of the bigneſſe of hennes egges, wherewith much fruttes, and much corne was periſhed, beſides other great hurt done vpõ houſes and yong caſtel. Alſo ſpirites (as it was thought) in likeneſſe of byrdes and foules were ſeene in the ayre fleeing with fire in their beakes, wherewith they ſet diuerſe houſes on fire whiche did import great troubles ere long to enſue, and followed in [...]eed, as ſhal appere hereafter.
[1] With this entrance of the yeare of our Lorde. 120 [...]. King Iohn helde his Chriſtmaſſe at Caen,
1203 Mat. Pa [...]
[1] In which meane tyme the French King,An. reg. 5 [...]
to bring his purpoſe to full effect, entred into Nor|mandie, waſted
the Countreys, and wanne
[figure appears here on page 556] the townes of Cowches,
Mat. Par. Polidor.
The French k. Inuadeth Nor|mandie.
[1] The Pope hearing of theſe variances betwixt the two Kings,The Pope ſ [...]+deth his [...] into France. ſent the Abbot of Caſner into France, accompanied with the Abbot of Troys|fons to moue them to a peace.
[1] Theſe two Abbottes tooke ſuche paynes in the matter, that the Kings were almoſt brought to agrement. But the Frenche King percey|uing himſelf to haue a forehand in his buſineſſe, [page 557] ſticked at one article, which was, to repayre a|gayne all ſuch Abbays as he had deſtroyed with|in the dominions of King Iohn: And King Iohn to doe the lyke by all thoſe thad hee hadde waſted within the French kings Countreys.
[1] [...]guinus.The Popes Nuncij woulde haue excomuni|cated king Philip, bycauſe he woulde not thus a|gree. But king Philip appealing from them, purſued the warre, and beſieged the Towne of Radpont. [...]lidor. The Souldiers within the towne defended the firſt aſſault verie manfully, and cau|ſed the Frenchmen to retyre backe: but king Phi|lip meaning to haue the towne ere hee departed, did ſo incluſe it about, that within tenne dayes he wanne it,Radpont won. and tooke there twentie menne of armes, an hundred demilances, and twentie Archaleſters.
[1] After this, when hee had fortifyed this place,Caſtel Galiard he went to Caſtel Galiard, which he beſieged (and though by the high valiancie of Hugh de Gour|ney the Captayne there, the French men were manfully beaten backe, and kept out for a month and more, yet at length by ſtrayſt ſiege and neare approches hardily made,Mat. Paris. the fortreſſe was deliue|red into the French kings handes.Hugh de Gourney re|uolteth from king Iohn. And in the ende the ſayde Hugh Gourney reuolted from his obedience, deliuering alſo the Caſtell of Mount|forte vnto the Frenche King & whiche Caſtell [figure appears here on page 557] with the honour thereto apperteyning king Iohn had giuẽ to the ſame Hugh, not very long before. And all this while king Iohn did lie at Rouen: [...]lidor. but foraſmuch as he coulde not well remedie the matter as then, bycauſe he wanted ſuch helpe as he dayly looked for out of England, and durſt not truſt any of that ſide, hee paſſed it ouerwith a ſtoute countenance for a while, and woulde ſaye oftentymes to ſuch as ſtoode about him, what elſe doth my couſin the French king nowe, than ſteale thoſe things from me, whiche hereafter I ſhall indeuour my ſelfe to cauſe him to reſtore with intereſt? But when hee ſawe that his eni|mies would ſtill proceede, and that no ayde came out of Englande, [...]ng Iohn [...]meth backe [...]o England. he came ouer himſelfe, and lan|ded at Porteſmouth on Saint Nicholas day.
[1] King Philip doubting by vſing the victorie with too much rygour leaſt he ſhoulde bring the Normans into a deſperate boldneſſe, and ſo to cauſe them for ſafegarde of theyr lyues to hazarde all vpon reſiſtance, he ſtayed for a tyme, & with|drewe his ſouldiers backe agayne into Fraunce, hauing not onely furniſhed thoſe places in the meane tyme whiche he had woonne, with ſtrong garniſons of his ſouldiers, but alſo appointed cer|tain perſonages to trauaile with the people, yet remaining in the Engliſh ſubiection, to reuolt & turne frõ K. Iohn, to his obeyſance & ſubiection.
[1] King Iohn being returned into England, ac|cuſed diuerſe of his nobles for
ſhewing thẽſelues negligent and ſlouthful in ayding him, according to his
commaundement, alledging furthermore, that being deſtitute of their due and
requiſite ſer|uice, he was cõſtrayned to loſe his tyme in Nor|mandie, as
not being able for want of their ayde to reſiſt his enimies. Wherfore for
this and other matters layd to their charges, he did put them to grieuous
fines. By meane whereof, and by leuy|ing of a ſubſedie of his people,
Math. Paris.
A Parliament at Oxforde. 1204 A ſubſedie graunted.
[1] [page 558] This yere the ayre toward the north and eaſt parties ſeemed to be on a bright fire for the ſpace of .vj. houres togither. It beganne about the firſt watch of the night, the firſt of Aprill.
[1] An. Reg. 6. King Iohn about the beginning of thys ſixt yere of his raigne, ſent in Ambaſſage to the Frẽch [figure appears here on page 558] King the Archbiſhop of Canterburie, Raufe Cog. Ambaſſadors ſent into Frãce the Bi|ſhoppes of Norwich and Elie, the Earles Mar|ſhall and Leyceſter, to treate wyth him of peace: but he was ſo farre off from comming neare to any reaſonable motions, bycauſe he ſawe the worlde frame as hee wiſhed, that ſtill by de|maunding ſomewhat that might not be graun|ted, he kept off, and brought in ſuche hard condi|tions, that it was not poſſible to conclude anye agreement. And this hee dyd of purpoſe, ho|ping within ſhort tyme to conquer all that the king of Englande poſſeſſed as yet on that ſyde the Seas.
[1] He was the more vntowarde to compounde, for that he was informed how Arthure the Duke of Brytayne was diſpatched out of hys lyfe, and therefore not doubting but to haue many to take part with him in ſeeking reuenge of his death, he made that his chiefe quarell, ſwearing that he woulde not ceaſſe to purſue the warre agaynſte King Iohn, till hee had depriued him of hys whole Kingdome. So the Ambaſſadors depar|ted wythoute all hope to come to anye agree|ment.
[1] Thys yeare Eaſter day fell ſo high as it poſ|ſibly might, that is to witte, on Saint Markes day.
[1] [2] King Philip vnderſtanding that king Iohn remayned ſtill in Englande, rather occupyed in gathering of money amongſt his ſubiects, than in making other prouiſion to bring them into the fielde (to the greate offence of hys ſayde people) thought nowe for his parte to loſe no tyme: but aſſembling a mightie armie,Townes [...] by the F [...] king. hee came with the ſame into Normandie, and vpon his firſt com|ming, hee wanne the Towne of Falayſe, and ſhortly after was Dampfront deliuered vnto him by ſurrender. This done, he marched fur|ther into the Countrey, and with his ſodaine in|uaſion ſo oppreſſed the people euery where, that they coulde haue no time to make ſhift by flight to get into the townes. With this ſwiftneſſe of ſpeede, hee brought alſo ſuche a feare into the heartes of moſte menne, that hee wanne all the Countrey of Normandie euen vnto Mounte Saint Michaell. The inhabitants in euery place ſubmitting themſelues, as thoſe of Bayeulx, Cõ|ſtances, Liſeux, and other townes there aboutes. Finally, he came before Rouen,Rouen b [...]+ged by the French king [...] the principal Ci|tie of all the Countrey, and incamped ſo in ſun|drie places about the Citie, that all the iſſues, en|tryes and wayes, were cloſed vp by his armie, be|ing [figure appears here on page 558] ſo deuided into ſeuerall campes, that the di|ſtance was not great from one to another, ma|king a terrible ſhew to them within. At length after he had prouided all things neceſſarie for his purpoſe, and taken good aduice of his captaynes how he ſhoulde beſt imploy his force for the win|ning of this Citie, (in which exployte he knewe the full perfection of al his paſſed conqueſts, chief|ly to conſiſt) he did manfully aſſault it, and they within as manfully defended themſelues, ſo that he got little by the aſſaultes and approches which he made. Wherevpon he fell in hande to [page 559] practiſe with the Citizens to winne them wyth meede, curteſie, gentle ſpeeche, and great promi|ſes. At length they within were ſo moued with ſuch reaſons as he vſed to perſwade them with|all, that they made requeſt for a truce to bee had for certaine dayes, wythin the tearme whereof if no ſuccor came, they couenanted to yeeld with|out any further trouble.
[1] This truce being obteyned. Ambaſſadours [figure appears here on page 559] were ſent from them of Rouen into England, to ſignifie vnto king Iohn the whole ſtate of the ci|tie, and of the truce, ſo that if ayd came not with|in the tyme appoynted, the Citie muſt needes be deliuered into the enimyes handes. The king ha|uing no armie in readyneſſe to ſende ouer, nor other ſhyft to make for the ſuccour of the Citie, permytted the Ambaſſadours to depart wyth|out comfort of any ayde, who hereupon retur|ning to Rouen, and reporting what they hadde hearde, ſeene, and founde, brought the Citie in|to great ſorrowe.The great fi| [...]elitie of the Citizens of Rouen. For whereas that Citie had euer beene accuſtomed to glorie for the greate loyaltie and faythfull fidelitie whiche the ſame had euer ſhewed towardes theyr liege Lordes and naturall Princes, nowe the Citizens per|ceyued manifeſtly, that vnleſſe they woulde caſt awaye themſelues, and loſe all they had, they muſt of force yeelde into the handes of theyr eni|myes. Wherefore yet to make theyr true alle|giance more apparant to the worlde, they ſtayed the ſurrender as long as they had anye ſtore of vittayles wythin the Citie to relieue theyr fain|ting bodies withall. [...]oue through [...]amin is ſur|rendred to the French king. And ſo in the ende vanqui|ſhed with hunger, they ſubmitted themſelues to the French king. Theyr ſubmiſſion being once knowne, cauſed all thoſe other townes whiche had not yeelded, to delyuer vp theyr Keyes vn|to the Frenche men, as Arques, Vernueill, and other.
[1] Moreouer the townes in Poictou, Tourain, & Aniou, which lately before king Iohn had reco|uered, do now again (being in no ſmal feare) yeeld themſelues vnto king Philip: ſo that of all the townes within thoſe Countreys there remayned none vnder the Engliſh obeiſance,Mat. Par. ſaue only Ro|chelle, Tours, Niorth, and a few other. And thus Normãdy which king Rollo had purchaſed and gotten .316. yeares before that preſent time, was then recouered by the Frenchmen, to the great re|proche and diſhonour of the Engliſhe, in this yeare .1204.
[1] About this time, Queene Elenor the mother of king Iohn departed this life, conſumed rather through ſorow and anguiſh of minde than of a|ny other naturall infirmitie.
[1] In this ſixt yeare of king Iohns raigne,By Raufe Cogheſhals report this ſhould ſeeme to haue chan|ced in the dayes of king Henrie the ſeconde. A fiſh like to a man. at Oreford in Suffolke, as Fabian hath (although I thinke he be deceiued in the time) a fiſh was ta|ken by fiſhers in their nettes as they were at ſea, reſembling in ſhape a wilde or ſauage man, whõ they preſented vnto Sir Bartholmew de Glan|uille knight, that had then the keeping of the Ca|ſtell of Oreford in Suffolk. Naked he was, and in all his limmes and members reſembling the right proportion of a man. He had heares alſo in the vſual parts of his body, albeit that on ye crown of his head he was balde: his beard was ſide and rugged, and his breaſt verie hearie. The knight cauſed him to be kept certaine dayes and nightes from the ſea. Meate ſet afore him he greedily de|uoured, and eate fiſhe both raw and ſodde. Thoſe that were rawe he preſſed in his hande tyll he had thruſt out all the moyſture, and ſo then he did eate them. Hee woulde not, or coulde not vtter a|ny ſpeeche, although to trye him they hung hym vppe by the heeles, and myſerably tormented him. He woulde get him to his Couche at the ſetting of the Sunne, and ryſe agayne when it roſe.
[1] One day they brought him to the hauen, and ſuffered him to go into the ſea, but to be ſure hee ſhould not eſcape from them, they ſet three ranks of mightie ſtrong nettes before him, ſo to catche him againe at their pleaſure (as they ymagined) but he ſtreyght wayes dyuing downe to the bot|tome of the water, gotte paſt all the Nettes, and comming vppe ſhewed himſelfe to them againe, that ſtoode wayting for him, and dowking dy|uerſe tymes vnder water and comming vp a|gayne, hee behelde them on the Shore that ſtoode ſtill looking at him, who ſeemed as it were to mocke them, for that he had deceyued them, and gotte paſt theyr Nettes. At length after hee had thus played him a great while in the water, and that there was no more hope of hys returne, he came to them againe of his owne accorde, ſwim|ming through the water, and remayned wyth them two Monethes after. But finally, when hee was negligently looked to, and howe ſee|med not to bee regarded, hee fledde ſecretelye to [page 560] the ſea, and was neuer after ſeene nor heard of.
[1] This much out of Raufe Cogheſhall, who affyrmeth that this chaunced in the dayes of Henrie the ſeconde,Iohn Stow. aboute the .xxxiij. of hys raigne, as Iohn Stowe in his Summarie hath alſo noted.
[1] The warre was mightily mainteyned all this while betwixt them of Poictou and Aquitayne, and many ſharpe encounters chaunced betwyxt the partyes, of which the one following the king of Englandes Litutenaunt Robert de Turn|ham, valiantly reſiſted the other that helde wyth the French king vnder the conduct of William des Roches, and Hugh le Brun erle of Marche, chiefe leaders of that faction. But Robert de Turnham, togyther with Sauarie de Maulcon, and Gerarde de Atie, bare themſelues ſo manful|ly, that in all conflictes for the moſt part, the victorie remayned on their ſides.
The Gaſcoignes alſo tooke part with king Iohn, and continued in dutifull obedience to|wardes him, for the which theyr loyaltie, he was readie to conſider them with princely gyftes, and beneficiall rewardes, in ſuch bountifull wiſe, that hee gaue vnto a Noble man of that Countrey named Moreue, the ſumme of .xxviij. thouſande Markes to leuie and wage thirtie thouſande men to ayde hym at his comming ouer into thoſe partyes.
The Archbiſhop of Burdeaux, that was bro|ther vnto the foreſaid Moreue, became ſuretie for performance of the couenants, and remayned in England a long time, bycauſe the ſame couenãts were not in all poynts accompliſhed.
[1] The Biſhop of London was ſent Ambaſſa|dour from king Iohn vnto the Emperour vpon certaine earneſt buſineſſe. The Duke of Lo|uayne, and the Earle of Bollongne were made friendes by the French Kings drift, and promiſed to inuade Englande wyth an armye, and to make warre agaynſt King Iohn for the with|holding of ſuche landes and reuenues as they claymed to be due vnto them, in right of theyr wyues.
[1] King Philip alſo vndertooke to follow them within a Month after they ſhould be entred into Englande, and thus did the French king ſeeke to make him ſtrong with friends, which dayly fell from king Iohn on eche hande. Godfrey biſhop of Wincheſter, that was ſonne to the Lorde Ri|chard de Lucy departed this life.
[1] This yeare the King was on Chriſtmaſſe day at Teukeſburie,1205 where hee ſtayed not paſt one day.
[1] An extreeme froſt.The .xiiij. day of Ianuarie it began to freeſe, and ſo continued tyll the .xxij. of Marche, wyth ſuch extreemitie, that the huſbande men coulde not make their tilth, by reaſon whereof in the Sommer following corne began to grow to an exceſſiue price, ſo that wheate was ſolde by the quarter at .xij.ſs. of money then currant.
[1] This yeare about the feaſt of Pentecoſt,
An. Re [...] Polidor. Mat. Pa [...]
King Iohn prepare [...]
[...] armie to [...] into Fr [...]
[2] The Nobles of the realme endeuoured them|ſelues alſo to matche the diligence
of the king in this preparation, vpon an erneſt deſire to reuenge the
iniuries lately done to the common wealth. And when all things were readie,
and the ſhippes fraught with vittayles, armour, and al other pro|viſions
neceſſarie, the King came to Porcheſter, there to take the Sea, purpoſing
verily to paſſe ouer into Fraunce, in hope of ſuche fayre promi|ſes as his
friendes of Normandie and Poictou had made, in ſending oftentymes to him, to
pro|cure him wyth ſpeede to come to theyr ſuccours. But nowe euen as the
king was readie to enter a Shipbourde,
Raufe Co [...]
The Arch [...]|ſhop of C [...]+terburie, [...] the Earle of Pembroke [...] ſwade the [...] to ſtay at home.
[1] The Lordes and other that were diſmiſſed, tooke it verie euill, conſidering the great prepara|tion that had bin made for that iourney. But ſpe|cially the Mariners were ſore offended, curſing the Archbiſhop, and the ſayde Earle of Pem|brooke, that were knowne to bee Authours of ſo naughtie counſayle as they tooke this to be.
[1] It was thought there was neuer ſo many ſhippes got togither at one tyme before, as were at that preſent, to haue attended the King: for (as wryters haue recorded) there were to the number of fourteene thouſande Mariners that had brought theyr Shippes thyther for that pur|poſe. But as the breaking vp of this voyage grieued others, ſo it pynched the King ſo neare the heart,The king [...]+penting [...] goeth back to the [...] that hee beeing come backe from the Sea ſide to Wincheſter, repented ſo muche that he had not gone forwarde with his iourney, that the next day he returned again to the coaſt, and at [page 561] Porteſmouth, entring the ſea with his ſhips, on the .xv. of Iuly he ſailed to the Ile of Wight, and wafted vp and downe for the ſpace of two dayes togither, [...]e goeth to [...]e ſea the .xv. [...]uly, as ſom [...]thors haue. till by aduice of his friendes, he was per|ſwaded not to aduenture to paſſe ouer, ſithe his armie was diſmiſſed and gone home, and ſo hee returned backe to the Shore againe, arriuing at Stodlande, neare vnto Warham the thirde day [figure appears here on page 561] after his ſetting forth: yet ſuch as were behynde, and haſted after him, thought verily he had beene gone ouer, and ſuche a bruyte was ſpredde ouer all, tyll at length in tyme the truthe was knowne.
[1] At his comming backe (as ſome write) hee charged certaine of the Nobilitie wyth treaſon, bycauſe they did not follow him: wherevppon ſhortly after he puniſhed them ryght grieuouſly, and peraduenture not withoute ſome grounde of iuſt cauſe. For likelye it is, that ſome greater matter there was, that forced him to breake vp his iourney, than appeareth in our wryters, al|though Raufe Cogheſhall ſetteth downe ſome reaſons alledged by the Archbiſhoppe Hubert, and Earle Marſhall, to perſwade him not to de|part the Realme: But peraduenture other cau|ſes there were alſo of farre more importaunce that conſtreyned hym ſo greatly agaynſte hys mynde and full reſolution, both at the firſt, and nowe at thys ſeconde tyme to returne. Verily to vtter my coniecture, it maye bee that vppon hys laſte determination to goe ouer, hee gaue newe commaundement to hys Lordes to fol|lowe hym, and they peraduenture vſed not ſuche diligence in accompliſhing hys pleaſure therein, as hee looked they ſhoulde haue done: or it may be, when the armie was once diſchar|ged, the Souldiers made ſuche haſte home|wardes, eche man towardes hys Countrey, that it was no eaſie matter to bryng them backe againe in anye conuenient time. But howſo|euer it was, as it had beene vppon a chaunge of purpoſe, hee came backe agayne (as before yee haue hearde.)
[1] The .xiij. of Iuly Hubert Archbiſhoppe of Canterburie, departed this life at
The death of the archbiſhop of Canterbury
Mat. Par. Polidore.
[1] In verye deede (as ſome wryte) the Arche|biſhop repented himſelfe of nothing ſo muche, as for that he hadde commended King Iohn vnto the Noble menne and Peeres of the Realme, ſith hee prooued an other manner manne than hee looked to haue founde hym. Thys Arche|biſhoppe hadde gouerned the See of Canter|burie eleuen yeares, right monethes, and ſixe dayes.
[3] After his deceaſe, the Monkes of Canterbu|rie without knowledge of the
King,An Archb. cholen. choſe one Reginalde the
Subprior of theyr houſe to bee theyr Archbiſhoppe, who ſecretely wente vnto
Rome to obteyne his confirmation of the Pope, which thing bred much
miſchiefe and great diſ|corde betwixt Pope Innocent, and king Iohn, ſince
the Pope woulde not confirme the election, bycauſe he ſawe ſome peece of
ſecrete practiſe, till he might vnderſtand and be certified by report of
ſufficient witneſſe (for that he wanted the letters commendatorie from the
king) that the ſame e|lection was lawfull and orderly made. Of thys delay
alſo the Monkes being ſpeedily aduertiſed, and to the end they might now
recouer the kings fauor whom they had verye ſore offended in not making him
priuie to the firſt election, they make requeſt vnto him, that by his
nominatiõ it might be lawful for them to chooſe an other Archbiſhop. The
king gladly hereunto aſſented,
Mat. VVeſt.
Iohn Gray Biſhop of Nor|wich preſident of the counſel.
[1] Moreouer after that the French king had won Loches,Hubert de Burgh a vali|ant Captaine he
went to Chiuon, within the whiche Hubert de Burgh was Captaine, a right
valiant mã of war as was any wher to be foũd, who ha|uing prepared all
things neceſſarie for defence, manfully repulſed ye Frenchmen, which
inforced thẽſelues to win ye town with cõtinuall aſſaults &
alarmes, not ſuffring them within to reſt ney|ther day nor night, who yet
for certaine dayes togyther, by the valiant encouragement of theyr captain
defended the towne, with greate ſlaugh|ter of the Frenchmen. But
neuertheleſſe, at length beginning to
deſpayre by reaſon of their inceſſant trauaile, certaine of thẽ that were
ſomwhat faint hearted ſtale ouer the walles in the night, & ranne to
the French men, and for ſafegard of theyr liues inſtructed them of the whole
eſtate of the towne. The Frenche vnderſtanding, that they wythin were in no
ſmall feare of themſelues, with ſuche violence came vnto the walles, and
renued the aſſault vpon all ſides,
Chinon taken by force of aſſault.
[1] After this, King Philip tooke diuerſe other townes & Caſtels in that Country, of the which ſome hee razed, and ſome he fortified and ſtuffed with garniſons of his ſouldiers. This done hee paſſed ouer the Riuer of Loyr, and wan a caſtell ſituate neare vnto a promontorie or heade of land called Grapelitũ, which was wont to bee a great ſuccor to the Engliſhmen arriuing on that coaſt.
[1] The occaſion why he made warres thus to the Brytaines, was as ſome write for that Guy Duke of Brytayne, who had maried the Duches Conſtance, and ſucceeded in the Duchie after hir ſonne Arthure, without regarde to reuenge the death of the ſame Arthure, was ioyned in league with K. Iohn togither, with Sauare de Man|leon, and Almerick de Luſignian, Lords of great honor, power, and ſtoutneſſe of ſtomacke.
[1] King Iohn alſo in this meane while,
120 [...]
An. Re [...]
[1] [...]es Annales de [...]rance. [...]olidor. Finally, he entred into Aniou, and comming to the Citie of Angiers, appoynted certain bands of his footmen, and al his light horſemen to com|paſſe the towne about, whyleſt he, with the reſi|due of the footemen, and all the men of armes, did goe to aſſaulte the gates. Which enterpriſe with fyre and ſworde he ſo manfully executed, that the Gates being in a moment broken open,King Iohn [...]anne the city [...]f Angiers by [...]ault. the Citie was entred and delyuered to the Souldiers for a pray.
[1] The Citizens were ſome taken, and ſome killed, and the walles of the Citie beaten flatte to the grounde. This done, he went abrode into the Countrey, and put all things that came in his way to the like deſtruction. So that the people of the Countreyes next adioyning, came of their owne accorde to ſubmit themſelues vnto him, promiſing to ayde hym with men and vittayles moſt plentifully.
[1] King Iohn beeing verie ioyfull of this good ſucceſſe, marched towardes Poictou, ſending forth his troupes of horſemen to waſt the Coun|try on euery ſide. In the meane while the French K. being hereof aduertiſed, came forth with his army redy furniſhed to reſiſt K. Iohn, and by the way encoũtred with ye duke of Britain,The duke of Britaine and other of king Iohns [...]ilends ouerthrowne. Sauary de Mauleon, & Almerick de Luſignian, which had bin abrode to ſpoyle the French kings countries. But being now ouerſet with the kings puiſſãce, they were taken, and all their company ſtripped out of their armor, to their great confuſion.
[1] This miſhap ſore weakened the power and courage of King Iohn. But the French King prowde of the victorie, kept on his iourney, and approching neare vnto the place where King Iohn was as then lodged, did cauſe his tentes to be pitched downe for the firſt night.
[figure appears here on page 563]
[1] And on the morrowe after, as one deſirous of battaile, brought his army forth into the fieldes, raunged in good order, and readie to fight.
[1] The like did King Iohn, ſo that wyth ſtoute ſtomackes and egre myndes, they
ſtoode there in the fielde readie to trye the matter with dynt of ſworde
vpon ſounde of the warning blaſt gy|uen by the Trumpettes. When by the
media|tion of certaine graue perſonages, as well of the ſpiritualtie as of the temporaltie, which were in good
eſtimation with both the Princes, a com|munication was appoynted,
[...]at. VVest. [...]at. Par.
[...]his truce [...]s concluded [...]on Alhallo| [...]en day.
[1] About this time,Iohn Ferent [...] the Popes Legate. came one Iohn Ferentin [...] a Legate from the Pope into England, and paſ|ſing through the ſame as it were in viſitatiõ, ga|thered a great ſumme of money. And finally at Reading on the morow after Saint Lukes day, celebrated a Councel, which being ended, he cau|ſed his Coffers to bee packed vp and ſent away, haſting himſelfe after to depart the realme, and ſo taking the ſea had England farewell.
[1] About the ſame ſeaſon alſo,The Pope gi|ueth ſentence with the Mon|kes agaynſt the Biſhops. Pope Innocent confirmed the authoritie and power whiche the Prior and Monkes of Canterburie had to elect & chooſe the Archbiſhop of that ſea, gyuing ſentence agaynſt the Suffraganes which claymed a right to be ioyned with the ſayde Prior and Monkes, [page 564] in the election,See Mat. Paris Page. 287. in the printed copie. as by a letter directed to the ſame Suffraganes from the ſayde Pope it may more plainly appeare.
[1] After this it chaunced that king Iohn remem|bring himſelfe of the deſtruction of the Citie of Angiers, which bycauſe he was deſcended from thence, he had before tyme greatly loued, beganne nowe to repent him,King Iohn re|pareth the city of Angiers. in that hee had deſtroyed it, and therfore with all ſpeede he tooke order to haue it againe repayred, whiche was done in moſte beautifull wife.
1207 A taxe leuyed.
[1] A mightie tempeſt.Alſo vpon the .xvij. of Ianuarie then laſt paſt, about the middeſt of the night, there roſe ſuche a tempeſt of wind vpon a ſodaine, that many hou|ſes were ouerthrowne therewith, and ſheepe and other cattell deſtroyed, and buried in the driftes of ſnowe, whiche as then laye verye deepe euerie where vpon the grounde.
[1] In like maner, the order of Frier Minors be|ganne about this time,The Emperor Otho cõmeth into England. and increaſed
maruellouſ|ly within a ſhort ſeaſon. And
the Emperor O|tho came ouer into England in this yeare, where he was moſt
royally receiued by king Iohn, who taking counſell with the ſayde Emperor to
renue the warre againſt the French K. (bycauſe he was promiſed great ayde at
his handes for the furni|ſhing of the ſame) gaue vnto him at his departing
forth of the realme,
Fiue thouſand markes of ſil|uer, as Math. Weſt. & Mat. Par. do
An. Reg. 9.
[1] [2] In this meane while, the ſtrife depended ſtill in the Court of Rome betwixt the two elected Archbiſhops of Cãterburie, Reginald and Iohn, but after the Pope was fully informed of the ma|ner of their elections, he diſanulled them both, and procured by his Papall authoritie the Monkes of Canterburie of whom many were then come to Rome about that matter) to chooſe one Stephen Langton the Cardinall of Saint Chriſogon an Engliſhman borne,Stephen Lang|ton choſen Archb. of Can|terburie by the Popes ap|poyntment. & of good eſtimation and ler|ning in the court of Rome, to be their Archbiſhop. The Monks at the firſt werloth to conſent ther|to, alledging that they might not lawfully do it without conſent of their king, and of their couent. But the Pope as it were taking the worde oute of theyr mouthes, ſayde vnto them: doe yee not conſider that we haue full authoritie and power in the Churche of Canterburie: Neyther is the aſſent of kings or Princes to be looked for vpon elections celebrate in the preſence of the Apoſto|like Sea. Wherefore I commaunde you by ver|tue of your obedience, and vpon paine of curſing, that you being ſuch and ſo many here as are ſuf|ficient for the election, to chooſe him to your arch|biſhop whom I ſhall appoynt to you for father and paſtor of your ſoules. The Monkes doub|ting to offende the Pope, conſent all of them to gratifie him, except Helias de Brantfield, who refuſed. And ſo the foreſayde Stephen Langton being of them elected, the Pope confirmed him, and ſignified by letters the whole ſtate thereof to king Iohn, commending the ſayde Stephen as Archbiſhop vnto him.
[1] [2] The king fore offended in his minde that the Biſhoppe of Norwich was thus put beſide that dignitie, to the which he had aduaunced him,The Monk [...] of Canter [...] baniſhed. cau|ſed forthwith all the goodes of the Monkes of Canterburie to be confiſcate to his vſe, and after baniſhed them the realme, as well I meane thoſe at home, as thoſe that were at Rome, and here|with wrote his letters vnto the pope, giuing him [figure appears here on page 564] to vnderſtand for anſwere,King Iohn wryteth to the Pope. that he would neuer conſent that Stephen which had bin brought vp and alwayes conuerſaunt with his enimies the French men, ſhould now enioy the rule of the Bi|ſhoprike and dioces of Canterburie.
[1] Moreouer he declared in the ſame letters, how he maruelled not a little what the Pope ment, in that he did not conſider how neceſſarie the friend|ſhip of the king of Englande was to the Sea of Rome, ſith there came more gaynes to the Ro|maine Church out of that kingdome,Howe [...] England [...] to the C [...] of Rome. than out of any other realme on this ſyde the Mountaynes. Hee added hereto, that for the liberties of hys Crowne he would ſtand vnto death if the matter ſo required. And as for the electiõ of the Biſhop of Norwich vnto the Sea of Canterburie, ſithe it was profitable to him and to his realme, he ment not to releaſe it.
[1] Moreouer, he declared that if he might not be [page 565] heard and haue his minde, he woulde ſurely re|ſtraine the paſſages out of this realme, that none ſhould go to Rome, leaſt his lande ſhould bee ſo ſo emptied of money and treaſure, that he ſhould want ſufficient abilitie to beate backe and expell his enimies that might attempt inuaſion againſt the ſame. Laſtly of all he cõcluded, ſith the Arch|biſhops, Biſhops, Abbots, and other eccleſiaſtical perſons, as well of his Realme of Englande, as of other his landes and dominions, were ſuffici|ently furniſhed with knowledge, that he he would not goe for anye neede that ſhoulde driue hym thereto, to ſeeke iuſtice or iudgement at the pre|ſcript of any forraine perſons.
[1] [2] [3] The Popes an| [...]were vnto [...]e king.The Pope greatly maruelling hereat, wrote again to the king, requiring him to abſtaine from the ſpoyling of thoſe men that were priuiledged by the Canons of the Church, yt he would reſtore the Monkes again to their houſe and poſſeſſions, and receyue the Archbiſhop canonically elected and cõfirmed, the which for his learning & know|ledge, aſwell in the liberall ſciences, as in holye ſcripture, was thought worthy to be admitted to a prebend in Paris: and what eſtimation he him|ſelfe had of him it appeared, in that he had writtẽ to him thrice ſince he was made Cardinal, decla|ring although he was minded to call him to hys ſeruice, yet he was glad that he was promoted to an higher roumth, adding further, how there was good cauſe that hee ſhoulde haue conſideration of him, bycauſe he was borne within his land of fa|ther and mother, that were his faythfull ſubiects, and for that he had a Prebende in the Church of Yorke, which was greater and of more dignitie than that he had in Paris. Wherby not onely by reaſon of fleſh and bloud, but alſo by hauing ec|cleſiaſticall dignitie and office, it could not be but that he loued him and his realme with ſincere af|fection. Many other reaſons the Pope alledged in his letters to King Iohn, to haue perſwaded him to the allowing of the election of Stephen Langton. But king Iohn was ſo farre from gi|uing care to the popes admonitions, that he with more crueltie handled all ſuch, not only of the ſpi|ritualtie, but alſo of the temporalty, which by any maner meanes had aided the forenamed Stephẽ. The Pope being hereof aduertiſed, thought good not to ſuffer ſuch contempt of his authoritie, as he interpreted it, namely in a matter that touched the iniurious handling of men within orders of the church. Which enſample might procure hin|derance, not to one priuate perſon alone, but to the whole ſtate of the ſpiritualtie, which he would not ſuffer in any wiſe to be ſuppreſſed: therefore hee decreed with ſpeede to deuiſe remedie againſt that large encreaſing miſchief. And though there was no ſpeedier way to redreſſe the ſame, but by excõ|municatiõ, yet he would not vſe it at the firſt to|wards ſo mightie a Prince, but gaue him libertie and time to conſider of his offence and treſpaſſe ſo cõmitted. Theſe things being come to this point, the farther narration of them ſhal ſtay for a time, tyll I haue tolde you of a little trouble which a|bout this tyme happened in London. For vpon the ſeuenth of Iune, the Baylifes of London, Roger Wincheſter, and Edmond Hardell, were diſcharged, and Serle the Mercer, and Hugh of Saint Albons choſen in their roomes.
[1] The two former Baylifes were diſcharged and committed to priſon by the kings cõmaun|dement, vpon diſpleaſure taken againſt them,Baylifes of Lõ|don diſchar|ged and com|mitted to warde. by|cauſe they had reſiſted his pur [...]yer of wheat, and woulde not ſuffer him to conuey any of that kind of grayne out of the Citie, till the Citie was ſto|red. The .xxxv. rulers of the Citie, hauing fulfil|led the kings commaundement to them directed for the diſcharging of thoſe Baylifes, and impri|ſoning them, did after take aduiſe togither, and appoynted a certaine number of themſelues with other to ryde vnto the king, as then beeing at Langley, to obteyne pardon for the ſayde Bay|lifes, and ſo comming thither, they made ſuch ex|cuſe in the matter, ſhewing further, that at the ſame ſeaſon there was ſuch ſcarcitie of wheate in the Citie, that the common people were at point to haue made an inſurrection about the ſame. By which meanes, and through friẽdſhip which they had in the Court, the king was ſo ſatiſfied, that he releaſed them from priſon, and pardoned theyr offences.
[1] Alſo vpon the firſt of October,
The birth of king Henrie the thirde.
Nic. Triuet:
[1] But now againe to our purpoſe.1208 The Pope
perceyuing that king Iohn continued ſtill in his former minde, (which he
called obſtinacie) ſent o|uer his Bulles into England,
The Pope wri|teth to the Biſhops.
Mat. Par. Nic. Triuet.
[2] Theſe Biſhops with other to them aſſociate, made inſtant requeſt and ſute to
the king for the obſeruing of the Popes commaundement, and to eſchew the
cenſures of the Church: but that was in vain: for the king in a great rage
ſware, that if [page 566] eyther they or anye other preſumed to put
his lande vnder interdiction, he would incontinent|ly therevpon ſende all
the Prelates wythin the Realme out of the ſame vnto the Pope, and ſeaſe all
theyr goodes vnto his owne vſe.Romaines, that is ſuch
chaplaynes, ſtraungers, as belonged to the Pope. And further he
added, that what Romaines ſoeuer he founde within the precinct of anye his
dominions, he would put out their eyes, and ſlit their noſes, and ſo ſende
them packing to Rome, that by ſuche markes they might be knowne from al
other na|tions of the world. And herewith
he commaun|ded the Biſhoppes out of his ſight, if they loued theyr owne
health and preſeruation. Herevpon therefore the ſayde Biſhops departed, and
accor|ding to the Popes commiſſion to them ſent,
The Munday in the paſsion weeke hath Mat. VVeſt.
The king and realme put vn|der the Popes curſe.
An. Reg. 10. The dealing of the king af|ter the inter|diction was pronounced.
[1] The moſte parte of the Prelates yet wiſely prouided for themſelues in this poynt, that they would not depart out of their houſes, except they were compelled by force, whiche when the kings officers perceyued, they ſuffred them to remaine ſtill in theyr Abbayes, and other habitations, by|cauſe they had no Commiſſion to vſe any vio|lence in expelling them. But theyr goodes they did confiſcate to the kings vſe, allowing them onely meate and drinke, and that verie barely in reſpect of their former allowance.
[1] [...]n heauie time for churchmen.It was a miſerable time nowe for Prieſtes and Churchmen whiche were ſpoyled on euery hand without finding remedie agaynſt thoſe that offred them wrong. It is reported that in the bor|ders of Wales, the officers of a Sherife brought before the king a fellowe whiche had robbed and ſlaine a prieſt, deſiring to vnderſtande his plea|ſure what ſhould be done with that offender: Vn|to whõ the king made this anſwere, he hath ſlain mine enimy,Mat. Par. and therfore ſet him at libertie.
[1] The king alſo doubting leaſt the Pope ſhould proceede further, and aſſoyle all his ſubiectes of their allegiance which they ought to him, and that his Lordes woulde happely reuolt and for|ſake him in this his trouble, he tooke hoſtages of them whom he moſt ſuſpected. And as the Meſ|ſengers which were ſent abrode for that purpoſe,Lord Wil [...] de Breuſe. came vnto the Lorde William de Breuſe, requi|ring to haue his ſonnes for the ſayde purpoſe, hys wife (like a quicke and haſtie dame) taking the worde out of hir huſbandes mouth, made thys rounde anſwere, that ſhe woulde not deliuer hir ſonnes vnto king Iohn, that alreadie had ſlaine his owne nephew Arthur, whom he ought rather honourably to haue loued and preſerued. Theſe wordes being ſignified vnto the king, ſet him in ſuch an heat againſt hir huſband (though he rebu|ked hir ſharpely for the ſame) that the ſayd Lorde was glad togither with his wife and children to flee out of the realme into Irelande for ſafegarde of theyr lyues.
[1] Where as before this time the Bridge ouer Thames at London was made of tymber,Londõ l [...] repayred. and was ruled, guided and repayred by a fraternitie or Colledge of Prieſts: this yeare by great ayde of the Citizens of London and other paſſing that way, the ſame bridge was begonne to be made of ſtone. And the ſame yeare S. Marie Queries in Southwarke was begonne to be repayred.
[1] The ſame yeare alſo, the Citizens of London made ſuch ſuyte vnto the King, that they had graunted to them by his letters patens, licence to chooſe to themſelues a Maior, and two Sherifes euery yeare. After which graunt vnto them con|firmed, they choſe for theyr Maior Henrie Fitz Alwyn, who was ſworne and charged at that preſent Maior of that Citie, vpon the day of S. Michaell the Archangell, in the the ſayde tenth yeare of king Iohn his raigne. And the ſame day and yeare, were Peter Duke, and Thomas Nele ſworne for Sherifes. And the name of Baylifes from thenceforth was clearely extinguiſhed.
[1] But here ye haue to vnderſtand, that this Hen|rie Fitz Alwin had bene Maior of London long before this time,Iohn St [...] euen from the firſt yeare of king Richard (as Iohn Stow hath truly gathered out of auncient inſtrumentes and records) vnto thys preſent tenth yeare of king Iohn, and now vpon graunt made to the Citizens, that it ſhoulde bee lawfull for them to chooſe euery yeare a Maior, and two Sherifes, for the better gouernment of their citie, the ſayd Henrie Fitz Alwin was new|ly by them elected, and likewiſe afterwardes from yeare to yeare, till hee departed this life, whiche chaunced in the yeare .1213. and .xv. of king Iohns raigne, ſo that he continued Maior of the ſame Citie of London, by the terme of .xxiiij. yeares.
[1] Nowe therfore bycauſe it appeareth here how the gouernors of the Citie of London had theyr [page 567] names altered for their greater honour. And the ſtate of gouernment thereby partly chaunged, or rather confirmed. I haue thought good (though very briefly) to touch ſomewhat the ſignification of this worde Mayre, before I proceede any fur|ther with the reſt of this hiſtorie.
[2] The auncient inhabitants of Frãconia or Frã|kenland,
[...]he ſignifica| [...]on of this [...]orde Mayre.
[...]ulfg. Laz. [...]roſus.
Mat. Par.
[1] About the ſame time, Henrie Duke of Sua|ben came into Englande from the Emperour Otho, and receyuing no ſmall portion of money of the king, departed backe into his owne Coun|trey againe.
[1] In the vigill of the Epiphanie alſo, the kings ſecond ſonne was borne, and named Richard,The Eſchequer remoued. af|ter his vncle king Richarde. And the Court of the Eſchequer was remoued from Weſtminſter vn|to Northampton.
[1] [2] [3] Moreouer, in the ſame yeare, Walter Gray was made Lorde Chancellor, who in all things ſtudied to ſatiſfie the kings will and purpoſes, for the which hee incurred greate indignation of the Clergie, & other that fauored not the proceedings of the king. It was ſurely a ruful thing to cõſider the eſtate of this realme at ye preſent, when as the king neyther truſted his Peeres, neither the nobi|litie fauored the king, no there were very few that truſted one another, but eche one hid and hourded vp his welth, looking dayly when another woulde come and enter vpon the ſpoyle. The comunaltie alſo grew into factions, ſome fauoring, ſome cur|ſing the king, as they bare affection. The Clear|gie was likewiſe at deſſention, ſo that nothing preuayled but malice & ſpite, which brought forth & ſpred abrode the fruits of diſobedience to al good lawes and orders, greatly to the diſquieting of the whole ſtate. King Iohn notwithſtanding that the realme was thus wholy interdyted & vexed,An. Reg. tis Polidor. ſo that no Prieſtes coulde be founde to ſay any ſer|uice in Churches or Chapels, made yet no great account thereof as touching any offence towarde God or the Pope. But rather miſtruſting the hollow heartes of his people,A new othe of allegiance. hee taketh a newe othe of them for their faythfull allegiance, & im|mediatly thervpõ aſſẽbled an army to go againſt Alexãder K. of Scots,Alexander K. of Scots. vnto whõ (as he had herd) diuerſe of the nobilitie of this realme were fled, [figure appears here on page 567] [page 568] which Alexander was the ſeconde of that name that had ruled the Scots, and lately before was entred into the rule as lawfull ſucceſſour to the Crowne of Scotlande, by the death of his father king William.
[1] In this meane while alſo Stephẽ Archbiſhop of Canterburie lamẽting (as
ſome haue reported) the ſtate of his natiue country, and yet not min|ding to
giue ouer his hold, obteyned of Pope In|nocent, that vpon certain dayes it
might be law|ful to an appoynted number of
prieſts within the realme of Englãd, to celebrate diuine ſeruice, that is
to wit, vnto thoſe of conuentuall Churches once in the weeke.
Mat. Par.
The white Monkes.
[1] Polidor. Math. Paris.In like maner, on the other ſide, king Iohn hauing his armie in a readineſſe, haſted forth to|wards the borders of Scotland, and comming to the Caſtell of Norham, he prepared to inuade the Scots. But king Alexander wanting power to giue him battaile, ſought to come vnto ſome friendly agreement with him,Alexander K. of Scots com|poundeth for peace with king Iohn. and ſo by counſell of his Lords, caſting off his armor, he came to the king, and for a great ſumme of golde (or .xj.M. Markes of ſiluer as ſome write) with much adoe he purchaſed peace, deliuering .ij. of his daughters in hoſtage for more aſſuraunce of his dealing. Wherevpon King Iohn after his returne from Norham, which was about the .xxiiij. of Iune,Polidor. ſhewed himſelfe not a litle diſpleaſed with thoſe of the nobilitie which had refuſed to attende vpon him in that iourney, hauing receyued ſtrayt com|maundement frõ him to wayte vpon him at that time. Certes the cauſe why they refuſed to follow him, was euident, as they ſayd, in that they knew him to ſtand accurſed by the Pope.
[1] About the ſame time alſo, when corne began to waxe ripe, to reuenge himſelfe of them that had refuſed to go with him in that iourney, hee cauſed the pales of all the Parkes and Foreſts which he had within his realme to be throwne downe,Mat. Pa [...] and the ditches to be made plain, that the Deere brea|king out and raunging abrode in the corne fields, might deſtroye and eate vp the ſame before it could be ryped, for which act (if it were ſo in deed) many a bitter curſſe proceeded from the mouthes of the poore huſbandmen towardes the kings per|ſon, and not vnworthily.
[1] Moreouer in this ſeaſon the Welchmen (which thing had not beene ſeene afore time) came vnto Woodſtock, and there did homage vnto the king, although the ſame was chargeable, aſwell to the rich as the poore ſo to come out of theyr country.
[1] About the ſame time alſo, it chaunced, Mat. Par [...] A murther [...] Oxford. that a Prieſt ſlue a woman at Oxforde, and when the kings officers could not finde him that had com|mitted the murther, they apprehended three other Prieſtes not guiltie to the fact, and ſtreight way [figure appears here on page 568] hanged them vp without iudgemẽt. With which crueltie,Three thou|ſand as ſayth Mat. Paris. others of the Vniuerſitie beeing put in feare, departed thence in great numbers, and came not thither again of a long time after, ſome of thẽ repayring to Cambridge,Oxford forſa|ken of the ſcholers. and ſome to Reading to apply their ſtudies in thoſe places, leauing Ox|ford voyde.
[2] The ſame yeare, one Hugh Archdeacon of Welles, and keeper of the kings great
ſeale, was nominated Biſhop of Lincolne.
Hugh Arch [...]
[...]+con of We [...] made Biſhop of Lincolne.
Polidore. Math. Pa [...].
[1] He wente about alſo to prooue with likely ar|guments, that it apperteyned not to the Pope, to haue to do, concerning the temporall poſſeſſions of Kings or other potentates touching the rule and gouernement of their ſubiectes, ſith no power was graunted to Peter (eſpecially the chiefe of the Apoſtles of ye Lord) but only touching ye church, & matters apperteyning thervnto. By ſuch doc|trine by him ſet foorth, hee wanne in ſuch wiſe the Kings fauour, that he obteyned many great pre|fermentes at the Kyngs handes, and was Abbot of S. Auſtines in Caunterbury: but at length, when his manners were notifyed to the Pope, he tooke ſuch order for him, that hee was deſpoyled of all his goodes and benefices, ſo that afterwards he was driuen in great miſerie to begge his bread from dore to dore, as ſome write.
[2] Furthermore, about the ſame time, the Kyng taxed the Iewes,1210 and greeuouſly tormented and empriſoned them,
bycauſe diuers of them woulde not willingly pay the ſummes that they wer
tax|ed at. Amongſt other,
Math. Paris. Iue [...] taxed. there was one of them at Briſtow, which woulde not
conſent to giue any fiue for his deliuerance: wherefore by the Kyngs
commaundement he was put to this penaunce, that euery daye till he would
agree to giue to the King thoſe tenne thouſand markes that hee was ſeaſed
at, he ſhoulde haue one of his teeth plucked out of his head. By the ſpace
of ſeuen dayes to|gither he ſtood ſtedfaſt, loſing euery of thoſe dayes a
tooth, but on the eight day, whẽ he ſhould come to haue the eight tooth and
the laſt (for he had but eight in all) drawen out,A Iew
hath his teeth drawen forth. hee paide the money to ſaue that one,
who with more wiſedome and leſſe paine, might haue done ſo before, and haue
ſaued his ſeuen teeth, which he loſt with ſuch tormẽts, for thoſe homely
tothdrawers vſed no great cun|ning in plucking them foorth (as may be
coniec|tured) Whilſt K. Iohn was thus occupied,An. reg.
news came to him, that the Iriſhe Rebels made foule worke, &
ſore annoyed the Engliſh ſubiectes. He therefore aſſembling a mighty
Mat Par.
King Iohn paſ+ſeth ouer into Irelande.
Polidor. Mat. Paris.
[figure appears here on page 569]
[1] [page 570] There were twentie of the chiefeſt Rulers within Ireland, whiche came to the King at hys comming to Dublin, and there did to hym ho|mage and fealtie as apperteyned. The King at the ſame time ordeyned alſo, that the Engliſhe lawes ſhould be vſed in that land, and appoynted Sherifes and other officers to haue the order of the countrey, to rule the ſame according to the Engliſh ordinances. After this, hee marched for|ward into the land, and toke diuers fortreſſes and ſtrõg holds of his enimies which fled before him, for feare to be apprehended, as Walter de Lacy,Walter d [...] Lacy. and many other. At length, comming into the Countrey of Meth, he beſieged a Caſtell, where|in [figure appears here on page 570] the wife of William de Breuſe, and hir ſonne named alſo Williã were incloſed, but they found meanes to eſcape before the Caſtell was wonne, although afterwarde they were taken in the Iſle of Man,The Lady de Breuſe and hir ſonne taken. and ſente by the King into Englande, where they were ſo ſtraightly kept within ye Ca|ſtell of Windſor, that as the fame wente, they were famiſhed to death.
[1] [2] Wee reade in an olde hiſtory of Flaunders, written by one whoſe name is not knowen, but Printed at Lions by Guillaume Rouille, in the yeare .1562. that the ſaid Lady, wife to the Lorde William de Breuſe, preſented vpon a time vnto the Queene of Englande a gift of four hundred Kine,A preſent of white Kyne. and one Bulle, of colour all white, the eares excepted, which were redde. Although thys tale may ſeeme incredible, yet if we ſhall conſider that ye ſaid Breuſe was a Lord marcher, and had goodly poſſeſſiõs in Wales, and on the marches, in which countreys the moſt parte of the peoples ſubſtance cõſiſteth in Cattell, it may carrie with it the more likelyhoode of troth. And ſurely the ſame author writeth of ye iourney made this yere into Ireland, ſo ſenſibly, and namely, touchyng the manners of the Iriſh, that he ſeemeth to haue had good informations, ſauing that he miſſeth in the names of men and places, which is a fault in maner commõ to al foreigne writers. Touching the death of the ſaid Lady, he ſaith, that within a eleuen dayes after ſhee was committed to priſon heere in England, ſhe was found dead, ſitting be|twixte hir ſons legges, who likewiſe being dead, ſate directly vp agaynſte a wall of the chamber wherein they were kept,He himſelfe eſcapeth. with harde pittance (as writers do report.) William the father eſcaped, & gote away into Fraunce. Thus the more part of the Iriſh people being brought vnder, he appoin|ted Iohn Gray the Biſhop of Norwiche,The Biſ [...] Norwic [...] Lord li [...]+nant of I [...] to bee his deputie there, remouing out of that office Hugh Lacy, whiche bare great rule in that quar|ter before.
[1] The Biſhoppe then beeing appoynted de|puty and chiefe iuſtice of Irelande, reformed,Iriſh m [...] reformed the coine there, cauſing the ſame to be made of lyke weight and f [...]neneſſe to the Engliſh come, ſo that [figure appears here on page 570] the Iriſh money was currance, as well in Eng|land, as in Ireland, being of like weight, forme, and fineneſſe to the Engliſh.
[1] Moreouer, thoſe that inhabited the wood coũ|treys and the Mountayne places, though they would not as then ſubmit themſelues, he woulde not al that tyme further purſue, bycauſe Win|ter was at hande, whiche in that countrey ap|procheth timely in the yeare.
[1] [2] [page 571] And ſo hauing thus ſubdued the more parte of all Ireland, and ordred things there at hys plea|ſure, [...]e King re| [...]neth into [...]glande. he tooke the Sea again with much triumph, and landed in Englande about the thirtith day of Auguſt. From hence, he made haſt likewiſe to Londõ, and at his comming thither, he tooke coũ|cell how to recouer the greate charges and expen|ſes that he had bin at in this iourney, and ſo by ye aduice of William Brewer, Roberte de Turn|ham, Reignold de Cornhull, & Richarde de Ma|riſh,An aſſemble of the Prelates at London. he cauſed all the chiefe Prelates of England to aſſemble before him at S. Brides in London. [figure appears here on page 571] So that thither came all the Abbottes, Abbeſſes, Templers, Hoſpitallers, keepers of fermes and poſſeſſions of the order of Clugny, and other ſuch forreyners as had lands within this Realme be|lõging to their houſes. Al whiche were cõſtreined to pay ſuche a greeuous taxe, [...]taxe leuied. that the whole a|mounted to the ſumme of an hundred thouſande pounde.
[1] The Monkes of the Ciſteaux order, otherwiſe called white Monkes, were conſtreyned to paye fortie thouſande pounde of ſyluer at this time all their priuiledges to the contrary notwithſtan|dyng.
[1] Moreouer, the Abbots of that order might not get licence to goe to theyr generall Chapter that yeare, which yeerely was vſed to bee holden, leaſt theyr complaynte ſhoulde moue all the worlde agaynſte the Kyng, for hys harde handlyng of them.
An. reg. 13.
[...]ing Iohn [...]peth in [...]o Wales with [...] army.
Mat. Paris.
White church thinke.
[1] In the ſame yeare alſo, the Pope ſente two Legates into Englande,
Pandulfe and Durant the Popes Legates
[figure appears here on page 571]
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] The King for his part quietly heard them, and bringing them to Northampton, being not farre diſtant from the place where he met them vppon his returne foorth of Wales, had much conference with them, but at length, when they perceyued that they coulde not haue their purpoſe, neyther for reſtitution of the goodes belonging to Prieſts which hee had ſeafed vppon, neyther of theſe that apperteyned to certayne other perſons, whyche the K. had gotten alſo into his hands by meanes of the controuerſie betwixte hym and the Popes [page 572] the Legates departed, leauing him accurſed, and the land interdited, as they found it at their com|ming.Fabian. Of the maner of this interdiction haue bin diuers opinions, ſome haue ſaide, that the lande was interdited throughly, and the Churches and houſes of Religion cloſed vp, that no where was any deuine ſeruice vſed:Mat. Paris. but it was not ſo ſtraite, for there were diuers places occupied with deuine ſeruice all that time by certayne Priuiledges pur|chaſed, either then or before. Alſo children were Chriſtned, and men houſeled and annoyled tho|rough all the land, except ſuch as were in the bill of excommunication by name expreſſed. But to our purpoſe, Kyng Iohn, after that the Le|gates were returned toward Rome againe, pu|niſhed diuers of thoſe perſons whiche had refuſed to goe with him into Wales in like maner as he had done thoſe that refuſed to goe with him into Scotland: he tooke now of each of them for euery Knightes fee two markes of ſyluer, as before is recited.Reginald Erle of Bullongne. About the ſame time alſo, Reginald Erle of Bullongne being accurſed in like maner as K. Iohn was, for certayne oppreſſions done to pore men, and namely to certayn Prieſtes, he fled ouer into England, bycauſe the Frẽch K. had baniſhed him out of Fraunce.The like leage was made in the ſame firſte yeare of Kyng Iohn betwixte him and Fer|dinando Earle of Flaunders. The chiefeſt cauſe of the Frenche Kings diſpleaſure towards this Earle, may ſeeme to proceede of the amitie and league whiche was concluded betwixt King Iohn, and the ſaid Earle, in the firſt yeare of the ſaid Kings raigne, whereby they bound themſelues either to other, not to make any peace, or to take any truce with the King of Fraunce, without either others conſent firſte thereto had, and that if after any a|greemente taken betwixte them and the King of Fraunce, hee ſhoulde chaunce to make warre a|gainſt eyther of them, then ſhoulde the other ayde and aſſiſt hym againſt whome ſuche war ſhould be made to the vttermoſt of his power. And this league was accorded, to remayn for euer betwixt them and theyr heyres, with ſureties ſworne on either parte: as for the Kyng of Englande, theſe, whoſe names enſue, William Marſhall Earle of Pembroke, Ranulfe Earle of Cheſter, Ro|berte Earle of Leiceſter, Baldwine Earle of Al|bemarle, William Earle of Arundell, Raulfe Erle of Augi, Robert de Mellet, Hugh de Gour|ney, William de Kaeu, Geffrey de Cella, Ro|ger Conneſtable of Cheſter, Raufe Fitz Water, William de Albeny, Roberte de Ros, Richarde de Mõtfichet, Roger de Thoney, Saer de Quin|cy, Williã de Montcheniſe, Peter de Pratellis, William de Poole, alias de Stagno, Adam de Port, Roberte de Turnham, William Mallet, Euſtace de Veſcy, Peter de Brus, William de Preſenny, Hubert de Burgh, William de Man|ſey, and Peter Sauenye. For the Earle, theſe were ſureties, Anſelme de Kaeu, Guy Lieſchãs, Raufe the ſaid Erles brother. &c. But now to re|turne: after that the Earle of Bullongne was ex|pulſed out of Fraunce (as before ye haue heard) he came ouer vnto K. Iohn, and was of him ioy|fully receiued, hauing three C. lb. of reuenewes in land to him aſſigned within Englãd, for ye which he did homage and fealtie vnto him alſo. Short|ly after this alſo, died William de Breuſe the el|der, which fledde from the face of K. Iohn out of Irelande into Fraunce, and departing this lyfe at Corbell, was buried at Paris in the Abey of S. Victor.
[figure appears here on page 572]
[1] [2] [3] [4] Polidor.In ye meane time Pope Innocent, after ye re|turne of his Legates out of England, perceyuing ye K. Iohn would not be ordred by him, determi|ned with the conſent of his Cardinals and other coũſellors & alſo at the inſtant ſute of ye Engliſh Biſhops & other Prelates being ther with him, to depriue Kyng Iohn of his kingly eſtate, and ſo firſte aſſoyled all his ſubiects and vaſſals of theyr [page 573] othes of allegiãce made vnto the ſame King, and after depriued him by ſolomne proteſtation, of his Kingly adminiſtration and dignitie, and laſtly, ſignifieth vnto the French King and other Chri|ſtian Princes, of that his depriuation, admoni|ſhing them to purſue King Iohn, being thus de|priued, forſaken, and condemned as a common enimie to God and his Church. Hee ordeyned furthermore, that whoſoeuer employed goodes or other ayde to vanquiſh and ouercome that diſ|obedient Prince, ſhould remaine aſſured in peace of the Church, as well as thoſe whiche wente to viſit the Sepulchre of our Lord, not only in their goodes and perſons, but alſo in ſuffrages for ſa|uing of their ſoules. But yet that it might appere to al men, that nothing could be more ioyfull vn|to his holineſſe, than to haue K. Iohn to repente his treſpaſſes committed, and to aſke forgiuenes for the ſame, [...]dulfe ſent [...]o Fraunce [...]ractiſe [...]h the Frẽch [...]or K. Iohn deſtructiõ. hee appointed Pandulph, whiche lately before was returned to Rome, with a great number of Engliſh exiles, to goe into Fraunce, togither with Stephen the Archbiſhop of Caun|terbury, and the other Engliſh Biſhops, giuing him in commandement, that repayring vnto the French K. he ſhoulde communicate with him all that which he had appoynted to be done agaynſt K. Iohn, and to exhorte the Frenche K. to make war vpon him, as a perſon for his wickednes ex|communicate. Moreouer, this Pandulph was commaunded by the Pope, if he ſaw cauſe, to goe ouer into England, and to deliuer vnto K. Iohn ſuche letters, as the Pope had written for his bet|ter inſtruction, and to ſeeke by al meanes poſſible to draw him from his naughty opinion. In the meane time, when it was bruted through the Realme of England, that the Pope had releaſſed the people and aſſoyled them of their oth of fideli|tie to the K. and that he was depriued of his go|uernement by the Popes ſentence, by little and little a great number both of Souldiers, Citizẽs, Burgeſſes, Captaines, and Cõneſtables of Ca|ſtels, leauing their charges and Biſhops with a great multitude of Prieſts reuolting from him, and auoiding his company and preſence, ſecretely ſtale away, [...]ath. VVeſt. [...]at. Paris. and gote ouer into Fraunce. Not|withſtanding that, diuers in reſpect of the Popes curſe, and other cõſiderations them mouing, vt|terly refuſed in this maner to obey K. Iohn, yet there were many others that did take his parte, and maynteyne his quarrell right earneſtly, [...]e names of [...] noble men [...]t continued [...]e vnto king [...]n. as his brother William Earle of Saliſbury, Albe|ricke de Veer Earle of Oxforde, Geffrey Fitz Peter Lord chiefe Iuſtice of England, alſo three Biſhops, Durham, Wincheſter, and Norwich, Richarde Mariſh Lord Chãcellor, Hugh De|uill chiefe forreſter, William de Wrothing Lord Warden of the portes, Roberte Veipount, and his brother Yuan, Brian de Liſle, Geffrey de Lucy, Hugh Balliole, and his brother Barnard, William de Cantlow, and his ſonne William, Foulke de Cantlow, Reginalde de Cornehull Sherife of Kent, Robert Braybrooke, and his ſon Harry, Phillip de Louecotes, Iohn de Baſſing|borne, Phillippe March, Chatelaine of Not|tingham, Peter de Maulley, Robert de Gangy, Gerard de Athie, and his Nephewe Ingelrand, William Brewer, Peter Fitz Hubert, Thomas Baſſet, and Foulks de Breant a Norman, with many other, too long here to reherſe, who as fau|tors and counſellers vnto him, ſought to defende him in all cauſes, notwithſtanding the cenſures of the Churche ſo cruelly pronounced agaynſte hym.
[1] The ſame yeare, King Iohn held his Chriſt|mas at Windſor, and in the Lent following,1212 on midlent Sunday beeing at London, hee ho|nored the Lorde Alexander ſonne and heire to the Kyng of Scottes, with ye high order of Knight|hoode.
[1] And as I fynde it mentioned by ſome wri|ters,Bernewell. whereas he vnderſtoode how there were dy|uers in Scotlande, that conteinning their natu|rall Lorde and Kyng by reaſon of his great age, King Iohn wente thither with an army to re|preſſe the Rebels, and being come thither, hee ſen|deth his men of warre into the inner parts of the Countrey, who ſcouring the coaſtes, tooke Gu|thred Macwilliam Capitaine of them that mo|ued the ſedition, whome Kyng Iohn cauſed to be hanged on a paire of Gallowes.
[1] This Guthred was diſcended of the line of the auncient Scottiſhe Kynges, and beeing aſſiſted with the Iriſhmen and Scottes that fauoured not ye race of the Kyngs that preſently raigned, wrought thẽ muche trouble, as his father (named Donald) hadde done before him, ſometime ſecret|ly vnder hande, and ſometime agayne by way of open Rebellion.
[2] Shortly after, the Welchmen began to ſturre alſo and ruſhing foorthe of
their owne confynes,
The Welſh|men moue Rebellion.
Mat. Par.
Mat. Paris.
King Iohn breaketh vp his army.
Mat. Par. Math VVeſt.
Saint Mary Ouerys brent.
An. reg. [...] Mat. Pa [...]
The ga [...] my whic [...] Iohn a [...]+bled to [...]
Two kni [...] of the Te [...]
[1] [2] The Kyng vnderſtanding the meaning of the meſſengers, ſent them backe againe to bring ouer the Legate,Legate [...]ulph [...]meth ouer who incontinently tranſported ouer vnto Douer, of whoſe arriuall when the K. was aduertiſed, he went thither, & receyued hym with al due honor & reuerence, and after they had talked togither a little, and courteouſly ſaluted eache other, as the courſe of humanitie required, the Legate as it is reported, vttered his tale vnto the Kyng in this manner: [...] Legates [...]s to the [...]g.
I doe not thinke that you are ignorant, how Pope Innocẽt, to do that which to his duety apperteyneth, hath both aſſoi|led youre ſubiectes of that oth whiche they made vnto you at the beginning, and alſo taken from you the gouernaunce of England, accordyng to youre deſertes, and finally giuen commaunde|ment vnto certayne Princes of Chriſtendome, to expulſe you out of thys Kingdome, and to place an other in your roomth ſo worthely to pu|niſh you for your diſobedience and contempte of Religion, and that Phillippe King of Fraunce with the firſt being ready to accompliſh ye Popes commaundement, hath an army in a readineſſe, and with his nauie newly decked, rigged and fur|niſhed in all poyntes, lyeth at the mouth of the Riuer of Sayne, looking for a proſperous winde, that as ſoone as it commeth about, hee may ſayle therewith hither into Englande, truſting (as hee ſaith with the help of your owne people (whyche neyther name you, nor will take you for theyr Kyng) to ſpoyle you of youre Kyngdome with ſmall adoe, and to conquere it at his pleaſure, for he hath as he ſticketh not to proteſt openly to the world, a charter made by all the chiefeſt Lordes of England touching their fealtie and obedience aſſured to him. Therefore, ſith God for your iuſt deſert is wroth with you, and that you are as e|uill ſpoken of by all menne, as they that come a|gainſt you be well reported, I would aduiſe you, that whileſt there is place for grace and fauour, rather to obey the Popes iuſt demaundes, to whoſe worde other Chriſtian Princes are rea|dy to giue eare, than by ſtriuing in vayne to caſt away youre ſelfe and all others that take youre parte, or are bente to defende your quarrell or cauſe.
[1] Theſe wordes beeing thus ſpoken by the Le|gate, Kyng Iohn as then vtterly deſpayring in his matters, when hee ſaw hymſelfe conſtreyned to obey, hee was in a greate perplexitie of minde, and as one full of thoughte, looked aboute him with a frowning countenaunce, waying with himſelfe, what counſell were beſt for him to fol|low. At length, oppreſſed with the burthen of the imminent daunger and ruine, agaynſt hys will and very loth ſo to haue done, hee promiſed vpon hys oth to ſtande to the Popes order and decree. And therefore ſhortly after (in lyke manner as Pope Innocent hadde commaunded) hee taketh the Crowne beſydes his owne head,K. Iohn de|liuereth his crowne vnto Pandulph. and deliue|reth the ſame to Pandulph the Legate, neyther hee, nor hys heires at any tyme thereafter to re|ceyue the ſame, but at the Popes handes.
[1] After thys, hee promiſed to receyue Stephen the Archbyſhoppe of Caunterbury into hys fa|uour, with all other the Byſhoppes and baniſhed menne, makyng vnto them ſufficiente amendes for all iniuries to them done, and ſo to pardon them, that they ſhoulde not runne into any daun|ger, for that they hadde rebelled agaynſte hym.
[1] Then Pandulph keepyng the Crowne with hym by the ſpace of fyue dayes in token of poſ|ſeſſion thereof, at length as the Popes Vicar,Pandulph re|ſtoreth the Crowne again to the Kyng. hee reſtored it to hym againe. By meanes of thys acte (ſayth Polidore) the fame went abroade, that Kyng Iohn willing to continue the memorie heereof, made himſelfe vaſſall to Pope Inno|cente, with condition, that hys ſucceſſors ſhould lykewiſe from thencefoorth acknowledge to haue theyr righte to the ſame Kyngdome from the Pope.
[1] [2] But thoſe Kynges that ſucceeded Kyng Iohn, haue not obſerued any ſuche lawes of re|conciliation, neyther doe the autentique Chro|nicles of the Realme make mention of any ſuche ſurrender, ſo that ſuche Articles as were appoin|ted to Kyng Iohn to obſerue, perteyned vnto hym that hadde offended, and not to hys ſucceſ|ſors. Thus ſaith Polidor, howbeit,Ran. Higd. Ranulf Hig|den in hys Booke entituled Polichronicon, ſayth indeede, that Kyng Iohn dyd not onely bynde hymſelfe, but hys heires and ſucceſſors, beeyng Kynges of Englande,England be|came tributa|rie to the Pope to bee feodaries vnto Pope Innocente and hys ſucceſſors Popes of Rome, that is to ſaye, that they ſhoulde holde theyr dominions of them in fee, yeeldyng and paying yeerely to the See of Rome the ſumme of ſeuen hundred markes for England,Mat. VVeſt. and three hundred markes for Irelande.
[1] Furthermore, by reporte of the moſt auten|tique and approoued Writers, Kyng Iohn,Mat. Paris. for to auoyde all daungers whyche (as he doubted) myghte enſue, deſpairing as it were in hym|ſelfe, or rather moſt ſpecially, for lacke of loy|all duetie in hys Subiectes, condiſcended to all the perſwaſions of Pandulph, and ſo not withoute hys greate hartes greeuaunce, he was contented to take hys othe, togyther [page 576] with ſixteene Earles and Barons, who laying their hands vppon the holy Euangeliſtes, ſware with him vpon perill of ſoule, that hee ſhoulde ſtand to the iudgement of the Church of Rome, and that if hee repented him, and would refuſe to ſtand to promiſe, they ſhould then compell him to make ſatiſfaction. Heerevpon, they being altogi|ther at Douer, the King and Pandulfe, with the Earles and Barons, and a greate multitude of other people, agree and conclude vpon a final peace in forme as here enſueth:
[1] [2] [3] [4]1.7.1.
The charter of King Iohn his ſubmiſsiõ.
Johannes Dei gratia Rex Angliae,
Omnibus Chriſti fidelibus hanc chartam inſpecturis, ſalu|tem in domino.
Vniuerſitati veſtrae per hanc char|tam ſigi [...]o noſtro munitam, volumus eſſe notum, quod cum Deum & matrem noſtram ſanctam Ec|cleſi [...]m offenderimus in multis, & proi [...]dè diuina miſericordia plurimum indigeamu [...], nec qu [...]d dignè offerre poſsimus pro ſatisfactione Deo & eccleſiae de|bita facienda, niſi n [...]ſinetipſos humiliemus & re|gna noſtra, volentes noſipſos humiliare, pro illo qui ſe pro nobu humiliauit vſ ad mortem, gratia ſan|cti Spiritus inſpirante, [...]on vi interdicti, nec timore coacti, ſed nostra bona ſpontanea voluntate, ac cõ|muni conſilio Baronum nostrorum conferimus, & libere concedimus Deo & ſanctis Apoſtolis eius Petro & Paulo & ſanctae Romanae eccleſiae matrae noſtrae, ac domino P [...]p [...] Inno [...]entio, eiuſ catholicis ſucceſſoribus, totum regnum Angliae & totũ reg|num Haberniae, cum omni iure & pertinenti [...]s ſais, pro remiſsione omnium peccatorum noſtrorum, & totius generis noſtri, tã pro viuis quàm pro defun|ctis, & amodo illa ab eo & eccleſia Romana tanquã ſecundarius recipientes & tenentes, in praeſentia pruden [...] vici Pandulphi domini Papae ſubdiaconi & familiaris. E [...]inde praedicto domino Papae Inno|centio, ciuſ catholicis ſucceſſoribus, & eccleſiae Ro|manae, ſecundùm ſubſcriptam formam fecimus & iurauimu [...], & homagium ligium in praeſentia Pã|dulphi [...]ſi coram domino Papa eſſe poterimus, eidem faciemus: ſucceſſores noſtros & haeredes de vxore noſtra in perpetu [...]m obligãtes, vt ſimili modo ſum|mo Pontifici qui pro tempore fuerit, & eccleſiae Ro|manae, ſine contradictione debeant ſidelitatem prae|ſtare, & homagium recognoſcere. Ad indicium au|tem huius noſtrae perpetuae obligationis & conceſsi|onis, volumus & ſtabilimus, vt de proprijs & ſpeci|alibus redditibus noſtris praedictorum regnorum, pro omni ſeruitio & conſuetudine, quae pro ipſis facere debemus, ſaluis per omnia denarijs beati Petra, eccle|ſia Romana mille marchas Eſterlingorum percipiat annuatim: in feſto ſcilicet ſancti Michaelis quingẽ|tas marcas, & in Paſcha quingentas: Septingen|tas ſcilicet pro regno Angliae, & trecentas pro re|gno Hyberniae, ſaluis nobis & haeredibus noſtris, iuſtitijs, libertatibus, & regalibus noſtris. Quae om|nia, ſicut ſupra ſcripta ſunt, rata eſſe volentes atque firma, obligamus nos & ſucceſſores noſtros contra non venire, & ſi nos vel aliquis ſucceſſorum noſtro|rum contra haec attentare praeſumpſerit, quicunque tile fuerit, niſi ritè commonitus reſipuerit, cadat à [...]|re regni. Et haec charta obligationis & conceſsionis noſtrae, ſemper firma permaneat.
Teſte meipſo, apud domum militum templi iuxta Doueram, coram H. Dublinenſi Archiepiſcopo, Iohanni Norwicenfi e|piſcopo; Galfrido filio Petri, VV. comite Sareſberiae, VVillielmo comite Penbroc, R. comite Binonia, VV. comite VVarennae, S. comite VVinton. VV. comite Arundel VV. comite de Ferarijs, VV. Briwere, Pe|iro f [...]ito Hereberti, VVarin [...] filio Gerold [...], xv die Ma [...] anno regni noſtri decimo quarto.
[1] This deede and inſtrument being written and ingroſſed, the King deliuered it vnto Pandulfe, [figure appears here on page 576] to take with him co [...]ome, there to [...]ake [...]|rie thereof to Pope Innocente, and herewith dyd homage to ye ſame Pope, in forme as followeth.
Ego Iohannes dei gratia Rex Angliae, & do|minus Hyberniae, ab hac hora & in antea, fidelis e|ro Deo & beato Petro & eccleſiae Romanae, & do|mino meo Papae domino Innocentio, eiuſ ſucceſſori|bus catholicè intrantibus. Non ero in facto, in dicto, conſenſis vel conſilio, vt vitam perdant vel mem|bra, vel mala captione capiantur. Eorum damnum ſi ſciuero, impediam, & remanere faciam ſi potero: alio quineis quam citius potero intimabo, vel tali perſonae dicam, quam eis credam pro certo dicturã. Conſilium quod mihi crediderint, per ſe vel per nũ|cios ſuos ſeuliteras ſuas, ſecretum tenebo, & ad co|rum damnum nulli pandam me ſciente. Patrimo|nium beati Petri, & ſpecialitor regnum Angliae, & regnum Hyberniae adiutor ero ad tenendum & defendendum, contra omnes homines pro poſſe mes. Sic me adiuicet Deus, & haec ſancta Euange|lia, Amen.
Acta autem ſunt haec, vt praedictum eſt, in vigilia dominicae Aſcẽtionis ad Doueram. Anno .1213.
The engliſh whereof is as followeth.
I Iohn by the grace of God K of Englande,The w [...] fealtie [...] by King [...] to the Po [...] and Lord of Ireland, from this houre forward, [page 577] ſhall be faithfull to God and to Saint Peter, and to the Church of Rome, and to my Lorde Pope Innocentius, and to his ſucceſſors lawfully en|tring. I ſhal not be in word nor deede, in conſent or counſell, that they ſhoulde loſe life or member, or be apprehended in euill manner. Their loſſe if I may know it, I ſhal impeach and ſtay, ſo farre as I ſhall be able, or elſe ſo ſhortly as I can, I ſhall ſignifie vnto them, or declare to ſuch perſon the whiche I ſhall beleeue will declare the ſame vnto them. The councell which they ſhall com|mitte to me by themſelues, then meſſengers, or letters, I ſhall keepe ſecrete, and not vtter to any man to their hurt to my knowledge. The patri|mony of Saint Peter, and ſpecially the Kyng|domes of England and Ireland, I ſhall endeuor my ſelfe to defend againſt all men to my power, So help me God, and theſe holy Euangeliſts. &c.
Theſe things were done on the euen of the Aſcẽ|tion of our Lord, in the yere .1213.
[1] [2] [3] Pandulph hauing thus recõciled King Iohn, thought not good to releaſſe the excommunicati|on, [...]at. Paris. till the Kyng hadde performed all thinges whiche hee had promiſed, and ſo with all ſpeede hauing receyued eyghte thouſande markes ſter|ling in part of reſtitution to be made to the Arch|byſhop, and the other baniſhed menne, hee ſayled backe into Fraunce, and came to Roan, where he declared to King Philip the effect of his trauaile, and what he had done in England. But Kyng Phillip hauing in this meane while conſumed a great maſſe of money, [...]tie thou| [...]d markes [...] ſiluer ſayth [...]th. Weſt. to ye ſumme of ſixtie thou|ſande pounde, as he himſelfe alledged, about the furniture of his iourney which he intẽded to haue made into Englande, vpon hope to haue had no ſmall ayde within the Realme,The French K. diſpleaſed for the recon|ciliation of K. Iohn with the Pope. by reaſon of ſuche Byſhops and other baniſhed men as he hadde in France with him, was much offended for the re|conciliation of Kyng Iohn, and determined not ſo to breake off his enterprice, leaſt it mighte bee imputed to him for a great reproch to haue bin at ſuch charges and great expences in vayne. Ther|fore calling his councell togither, he declared vn|to them what he purpoſed to do. All his nobles in like manner held with him, and allowed his pur|poſe to be very good and requiſite, except the Erle of Flanders named Ferdinando, who in hope to recouer againe thoſe Townes which the French King helde from hym in Arthois, as Ayre, and Saint Omers, hadde ioyned ſecretely in league with Kyng Iohn,The French K. meaneth to proceede in his iourney againſt the Realme of Englande. and with the Earle of Bul|longne, and therefore miſliked the concluſion of their aduice. Howbeit, King Phillip not being yet fully certified hereof, cauſed his nauie to draw alongſt the coaſt towardes Flaunders, whyther he himſelfe haſted to goe alſo by land, that com|ming thither, he might from thence ſayle ouer in|to England, and take lande at a place to him aſ|ſigned. Now it came to paſſe, that at his com|ming to Graueline, he hadde perfect knowledge, that the Erle of Flaunders was ioyned in league with his enimies, wherefore he determined fyrſte to ſubdue the Earle, leaſt whileſt hee ſhoulde bee out of his Realme, ſome great trouble or ſedition might riſe within his owne dominions. There|fore, leauing the enterpriſe whiche hee meante to haue made againſt Englande, he turned his po|wer againſt the Earle of Flaunders,The French K. inuadeth Flanders. and firſt cõ|maunded his nauie to ſayle vnto the Porte of Damme, whileſt he himſelf keeping on his iour|ney [figure appears here on page 577] ſtill by lande, tooke the Towne of Caſſyle, and likewiſe Ypres. Frõ thence, he went to Bru|ges, and beſieged the Towne, but hee coulde not winne it at the firſte, and therefore leauing a po|wer of men to maynteyne the ſiege before it,Gaunt beſie|ged by the French king. hee himſelfe went to Gaunte, and thereto alſo layde his ſiege.
[1] In the meane time, the Earle of Flaunders [page 578] perceyuing that he was not able to reſiſt ſo puiſ|ſant an enemie as the French King, ſent ouer in haſt vnto the King of England for ayde: where|vpon King Iohn vnderſtanding that his aduer|ſarie Kyng Phillip hadde turned all his force a|gainſt the Earle of Flaunders, and that thereby he was deliuered out of the feare of the French|mens comming into England. That ſame nauy (which as before is recited,) he had put in a readi|neſſe, conteyning the number of fyue hundred ſayle, hee ſente ſtraighte into Flaunders with a ſtrong army,Mat. Paris. both of Horſemen and footemenne, vnder the guiding of William Duke of Hol|lande, William Longſpee Earle of Saliſbury, baſe brother to King Iohn, and Reginald Earle of Bullongne.
[1] Theſe Captaynes being nowe paſſed foorthe with their fleetes into the mayne Sea, eſpied a|none many Shippes lying without the hauen of Dam for the number of Shippes of the Frenche fleete was ſo greate, that the hauen could not re|ceyue them all, ſo that many of them lay at ancre withoute the hauen mouth, and all alongſt the coaſt.) Wherefore, they ſente foorthe certayne Shallops, to eſpie whether they were friendes or enimies, and what theyr number and order was.
[1] It chanced, that the ſame time, the menne of Warre which were appoynted to keepe ye French fleete, were gone foorthe, togither with a greate number of the Marriners to ſpoyle and fetche bootles abroade in the Countrey.
[1] The Engliſhe eſpials therefore, makyng ſemblance as though they had bin ſome fiſhermen of thoſe parties, came very neere the Frenche Shippes lying at ancre, and perceyuing them to be vnfurniſhed of people neceſſary to defend them, came backe to their company, and declared what they hadde ſeene, certifying theyr Captaynes that the victory was in theyr handes, if they woulde make ſpeede.
[1] The Captaynes glad of theſe newes, com|maunded theyr men to make them ready to giue battayle, and cauſing theyr marriners to make ſayle directly towards the Frenche fleete,The F [...]+men a [...] the French Shippes. at theyr firſt approch they wanne thoſe tall Shippes that lay at ancre abroade afore the Hauen, withoute any great reſiſtance the Marriners only making requeſt to haue their lyues ſaued.
[1] The other ſmaller veſſels whyche (after the tyde was gone) remayned vppon the ſandes (ſpoi|ling them fyrſte of theyr tacle and other thyngs that would ſerue to vſe) they conſumed with fire, the Marriners eſcaping by flight.
[1] Thus the Engliſhmenne hauyng diſpatched thys buſineſſe with good ſucceſſe, they ſet vppon thoſe Shippes that lay in harbrough within the Hauen. But heere was hard holde for a whyle, bycauſe the narrowneſſe of the place woulde not gyue any great aduauntage to the greater num|ber.
[1] And thoſe Frenchmenne that were gone a|broade into the Countrey, perceyuyng that the enimies were come, by the running away of the Marriners, returned with all ſpeede to theyr Shippes to ayde theyr fellowes, and ſo made valiant reſiſtance for a time, till the Engliſhmen getting on lande, and raunging themſelues on eyther ſyde of the Hauen, beate the Frenchmen ſo on the ſydes, and the Shippes crapolling togy|ther [figure appears here on page 578] on fronte,The Engliſh [...]n wan [...]e the Frenche Shippes. that they foughte as it had byn in a pight field, till that finally the Frenchmenne were not able to ſuſteyne the force of the Eng|liſhmen, but were conſtreyned after long fyghte and greate ſlaughter, to yeelde themſelues Pri|ſoners.
[1] The Engliſh Captaynes glad of this victory gotten contrary to expectation, fyrſte gaue [page 579] thankes to God for the ſame, and then manning three C. of thoſe Frẽch Shippes which they had taken fraught with corne, wine, oyle, fleſhe, and other vittayles, and alſo with armour, they ſente them away into England, and afterwards they ſet fire on the reſidue that lay on ground, whyche were aboue an hundred, bycauſe they were dra|wen vp ſo farre vpon the ſandes, that they coulde not eaſily get them out, without their farther in|conuenience.
[1] [2] [3] [4] After this, comming on lande with their po|wer, they marche foorthe into the Countrey in [figure appears here on page 579] good order of battayle, to the ende, that if they ſhould encounter with Kyng Phillip by the way comming to the reſkewe of hys Shippes, they myghte bee ready to giue him battayle, whyche thyng was not deuiſed, without good and greate conſideration. For Kyng Phillip being certified of the daunger wherein hys Shippes ſtoode by the ſuddayne commyng of his enimies, and ther|withall beeing in good hope to come to their ſuc|cours in tyme, and ere the Engliſhmenne hadde wrought their full feate, hee raiſed his ſiege, and made haſt toward the coaſt: but as he was com|ming forward towards his nauie, he was aduer|tiſed, that the enimies had wonne all his whole fleete, and were nowe marching foorth to meete him, and to giue him battayle. Alſo it was tolde him, howe Ferdinando the Earle of Flaunders, beeing certified of the victory atchieued by hys friendes, followed at his backe. Wherefore, leaſt he ſhould ſeeme ouerraſhly to committe himſelfe into manifeſt perrill, he ſtayed a little from Bru|ges, and there encamped for that day, as if hee meant to abide the comming of his enimies. The nexte morrowe,The French [...] returneth [...]to France. he raiſed, and returned towardes Fraunce, the very ſame way that hee came, no man purſuing him. For the Engliſhmen contẽ|ted with that victory whiche they hadde gotten, thought it not neceſſary to follow him with their farther hazard. In the meane time, Kyng Iohn receyuing newes of this proſperous victory thus gotten by his people, did wonderfully reioyce for the ſame, conceyuing an hope, that all his buſi|neſſe woulde now come forwarde, and growe to good ſucceſſe. This is the troth of this hiſtory,Mat. Paris. Polidor. Ia, Meir, as ſome authors haue ſet foorth, but Iames Maier in his diſcourſe of Flaunders, declareth the mat|ter ſomewhat otherwiſe, as thus: Vpon ye Thurſ|day before ye feaſt of Pentecoſt (ſaith he the Eng|liſh fleete ſetting vpon the French nauie whyche lay at ancre in the Hauen of Dam, drowned certayne of the Frenche Veſſels, and tooke to the number of four, which they conueyed away with them. Ferdinando the Erle of Flaunders hauing an army of men ready by lande, was lodged the ſame time not farre off from the coaſt, and there|fore hearing what had chaunced, came the nexte day, and ioyned with the Engliſhmen.
[1] There were yet remayning alſo diuers other of the Frenche Shippes, (beſydes thoſe whiche the Engliſhmen hadde ſonke and taken,) whiche were drawen vp further into the land warde.
[1] The Earle of Flaunders therefore, and the Engliſh Captaynes iudged, that it ſhould much hinder the Frenche Kinges attemptes, if they myghte winne thoſe Shippes alſo with the Towne of Dam, wherein the Kyng hadde layde vp a greate parte of hys prouiſion for the furniture of hys warres.
[1] Heerevppon the Engliſhmenne were ſette on lande, and ioyning with the Earles power, they marche ſtrayte towardes Dam. Thys was vppon Whitſon euen, vppon the whyche daye, as they were moſt buſie in aſſaulting the Towne and Shippes whyche laye there in the Hauen, the Frenche Kyng beeyng come away from Gaunt, ſuddaynely ſet vpon them, and [page 580] though in the beginning he found ſharp reſiſtãce, yet in the ende, the Engliſhmen and Flemmings ouerſet with the great multitude of the French|men, were putte to flighte, and chaſed to theyr [figure appears here on page 580] Shippes,The Engliſh|men and Fle|mings vanqui|ſhed by the French power. with the loſſe of two thouſand men, be|ſydes thoſe that were taken Priſoners, amongſt the which Priſoners were founde to be two and twentie Knightes.
[1] The Earle of Flaunders with the Earles of Bulleyne and Saliſbury, doubting to loſe theyr Shippes, and late gotten bootie, ſailed ſtraite in|to one of the Iles of Selande called Walkeren, then the Frenche Kyng conſtreyning them of Gaunt, Bruges, and Hipres, to deliuer vnto him pledges, cauſed the Towne of Damme, and hys Shippes lying there in the Hauen to be bren|ned,The French K. brenneth his Shippes. doubting leaſt they ſhuld come into ye hands of his enimies. And this done, hee returned into Fraunce, leauing his ſonne Lewis and the Erle of Saint Paule in garriſon at Liſle and Do|way, and for great ſummes of money which by agreement he receiued of the Townes of Gaunt, Bruges, and Hipres, he reſtored vnto them their pledges. Thus hathe Meire: and Mathew Pa|ris differeth not muche from him touching the ſucceſſe which chaunced to the Engliſhmenne by land. Heere will I ſtaye a while in the farther narration of this matter, and touche by the way a thing that hapned to Kyng Iohn about thys preſent time.
An Hermite named Peter of Pontfret, or Wakefield as ſome Writers
haue. See maſter Fox tome firſt page. and .331.
[1] This Peter about the fyrſte of Ianuary laſt paſt, had tolde the King, that at the feaſt of the Aſcention it ſhoulde come to paſſe, that he ſhould bee caſt out of hys Kingdome, and whether, to the intente that hys wordes ſhoulde be the better beleeued, or whether hee hadde too muche truſt of hys owne cunning, hee offered hymſelfe to ſuffer deathe for it, if hys Prophecy prooued not true. Heerevppon hee beeyng committed to pri|ſon within the Caſtell of Corf, when the daye by him prefixed came, without any other nota|ble domage vnto Kyng Iohn,The He [...] and his [...] hanged. hee was by the Kynges commaundemente drawen from the ſayde Caſtell, vnto the Towne of Warham, and there hanged, togither with hys ſonne.
[1] The people muche blamed Kyng Iohn, for thys extreame dealing, bycauſe that the Her|mite was ſuppoſed to be a man of greate vertue, and his ſonne nothing gilty to the offence com|mitted by hys father (if any were) againſte the Kyng.
[1] Moreouer, ſome thought, that he had muche wrong to dye, bycauſe the matter fell out euen as hee hadde prophecyed: for the daye before the Aſcention daye, Kyng Iohn hadde reſigned the ſuperioritie of hys Kyngdome (as they tooke the matter) vnto the Pope, and had done to hym ho|mage, ſo that he was no abſolute Kyng indeede as Authors affirme. One cauſe, and that not the leaſt which moued King Iohn the ſooner to a|gree with the Pope, roſe through the wordes of the ſayde Hermite, yt did put ſuche a feare of ſome greate miſhappe in hys hart, which ſhould grow through the diſloyaltie of his people, that it made hym yeelde the ſooner. But to the matter agayne.
[1] King Iohn after hys Captaines in Flaun|ders hadde ſpedde ſo well (as before yee haue hearde,) hee prepareth to make a voyage into [page 581] Guye [...]ne, not regarding much the maſter, in that the Realme ſtoode as yet interdicted. But when hee vnderſtoode by hys Lordes, that they woulde not goe with hym excepte the interdicting might fyrſte be releaſſed, and hee cleerely aſſoyled of the Popes curſſe, to the ende that Goddes wrathe and the Popes beeyng fully pacifyed towardes hym, hee myghte with better ſpeede mooue and mainteyne the warres, hee was conſtreyned to change hys purpoſe, and ſo commyng to Win|cheſter, diſpatched foorthe a meſſenger with let|ters, ſigned with the hands of foure and twentie [figure appears here on page 581] Ear [...]s and Barons,King Iohn [...]rneth to the [...]rchb. and o| [...]er the By| [...]ops to re| [...]ne. vnto the Archbyſhoppe of Caunterbury and Byſhoppes of London, Lin|colne, and Hereforde, as then ſoiourning in Fraunce, requiring them with all the other ba|niſhed menne, to returne into England, promi|ſing them by hys letters patentes, not onely a ſure ſaufeconduit for their comming ouer, out that hee woulde alſo forget all paſſed diſplea|ſures, and frankely reſtore vnto euery manne all that by hys meanes hadde bene wrongfully ta|ken from them, and as yet by hym deteyned.
[1] The Archbyſhoppe and the other Byſhoppes
receyuing the Kynges letters, with all ſpeede made haſt to come into
Englande,The Biſhops [...] returne. and ſo arri|uing at Douer the ſixteenth daye of
Iuly, with other the baniſhed menne, they goe to Winche|ſter, where the Kyng
yet remayned, who hearing that the Byſhoppes were come, went foorthe to
receyue them,
They came to Wincheſter [...]e twentith [...] Iuly. The King [...]neeleth to [...]e Archb.
[1] This was in the yeare after the birth of oure Sauioure .1213.
[1] Kyng Iohn required of the Archbyſhoppe (hauing as then the Popes power in his handes, bycauſe hee was hys Legate) to be aſſoyled,The K. pray|eth to be aſ|ſoyled. pro|miſing vppon hys ſolemne re [...]led o [...], that hee woulde (afore all thyngs) defende the Churche and the order of Prieſthoode from receyuing any wrongs.
[1] Alſo, that hee woulde reſtore the olde lawes made by the aunciente Kings of Englande, and namely thoſe of Saint Edward, which were al|moſt extinguiſhed and forgotten. And ſu [...]; that hee woulde make recompence to all menne whome he had by any meanes indomaged. This done, he was aſſoyled by the Archbiſhop,He is aſſoiled. & ſhort|ly after he ſent his Orators to Rome, to intreate with the Byſhoppe to take away the interdiction of the land. On the morrow after alſo, the Kyng ſente hys letters to all the Sherifes of the Coun|ties within the Realme, commaunding them to ſummon foure lawfull men of euery towne be|longing to the demeane of the Crowne, to make their appearance at Sainte Aldons,A queſt of inquirie. vppon the fourth day of Auguſt, that they and other might make inquiſition of the loſſes whiche euery By|ſhoppe hadde ſuſteyned, what had bin taken from them, and what ought to bee reſtored to them as due for the ſame.
[1] The Archbyſhoppe for that time takyng hys leaue of the Kyng, went to Caunterbury, where he reſtored the Monkes to theyr Abbey,The Archb. taketh poſſeſ|ſion of his Sec. and then tooke poſſeſſion of hys See, beeing the two and fortith Archbyſhoppe that hande ruled the ſame.
[1] In the meane tyme, the Kyng repayred to Porteſmouth, there to take the Sea to ſayle ouer into Poictowe, committing the rule of the Realme vnto Geffrey Fitz Peter or Fitz Peers, Lorde chiefe Iuſtice, and to the Byſhoppe of Wincheſter, commaunding them to vſe the councell and aduice of the Archbyſhoppe of Can|terbury, in gouerning thyngs touching the com|mon wealthe.
[1] [2] Herewith, there came alſo to the Kyng a great multitude of men of warre; alledging, that they had ſpent in ſtaying for him, and his going ouer ſea, all their money,The Lorde re|fuſe to follow the King into Fraunce. ſo that hee muſt now needes giue them wages, if he would haue them to paſſe ouer with him into Fraunce. The whiche when hee refuſed to do, hee was conſtreyned to take the water with his owne ſeruauntes, arriuing about a three dayes after at the Iſle of Ierſey: but per|ceyuing that none of his Lordes followed hym according to his commaundement, as one diſap|poynted of ayde, hee returned backe againe into Englande, there to take further order for thys theyr miſdemeanor. Whyleſt theſe thynges were thus in doyng, Geffrey Fitz Peeter, and the Byſhoppe of Wincheſter were come [page 582] to S. Albons, togither with the Archbiſhoppe of Caunterbury, and other Biſhops and peerer of the Realme, where the Kyngs peace being pro|claymed to all men, it was on his behalfe ſtrait|ly commaunded,King Hẽry the firſt his lawes. that the lawes of Kyng Henry his Grandfather ſhoulde be obſerued vniuerſally within his Realme and that all vniuſt lawes and ordinances ſhould be abrogated.
[1] It was alſo commaunded, that no Sherife, no forreſter, nor other miniſter of the Kynges, ſhould vpon paine of life and limme, take violẽt|ly any thing of any man by way of extortion, nor preſume to wrong any man, or to fyne any man, as they had afore time bin accuſtomed to doe.
[1] After this, the King beeing come backe from his iourney which he purpoſed to haue made into Poictow, hee aſſembled an army, and meante to haue gone againſt thoſe Lordes which had refu|ſed to goe with him, but the Archbiſhop of Can|terbury coming to him at Northamptõ, ſought to appeaſe his moode, and to cauſe him to ſtay, but yet in his furious rage he went forwarde till he came to Nottingham, and there with muche adde,The Archb. menaceth to excommuni|cate thoſe that aſsiſt the king the Archbiſhop following him with threat|ning to excommunicate all thoſe that ſhould aid him, procured him to leaue off his enterprice.
[1] [2] After thys, the Archbyſhoppe aboute the fyue and twentith day of Auguſt, came to London, there to take aduice for the reformation of things touching the good gouernemente of the common wealthe. But heere, whyleſt the Archbyſhoppe, with other peeres of ye Realm deuiſed orders very neceſſary (as was thought) for the ſtate of the cõ|mon wealthe, the King doubting leaſt the ſame ſhould be a bridle for him to reſtrayne his autho|ritie royall from doyng thyngs to his pleaſure, he beganne to fynde fault, and ſeemed, as though hee hadde repented hymſelfe of his large promi|ſes made for his reconciliation: but the Archby|ſhoppe of Caunterbury ſo aſſuaged his moode, and perſwaded him by opening vnto him what daunger woulde enſue both to him and to hys Realme, if hee wente from the agreemente, that he was glad to be quiet for feare of further trou|ble. In thys hurly burly alſo, the Lordes and peeres of the Realme (by the ſetting on of the Archbyſhoppe) were earneſtly bente to haue the Kyng to reſtore and confirme the graunt which hys Graundfather Kyng Henry the firſte hadde by his charter graunted and confirmed to his ſub|iectes, whiche to doe, Kyng Iohn thoughte greatly preiudiciall to hys royall eſtate and dig|nitie.
[...]ufe Cog.
[...]arle of [...]uze.
[1] The ſecond of October, Geffrey Fitz Peter,
Mat. P [...]
Geffrey F [...] Peere or [...] Peter dep [...]+teth this [...]
[1] The ſame time, to witte, aboute the feaſt of Saint Michaell, came Nicholas,A C [...] ſent [...] lande. the Cardinall of Tuſculane into Englande, ſente from the Pope, to take away the interdiction, if the King woulde ſtande to that agreemente whyche hee hadde made and promiſed by his oth to performe. Kyng Iohn receyued this Cardinall in moſt ho|norable wiſe, and gladly heard him in all things that he had to ſay.
[1] Thys Legate at his comming to Weſtmin|ſter, repoſed the Abbot of that place, named Wil|liam, from hys roome, for that hee was accuſed both of waſting the reuenewes of the houſe, and alſo of not able incontinencie.
[1] Moreouer,The b [...] of Oxfo [...] quire a [...]+tion. the Burgeſſes of the Towne of Oxforde came vnto hym to obteyne abſolution of their offence, in that through their preſumpti|on, the three ſcollers (of whome ye haue heard be|fore) were hanged there, to the greate terror of all the reſidue. To be ſhorte, they were aſſoyled, and pennance enioyned them, that they ſhould ſtripe them out of their apparell at euery Churche in the Towne, and going barefooted with ſcourges in their handes, they ſhoulde require the benefite of abſolution of euery the Pariſh Prieſte within their Towne, ſaying the Pſalme of Miſerere.
[1] After this,A co [...] called b [...] Cardina [...] the ſaide Cardinall called a coun|ſell or conuocation of the Cleargie, to reforme ſuch things touching the ſtate of the Churche as ſhould be thought requiſite. And though he han|dled not thys matter with ſuche fauour and vp|rightneſſe as the Biſhoppes wiſhed on their be|halfes, yet hee cauſed King Iohn to reſtore the moſt parte of all thoſe goodes that remayned vn|ſpente, and alſo the valewe of halfe of thoſe that were conſumed and made away, vnto thoſe per|ſons as well ſpiritual as temporal, from whome [page 583] they had bin taken in time of the diſcord betwixt him and the Pope.
[4] But before all things coulde bee thus quieted and ſet in order betwixte the
King, and the By|ſhops, many meetings were had, as at London, Reading, and
Wallingford, and in other places. Nowe the Archbiſhoppe and Prelates for
theyr partes thought this recompence to be but ſmall in reſpect of the great
loſſes and hinderances whiche they had ſuſteyned: and to haue the whole
reſti|tution delayed, they tooke it not
well. But the Cardinall leaned ſo to the Kyngs ſyde (hauyng receyued of hym
to the Popes vſe the charter of ſubiection of the Realmes of England and
Ire|lande, nowe bulled with golde, where at the firſte it was deliuered to
Pandulph, ſealed only with waxe. But their ſute came to little effect, and
in ye end it fell out in ſuch wiſe, that their complaynte was leſſe
regarded. The rating moreouer of the valew which the Kyng ſhoulde reſtore
vnto the Archbyſhoppe, and to the other
Byſhops, was by agreemente of the Kyng and them togither, appoynted vnto
four Barons, indifferently cho|ſen betwixt them. Yet at length that deuiſe
tooke no place: but it was otherwiſe decreede by the Pope,
[...]tution to [...]e to [...] Byſhops. that the Kyng ſhoulde reſtore to them the ſumme of
fortie thouſande markes, of the whych he had payde already twelue thouſand,
before the returne of the ſayde Archbiſhoppe and Byſhops into the Realme, and fifteene thouſande more at the late
meeting had betwixt them at Readyng, ſo that there remayned only
.13000. behynde: for not only the Kyng, but alſo the Cardinall
hadde ſent to the Pope, requiring him to take direction in the matter, and
to aduertiſe hym, that there was a great fault in the Archbyſhop and his
fel|lowes. In ſo muche, that Pandulph whiche was ſente to him from the
Legate, declared in fauoure of the King,
[...]ng Iohn [...]mended the Pope [...] an humble [...]nce. that there was not a more humble and modeſt Prince to
be found thã Kyng Iohn, and that the
Archbyſhop and hys fellowes were too hard, and ſhewed themſelues too
couetous in requiring the reſtitution that ſhoulde bee made to them for
loſſes ſuſteyned in time of the interdicti|on. Now the cauſe wherefore the
Legate and the Kyng dyd ſende vnto the Pope, was this: there was ſome grudge
betwixte the Legate and the Archbiſhoppe, for that where the Pope had
writ|ten to the Legate, how he ſhoulde accordyng to the order of the
aunſient Cannos of the Church, place in
euery Byſhoppes See and Abbey (that was vacant) meete, and able perſons to
rule and guyde the ſame,
[...]t. Paris.
[...]e preſump| [...] of the [...]all. Burton vpon Trent. Dunſtable. A Synode. Diſcord be|twixt the Car|dinall and the
Archbyſhop of Canterbury
[1] Heerevppon therefore the Legate diſpatched Pandulph to Rome vnto the Pope as is afore|ſaide, and the Kyng likewiſe ſente Ambaſſadors thither as the Byſhop of Norwich, and ye Arch|deacon of Northumberland, with other, the whi|che in the ende ſo behaued thẽſelues in their ſute, that notwithſtanding Simon Langhton the Archbyſhops brother earneſtly withſtoode them, as Proctor for the Byſhoppes, yet at length, the Pope tooke order in the matter, writing vnto hys Legate, that hee ſhoulde ſee the ſame fulfilled, and then aſſoyle the Realme of the former inter|diction.
[1] In this meane tyme, Kyng Iohn made pro|uiſion to goe ouer into Fraunce (as after ye ſhall heare) but at hys going ouer, hee committed the whole ordering of this matter vnto the Legate, and to William Marſhall the Earle of Pem|broke. The Legate therefore vppon the recept of the Popes Bulles, called a Counſell at London, & there declaring what was conteyned in ye ſame, he tooke handes for paymente of the reſidue of the fortie thouſande markes which was behinde, be|ing .13000. only as before I haue ſaide.
[1] About ye ſame time alſo,Walter Gray Biſhop of Worcetor, is remoued to the See of Yorke. Walter Gray B. of yt Worcetor, was remoued to ye gouernemente of ye See of Yorke, which had bin vacant, euer ſith the death of the Archbyſhop Geffrey. This Walter was ye three and thirtith Archbiſhop that gouer|ned that See. But nowe to returne and ſpeake of the kings affayres in the parties of beyonde the Sea.
[1] Yee ſhall vnderſtande, that hauing ſet hys buſineſſe in ſome good ſtay at
home with the Le|gate, hee applyed his ſtudy to the performance of his
warres abroade. And therefore hee firſte ſent money into Flaunders to pay
the Souldiers wa|ges,Mony ſent in|to Flaunders.
whyche hee had ſente thither to ayde ye Erle there agaynſte Kyng Phillippe.
Whiche Earle came ouer thys yeare into Englande, and at Caunterbury the Kyng
receyued hym,
Raufe Cog.
The Earle of Flanders doth homage to K. Iohn.
[1] Mat. Paris.After his returne, ſuch captaines as remayned in his countrey with their handes at the Kyng of Englandes pay,The lands of the Earle of Guiſnes waſted made a iourney into Fraunce, and waſted the landes that belonged to the Erle of Guiſnes, wanne the Caſtell of Bruncham, and raſed it, taking within it diuers mẽ of armes and demilances.
[1] They alſo wanne by ſiege the Towne of Ayre, and brent it.
[1] The Caſtell of Liens they tooke by aſſaulte, [figure appears here on page 584] and ſlewe many Souldiers that defended it, be|ſide thoſe which they tooke priſoners.
[1] Moreouer, they waſted and deſtroyed the landes whiche Lewes the Frenche Kings ſonne was poſſeſſed of in thoſe parties. In the meane tyme, Kyng Iohn hauing prepared a mighty nauie, and a ſtrong army of valiant Souldiers, tooke the Sea at Portſmouth on Candlemaſſe day, togither with his wife, hys ſonne Richarde, and Eleanor the ſyſter of Arthur Duke of Bry|tayne. Hee hadde not many of hys Earles or Barõs with him, but a great number of knights, and Gentlemenne, with whome hee landed at Rochell in ſafetie, within a fewe dayes after hys ſetting foorth.
[1] Hee tooke ouer with him ineſtimable trea|ſure as it was reported, in golde, ſyluer, and ie|wels.
[1] Immediately vppon hys arriuall at Rochell, the Barons of Poictow reuolted from ye French King, and comming in to Kyng Iohn, did ho|mage vnto him, as to their King and ſoueraigne Lord.
[1] An. reg. 16. But howſoeuer it was, after the truce began to expire which he had graunted vnto the Earles of March and Augi, on the Friday before Whit|ſonday he came with his army before the Caſtell of Meireuẽt,Meireuent. Geffrey de Lucignan. which belõged vnto Geffrey de Lu|cignam, and on ye day next enſuing being Whit|ſon eue, he wanne the ſame. And on Whitſon|day he layde ſiege vnto Nouant,Nouant. an other Caſtel belonging to the ſame Geffrey, who as then was lodged in the ſame, and alſo two of hys ſonnes: but within three dayes after that the ſiege was layde, the Earle of March came to King Iohn, and did ſo much, that through his meanes, both Geffrey, and his two ſonnes were receyued to mercy, and Kyng Iohn put in poſſeſſion of the Caſtell.
[1] After this, bycauſe King Iohn was aduerti|ſed that Lewis the Frenche Kings ſonne hadde beſieged Mountcounter,Mountcounter a Caſtell that was ap|perteyning to the ſaid Geffrey, he haſted thither|wards, and came to Parthenay, whither came to hym as well the foreſayd Earle of Marche,Parthenay. as alſo the Earle of Angy, and both they togyther with the ſayde Geffrey de Lucignam dyd ho|mage to oure Kyng, and ſo became hys liege men.
[1] The ſame time alſo,Iane the daughter o [...] King Iohn, married [...] erle of M [...] the Lady Iane the kings daughter was affianced to the ſayde Earle of Marche hys ſonne, whereas the Frenche Kyng made meanes to haue hir married to hys ſonne: but for that Kyng Iohn doubted leaſt that ſute was attempted but vnder ſome cloked pretext, he would giue no care thereto, but rather made thys matche with the Earle of Marche, in hope ſo to aſſure himſelfe of the ſaid Earle, that might ſtand him in no ſmall ſteede to defend his cauſe againſt his aduerſaries of Fraunce. But now to the do|ings in Englande.
[1] Ye haue heard before how Pope Innocẽt, ac|cording to that whiche King Iohn had required of hym by ſolemne meſſengers, directed hys [page 585] Bulles vnto his legate Nicholas, declaring vpon what conditions his pleaſure was to haue the ſentence of interdiction releaſed. Wherein firſt he commaunded that the king ſhoulde ſatiſfie and pay ſo much money vnto the Archbiſhop of Cã|terburie, and to the Biſhop of London, and Ely, as ſhould fully amount to the ſumme of .xl. M. Markes (with that which alreadie he had payed, which was .xxvij. thouſand Markes, at two ſe|ueral payments, as vpon his accounts appeared.) For true contentation and payment to bee made of the reſidue, he ordeyned that the king ſhould be ſworne, and alſo ſeale to an obligation (and cer|taine ſureties with him, as the Biſhops of Nor|wich, and Wincheſter, with the Earles of Che|ſter, Wincheſter, and Marſhall) all which things were performed at this preſent, ſo that after the aſſurance ſo taken for payment of the odde .xiij. thouſande Markes behinde, reſidue of the .xl. M. Markes, the interdiction was takẽ vtterly away, and the lande ſolemnly releaſed by the Legate, [...]e interdic| [...] releaſed. ſit|ting within the Cathedrall Church of S. Paule at London, vpon the .xxix. of Iune. in the yeare 1214. after the terme of .vj. yeares, three monethes, and .xiiij. dayes, that the realme had bene ſtryken with that dreadfull darte of correction, as it was then eſteemed.
[1] King Iohn in this meane while remayning ſtill in France, and finding at the beginning for|tune fauourable ynough vnto him, by reaſon his power was muche encreaſed by the ayde of the Poictouins, he determined to attempt the wyn|ning of Brytaine, for this cauſe ſpecially, that he might by ſo doing weaken the French kings power, and partly alſo to withdraw him frõ the warres of Flanders, on which ſide he had procu|red likewiſe the Frenche borders to bee inuaded with great force, and that not onely by the Earle and ſuch captaynes as he had ſent thither,The Emperor Otho. and re|teyned in wages, but alſo by the Emperour O|tho, who in proper perſon came downe into that Countrey himſelfe.
[1] Herevpon king Iohn went forth with all his power of horſemen, and entring into Brytaine,King Iohn in|uadeth Bry|taine. maketh rodes through the Countrey, waſting the ſame euen to the walles of Nauntes: But ſhortly after the Brytaines aſſembled togither, vnder the leading of Peter, the ſonne of Robert Earle of Drieux (the French kings vncle, who had maried the Ladie Adela, daughter to Duke Guy of Brytaine) and marching forth into the fielde to defend their Countrey from the enimies, came to ioyne with them in battaile. At the firſt there was a right ſharpe encounter, but at length [figure appears here on page 585] the Britains being vanquiſhed and put to flight, [...]e Britaines [...] to flight. a greate number of them were taken priſoners, and amongſt other their Captaines, the foreſayde Peter was one, [...]r the earle D [...]ux his [...]ne taken [...]ſoner. whome king Iohn ſent away with all the reſt vnto Angiers, to be kept in ſafe|garde vntill he ſhould returne.
[1] After this, hee beſieged a Caſtell that ſtoode vpon the banke of the Riuer of Loyer called La Roch a [...] Moyne, enforcing his whole endeuour to haue woonne it. [...]e French [...]gs ſonne [...]e to fight [...]h K. Iohn. But ere hee coulde attaine his purpoſe, he was aduertiſed that Lewes the ſonne of King Philip was comming towardes him with a great power to rayſe his ſiege, wherefore hauing no greate confidence in the Poictanins, and vnderſtanding that Lewes brought wyth him a verie ſtrong armie, hee tooke aduice of hys Counſell, who iudged that it ſhoulde bee beſt for him to breake vp his ſiege, and to depart, whiche hee did and went ſtraight way to Angiers.
[1] Lewes (after king Iohn was thus retyred,
King Iohn re|moueth to Angiers. The Poicta|nins ſubdued by the French.
[1] [2] In the meane time alſo his father king Phi|lip with like ſucceſſe, but in a foughten field van|quiſhed [page 586] the Emperour Otho at the Bridge of Bouins on the .xxviij. day of Iuly,The battaile at the bridg of Bouins. as in the hy|ſtorie of Fraunce maye more at large appeare. There were takẽ amõg other priſoners, the three [figure appears here on page 586] Erles of Flanders, Saliſburie and Bollongne. Now king Iohn being aduertiſed of that ouer|throw, was maruellouſly ſadde and ſorrowfull of the chaunce, inſomuch that he woulde not re|ceyue any meate in a whole day after the newes thereof was brought vnto him. At length tur|ning his ſorrow into a rage,The ſaying of king Iohn. he openly ſayde, that ſith the tyme that he made himſelf and his king|dome ſubiect to the Churche of Rome, nothing that he did had proſpered well with him. In deed he did condiſcende to agreement with the Pope (as may be thought) more by force than of deuo|tion, and therefore rather diſſembled with the Pope (ſithe he coulde not otherwiſe chooſe) than agreed to the couenauntes wyth any heartie af|fection.
[1] But to the purpoſe. Perceyuing himſelfe now deſtitute of his beſt friendes, of whom diuerſe re|mayned priſoners with the French king (beeing taken at the battaile of Bouins) he thought good to agree with king Philip for this preſent, by way of taking ſome truce, which by mediation of Ambaſſadors riding to and fro betwixt them,A truce taken betwixt the two kings of England and France. was at length accorded to endure for fiue yeares, & to begin at Eaſter, in the yere of our lord .1215.
[1] Then after this about the .xix. day of Octo|ber he returned into Englande to appeaſe certain tumultes which beganne alreadie to ſhewe foorth buddes of ſome newe ciuill diſſention, and ſurely the ſame ſpredde abrode theyr bloſſomes ſo freſh|ly, that the fruite was knitte before the growth by any tymely prouiſion coulde be hyndered. For the people being ſet on by diuerſe of the ſupreiors of both ſortes, fynding themſelues agreeued that the King kept not promiſe in reſtoring the aun|cient lawes of Saint Edwarde, determined from thenceforth to vſe force, ſince by requeſt he might not preuayle.
[1] The Nobles alſo ſuppoſing that longer de|lay therin was not to be ſuffred,
aſſembled them|ſelues togyther at the Abbey of Burie (vnder co|lour of going
thither to doe their deuotions to the bodie of Saint Edmond which lay there
en|ſhrined) where they vtter their complaynt of the kings tyrannicall
maners,A cloked [...] grymage. alledging howe they were oftẽtimes called forth
to ſerue in the warres and to fight in defence of the Realme, and yet
notwithſtanding were at home ſtill oppreſſed by the kings officers, who
(vppon confidence of the lawes) attempted al things whatſoeuer they
con|ceyued. And if any man complayned, and alled|ged that he receyued wrong
at theyr handes, they would anſwere by and by, that they had law on theyr
ſide, to do as they had done, ſo that it was no wrong but right which they
did, and therefore if they that were the Lordes and Peeres of the Realm were
men, it ſtood them vpon to prouide that ſuch inconuenience might bee
auoyded, and better lawes brought in vſe, by the which theyr aunceſtors
lyued in a more quiet and happy ſtate.
The Ch [...] of king H [...] the firſt. A fireb [...] diſ [...]
[1] There was brought forth and alſo read an an|cient Charter made ſomtime by Henry the firſt, (which Charter Stephẽ the Archbiſhop of Can|terburie had deliuered vnto them before in the Ci|tie of London) conteyning the grant of certain li|berties according to the lawes of king Edwarde the Confeſſor, profitable to the Church and Ba|rons of the Realme, which they purpoſed to haue vniuerſallye executed ouer all the lande. And therefore beeyng thus aſſembled in the Queere of the Church of Saint Edmond,The Ba [...] receiue [...] to main [...] their qua [...] they receyue a ſolemne othe vpon the Aulter there, that if the king would not grant to the ſame liberties, with others which he of his own accord had promiſed [page 587] to confirme vnto them, they would from thence|forth make warre vpon him, till they had obtey|ned theyr purpoſe, and enforced him to graunt, not onely to al theſe their petitions, but alſo yeeld to the confirmation of them vnder his ſeale, for e|uer to remaine moſt ſtedfaſt and inuiolate.
[1] [...]ewell.The chiefe cauſe that moued the Lordes to this conſpiracie, roſe by reaſon the king demaun|ded Eſcuag [...] of them that refuſed to go with him into Poictou: and they on the other part main|teyned, that they were not bounde to pay it, for any warres whiche the king made in the parties of beyonde the Seas. But hee to proue that hee ought to haue it, declared howe in his fathers and brothers tyme it was payed, and therefore hee ought to haue it. Much adoe there was aboute this matter at the firſt broching thereof, and more adoe there had beene, if the Legates preſence had not ſomewhat ſtayed the parties. But after they had gotten the charter of K. Henrie the firſt at the handes of the brew bate the Archb. of Cant. they made ſuch an interpretation thereof, that ſuppo|ſing it to ſerue their turnes, they proceeded in their wilfull opinions (as aboue is mentioned.)
[2] And finally it was determined amongſt them, that ſhortly after Chriſtmaſſe,
they ſhoulde go to the king, and require of him that they might haue thoſe
lawes reſtored, which hee had promiſed to them as is aforeſayde:) But
foraſmuch as they knew well that their requeſt would not be thank|fully
accepted, in the meane time they
prouided themſelues of horſe, armour, and other furniture for the warre,
thereby to be in the better readineſſe and ſafegarde, if in exhibiting their
requeſt, the matter did grow to any ſuch enforcement. They appoynted alſo
diuerſe of the moſt auncient lords to moue the ſayde matter to the king, in
all their names, who was as then at Worceſter, and be|ing aduertiſed of this
conſpiracie, as ſoone as the feaſt of Chriſtmaſſe was paſt he went ſtreight
to London:
[...]at. Par. [...]lidore.
[1] The king though ſomwhat contrarie to his nature hauing heard their requeſt, gaue them a very gentle anſwere. For perceyuing them ready with force to conſtrayne him, if by gentleneſſe they might not preuayle, he thought it ſhould be more ſafe and eaſie for him to turne their vnquiet mindes with ſoft remedies, than to goe about to breake them of their willes by ſtrong hand, which is a thing verie daungerous, eſpecially where both parties are of like force.The king pro|miſeth to con|ſider of their requeſts. Therefore he promiſed them within a few dayes, to haue conſideration of their requeſt.
[1] And to the intent they might giue the more credite to his wordes, he cauſed the Archbiſhop of Canterburie, and the Biſhop of Eke, with Wil|liam Marſhall Earle of Pembrooke (vnto whom he had giuen his daughter Elenor in maryage) to vndertake for him, and as it were to become his ſureties: which willingly they did. Herewith the myndes of the nobilitie being ſomewhat pa|cified, they returned home to theyr houſes.
[1] The king ſoone after alſo,Math. Paris. to aſſure hymſelfe the more effectually of the allegeance of his peo|ple in tyme to come,The king de|maundeth a new othe of allegeance of his ſubiects. cauſed euery man to renne his homage, and to take a newe othe to be fayth|full to him agaynſt all other perſons. And to pro|uide the more ſurely for himſelf, on Candlemaſſe day next enſuing, he tooke vpon him the Croſſe to goe into the holye lande,The king ta|keth on him the croſſe. whiche I thinke he did rather for feare than any deuotion, as was al|ſo thought by other, to the ende that he might vn|der the protection thereof remaine the more out of daunger of ſuch as were his foes.
[1] Some ſay that a great part of this variance that chaunced betwene king Iohn
and his Ba|rons,
The cauſes of the diſcorde betwixt the king and his Barons.
Fabian. Caxton.
The Earle of Cheſter.
[1] Other write, that the ſame diſſention roſe by reaſon of the great
Hec. Boetius.
The kings co|uetouſneſſe.
[1] The Prelates therefore of the realme ſore re|pining at his doings,The repining of the Cleargy agaynſt the king. for that they could not pa|ciently ſuffer ſuch exaction to be leuied of their li|uings (contrarie as they tooke it to the libertie of the Church) founde meanes through practiſe, to perſwade both the kings of Scotland & Fraunce to ayde and ſupport them againſt him, by linking themſelues togither with ſundrie Noble men of England. But theſe ſeeme to bee coniectures of ſuch wryters, as were euill affected towardes the kings cauſe.
[1] Nowe therefore to the ſequele of the matter.Polidor. The king hauing ſent away the Barons with a gentle anſwere, though he minded nothing leſſe than to ſatiſfie them in that they did demaunde, [page 588] bycauſe it made much agaynſt his royall prero|gatiue: and therewith forſeeing that the matter woulde be like to growe at length to bee tried by force, he beganne to doubt his owne eſtate, and therefore he prepared an army, and fortefied dy|uerſe Caſtelles and places with men, munition, and vitayles, into the which he myght retyre for his ſafetie in anye tyme of neede. The Barons which vnderſtoode the kings diligence herein, and confecturing thereof his whole intent, made rea|die alſo their power, appoynting for theyr gene|rall one Robert Fitz Walter,Robert Fitz Walter. a man both excel|lent in councell, and valiant in warre. And here|with they come to the Archbiſhop of Canterbu|ry, preſenting vnto him a booke, wherein was conteyned a note of all the Articles of their peti|tions, and require him to vnderſtande the Kings minde touching the ſame.The Archbi. of Canterbury moueth the K. to ſatiſfie the requeſts of the Baron. The Archbiſhop coue|ting to extinguiſh the ſedition (wherof he himſelf had beene no ſmall kyndler) and which was lyke to growe, if the Nobilitie were not pacifyed the ſooner, talked with the king, and exhorted hys grace verie inſtantly to ſatiſfie the requeſtes of his Barons, and herewith doth ſhew the booke of the Articles which they had delyuered vnto him.
[1] The king when he ſaw what they demaunded, whiche in effect was a newe order in things tou|ching the whole ſtate of the cõmon wealth, ſware in a great furie,The king re|fu [...]eth to grãt their petitions that he would neuer condiſcende vnto thoſe petitions: Wherof when the Barons had knowledge, they gat them ſtreyght vnto ar|mour,Math. Paris. making their aſſemble at Stamforde in the Eaſter weeke, whether they had drawne vn|to them almoſt the whole Nobilitie, and gathe|red an exceding great army. For the Commons flocked vnto them from euerie part, bycauſe the King was generally hated of the more parte of his ſubiects.
[1] It was eſteemed that there was in that ar|mie, the number of two thouſande knightes, be|ſyde yeomen on Horſebacke, or Demilaunces (as I may call them) and footemen apparelled in dyuerſe ſortes of Armor.
[1] [2] The names of the Lords that banded them|ſelues againſt the king.The chiefe ringleaders of this power, were theſe whoſe names enſue: Robert Fitz Water, Euſtace Veſey, Richarde Percie, Robert Roos, Peter de Breuſe, Nicholas de Stouteuile, Saer Earle of Wincheſter, Robert Earle of Clare, Henrie Earle of Clare, Richarde Earle Bygot, William de Mombray, William de Creſſey, Raufe Fitz Robert, Robert de Vere, Foulk Fitz warren, William Mallet, William de Monta|cute, William de Beauchampe, Simõ de Kime, W. Marſhal the yonger, Wil. Mauduyt, Rob. de Montibigonis, Iohn Fitz Roberte, Iohn Fitz Alane, G. Lauale, O. Fitz Alain W. de Hobrug. O. de Vales, G. de Gaunt, Maurice de Gaunte, Robert de Brakeſley, Robert de Moũfichet, W. de Lanvalley, G. de Maundeuile Erle of Eſſex, W. his brother, W. de Hũtinfield, R. de Greffey, G. Coneſtable of Menton, Alexander de Pãron, P. Fitz Iohn, Alexander de Sutton, Oſbe [...] de Body, Iohn coneſtable of Cheſter, Thomas de Muleton, Conane Fitz Hely, & many other: they had alſo of counſel with them as chief, the Archb. of Canterburie. [...] The king as then was at Ox|ford, and hearing of the aſſemble which the Ba|rons made, & that they were come to Brakeſley,Mat. [...] on the Monday next after the octaues of Eaſter, he ſent vnto thẽ the Archb. of Canterbury,The [...]+deth [...] L [...]. in whõ he repoſed great confidence, & William Marſhall Earle of Pembrooke, to vnderſtande what they ment by that their aſſembling thus togither. Whervpon they deliuered to the ſame meſſengers a roll conteyning the auncient liberties, priuiled|ges, and cuſtomes of the realme, ſignifying that if the K. would not confirme the ſame, they would not ceaſe to make him warre, til he ſhoulde ſatiſ|fie their requeſts in that behalfe.
[1] The Archbiſhop and the Earle returning to the king, ſhewed him the whole
circumſtance of
[figure appears here on page 588] that which the Barons demaunded, who
tooke great indignation thereat, and ſcornefully ſayde, why do they not aſke
to haue the kingdome alſo? Finally, he affirmed with an othe, that he woulde
neuer graunt any ſuch liberties, wherby he ſhould become a ſlaue. Hereupon
the Archb. and the erle of Pembrooke returned to the Barons, and decla|red
the kings deniall to confirme their Articles.The [...] giue: [...]+ble [...] their [...]
And then the Barons naming their hoaſt the ar|my of God, and of the
holy Church, they ſet for|warde, and firſt came vnto Northampton, and
beſieging the towne,No [...] beſieg [...]
when they coulde not pre|uaile, bycauſe the ſame was wel prouided
for de|fence aforehande, they depart from thence, & come towards
Bedford to beſiege the caſtel there,
They [...] towne [...] the C [...]
B [...] deliue [...] the [...]
[1] Whileſt they remayne here a certaine time to [page 589] fortifie & furniſh the caſtell with neceſſarie proui|ſion, there came letters to thẽ from London, gy|uing them to vnderſtande that if they woulde ſende a conuenient crew of Souldiers to defende the Citie, the ſame ſhoulde be receyued therinto at ſome meete and conuenient tyme in the nyght ſeaſon by the Citizens, who woulde ioyne wyth them in that quarell againſt the king to the vtter|moſt of theyr powers. The Lordes were glad of theſe newes, to haue the chiefe Citie of the realme to take part with them. And therfore they ſent foure handes of ſouldiers ſtreyght way thy|ther, the which were brought into the Citie in the night ſeaſon, (according to order aforehande ta|ken.) But as Mathew Paris hath, they were re|ceyued into the citie by Algate, the .xxiiij. of May being ſunday, whileſt the citizens were at Maſſe. The next day they made open rebellion, toke ſuch as they knewe fauoured the king, brake into the houſes of the Iewes, and ſpoyled them of that they had.
[1] [...] Par.The Barons hauing thus gotten poſſeſſion of the Citie of London, wrote letters vnto all thoſe Lordes which as yet had not ioyned with them in this confederacie, [...]arons [...]o other [...]nobility [...]e with againſt [...]og. threatning that if they refuſed to ayde them nowe in this neceſſitie, they would deſtroy their Caſtels, Manours, Parkes, and other poſſeſſions, making open warre vpon them as the enimies of God, and rebelles to the Church. Theſe were the names of thoſe Lordes which yet had not ſworne to mainteyne the fore|ſayd liberties, William Marſhall Erle of Pem|brooke, Reynulfe Earle of Cheſter, N. Earle of Saleſburie, W. Earle Warren, W. Erle of Al|bemarle, H. Earle of Cornewall, W. de Albeny, Robert de Veyount, Peter Fitz Herbert, Brian de Liſley, G. de Lucy, G. de Furniuall, Thomas Baſſet, H. de Braybroke, I. de Baſſingborne, W. de Cantlow, H. de Cornewall, Iohn Fitz Hugh, Hugh de Neuill, Philip de Albeny, Iohn Marſhall, and William Brewer. All theſe vp|pon the receipt of the Barons letters, or the more part of them came to London, and ioyned them|ſelues with the Barone, vtterly renouncing to ayde king Iohn.
[1] [2] Alſo the pleyes in the Eſchequer ceaſed, and the Sherifes ſtayed from executing their office.The king left deſolate of fuendes. For there was none that would pay any money to the kings vſe, nor any that did obey him, inſo|much that there remayned with him, but onelye vij. horſemen of all his trayne at one time, as ſome write) though ſoone after hee had a greate power,Polider. which came to him to the caſtell of Win|ſore, where he then lay) and ment to haue adde the ſame agaynſt the Lordes with all ſpeede: but hearing now of this newe rebellion of the Lon|doners, he changed his purpoſe and durſt not de|part from Windſore, being brought into greate doubt leaſt al the other cities of the realme would follow their example. Hereupon he thought good to aſſay if he might come to ſome agreement by way of communication, and incontinently ſent his Ambaſſadors to the Barons, promiſing them that he would ſatiſfie their requeſts, if they would come vnto Windſore to talke with him.The Lordes encamped be|twixt Stanes and Windſore The Lords hauing no confidence in his promiſe came yet with their army within three myles of Win|ſore and there night downe their t [...]utes in Mea|dow [figure appears here on page 589] betwixt Stanes and Windſore, whither king Iohn alſo commeth the .xv. day of Iune, [...] Iohn cõ| [...] to them [...]k of ſome [...]cation. [...] Paris. & ſheweth ſuch friendly coũtenance towards euery one of them, that they were put in good hope he ment no deceipt. Being thus mette, they fell in conſultation aboute an agreement to vs hadde. On the kings part (as it were) ſate the Archbi|ſhops of Canterburie and Dublin, the biſhops of London, Wincheſter, Lincoln, Bath, Worceter, Couentrie, Rocheſter, and [...]dulph the Popes [page 590] nuncio, with Almerick maſter of the knights tem|plers: the Erles of Pẽbrooke, Saliſburie, War|ren, Arundell, Alane de Galoway, W. Fitz Ge|ralde, Peter Fitz Herbert, Alane Baſſet, Hugh de Neuile, Hubert de Burgh Seneſchal of Poictou, Robert de Ropeley, Iohn Marſhall, and Philip de Albeney. On the Barons part, there were innumerable, for al the nobilitie of England was in a maner aſſembled there togither.
[1] Finally, when the king meaſuring his owne ſtrength with the Barons, perceyued that he was not able to reſiſt them, he conſented to ſubſcribe and ſeale ſuche articles concerning the libertyes demaunded, in forme for the moſt part as is cõ|teyned in the two Charters Magna Charta, and Charta de Foreſta, Magna Carea, and Carta de Foreſta. beginning
Iohannes dei gratia &c.And he did not onely graunt vnto thẽ their petitions touching the foreſayde liberties, but al|ſo to winne him further credite, was contented that they ſhoulde chooſe foorth certaine graue and honourable perſonages, which ſhoulde haue authoritie and power to ſee thoſe things perfour|med which he then graunted vnto them.
[1] There were .xxv. of thoſe that were ſo elec|ted, by name theſe. The Earles of Clare, Albe|marle, Glouceſter, Wincheſter, and Hereforde: alſo Earle Roger, Earle Robert, the Erle Mar|ſhall the yonger, Robert Fitz Water the yonger, Gilbert de Clare, Enſtace de Veſcy, Hugh By|got, William de Moumbray, the Maior of London, Gilbert de la Vale, Robert de Roos, Iohn Coneſtable of Cheſter, Richard de Percey, Iohn Fitz Robert, William Mallet, Geffrey de Saye, Roger de Mounbray, William de Hun|tingfield, Richardẽ de Mounte [...]cher, and Wil|liam de Albeney.
[1] Theſe .xxv. were ſworne to ſee the liberties graunted and confirmed by the king, to be in eue|ry poynt obſerued, but if hee went agaynſt the ſame, then they ſhoulde haue authoritie to com|pell him to the obſeruance of euery of them.
[1] Moreouer, there were other that were ſworne to be obedient, and as it were aſſiſtent vnto theſe xxv. Peeres in ſuch things as they ſhoulde ap|poynt, which were theſe: The Erle of Arundel, the Erle Warren by his attorney, Henry Doyly, Hubert de Burgh, Mathew Fitz Herbert, Robert de Pynkney, Roger Huſcarle, Robert de New|burgh, Henry de Pont Audoin, Raufe de la Hay, Henrie de Brentfielde, Waryn Fitz Geralde, Thomas Baſſet, William de Buckland, Wil|liam de S. Iohn, Alane Baſſet, Richard de Ri|uers, Hugh de Boneuale, Iurdain de Saukvile, Raufe Muſgraue, Richard Siflewaſt, Robert de Ropeley, Andrew de Beauchampe, Walter de Dunſtable, Walter Folioth, Fonkes de Brent, Iohn Marſhal, Philip Daubney, Wil. de Perea, Raufe de Normanvile, Wil. de Percy, William Agoilum, Engerand de Pratellis, William de Cirentõ, Roger de Zuche, Roger Fitz Bernerd, and Godfrey de Grancombe. It was further or|dred,Th [...] la [...] Ca [...] that the Chatelaynes or Coneſtables (as I may call them) of the foure caſtels of Northamp|ton, Killingworth, Notingham, and Scarbo|row, ſhould be ſworne to the .xxv. Peeres, to go|uerne thoſe Caſtels in ſuch wiſe as they ſhoulde haue in commaundement from the ſayde .xxv. Peeres, or from the greater part of them: and that ſuch ſhould be placed as Chatelaines in the ſame, as were thought to be moſt true and faythful vn|to the Barons and the realme.
[1] It was alſo decreed, that certaine ſtraun|gers, as Flemings and other, ſhoulde be baniſhed out of Englande.
[1] The king herevpon ſent his letters patentes vnto the Sherifes of all the Counties of hys Realme, commaunding them to ſee the ordinan|ces and liberties which hee graunted and confyr|med, to be diligently obſerued. And for the more ſtrengthning of this his graunt, he had gotten the Pope to confirme a like charter graunted the yere before. For the Pope (ſith king Iohn was become hys obedient vaſſall, & the Apoſtolike king) eaſily graunted to gratifie both him and his Lordes herein, and ſo was the graunt of the libertyes corroborate and made good wyth a double con|fyrmation, and ſo ſealed, that it was impoſſible for them to bee ſeparate in ſunder, the Kings graunt being annexed to the Popes Bull.
[1] Immediately alſo vpon the confyrmation nowe made by the king, dyuerſe Lordes came to him and required reſtitution of ſuche poſſeſſions, landes, and houſes, as he had in his handes, the ryght whereof (as they alledged) apperteyned to them: but he excuſed the matter, and ſhifted them off, tyll by enqueſt taken, it might appeare what right euery man had to thoſe things whiche they then claymed: and furthermore aſſigned them a day to be holden at Weſtminſter, which was the xvj. day of Iuly.Roc [...] [...]+ſtell [...] to the [...] of Ca [...] But yet he reſtored at that time the Caſtell of Rocheſter vnto the Archbiſhop of Canterburie.
[1] The Barons hauing obteyned a great peece of theyr purpoſe as they thought, returne to Lon|don with theyr Charter ſealed, the date whereof was this. Yeuen by our owne hande, in the Me|dow called Kuningſmede or Rimemede, betwixt Stanes and Windſore, the .xv. of Iune, in the xvij. yeare of our raigne.
[1] [2] [3] [4] Great reioyſing was made for this concluſi|on of peace betwixt the King and his Barons,Math. [...] the people iudging that God had touched the kings heart, & mollified it, whereby happy dayes were come for the Realme of Englande, as though it had beene deliuered oute of the bon|dage of Egypt: but they were much deceyued, [page 591] for the king hauing condiſcended to make ſuche graunt of liberties, [...]e kings im| [...]iency to ſee [...]elt brid| [...] by his ſ [...]o| [...]es. farre contrary to hys mynde, was right ſorrowfull in his heart, and curſed hys mother that bare him, the houre that hee was borne, the pappes that gaue him ſucke, wiſhing that he had receyued death by violence of ſworde or knife, in ſteede of naturall nouriſhment: hee whetred his teeth, hee bote nowe on one ſtaffe, and nowe on another as he walked, and oft brake the ſame in peeces when hee had done, and with ſuche diſordered behauiour and furious geſtures he vttered his griefe, in ſuche ſort that the Noble men right well perceyued the inclynation of his inwarde affection concerning theſe things before the breaking vp of the Councell, and therefore ſore lamented the ſtate of the Realme, geſſing what woulde followe of his impaciencie and diſ|pleaſant taking of the matter. And therefore they ſayde among themſelues, wo be to vs, yea rather to the whole Realme that wanteth a ſufficient king, and is gouerned by a tyrant that ſeeketh the ſubuerſion thereof. Nowe hath our ſoueraigne Lorde made vs ſubiect to Rome, and to the Ro|miſh Court, ſo that wee muſt henceforth obteyne our protection from thence. It is verie much to be feared, leaſt we doe feele hereafter ſome further peece of miſchiefe to light vpon vs ſodenly. We neuer heard of any king that woulde not gladly endeuor to withdraw his neck from bondage and captiuitie, but ours of his owne accorde volunta|rily ſubmitteth himſelfe to become vaſſall vnto euery ſtraunger. And thus the Lords lamenting the caſe, left the king, & returned to Lõdon (as be|fore ye haue heard.) But the king diſquieted not a litle for that he was thus driuen to yeeld ſo farre vnto the Barons, notwithſtanding as muche as was poſſible he kept his purpoſe ſecret, deuiſed by what meanes hee might diſappoynt all that had bin done and promiſed on his part, at this aſſem|ble betwixt him and the Lords for a pacification, (as ye haue heard) and hereupon the next day very late in the euening, [...]e king de| [...]eth into [...] Ile of [...]ght. he ſecretly departed to South|hampton, & ſo ouer into the Ile of Wight, where he tooke aduice with his councell what remedy he might find to quiet the mindes of his Lords and Barons, and to bring them vnto his purpoſe. At length after much debating of the matter, it was concluded by the aduice of the more part, that the king ſhould require the Popes ayde therein. And ſo Walter the Biſhop of Worceſter, & Iohn the Biſhop of Norwich, [...]endeth [...]baſſadors [...]he Pope. with one Richard Mariſhe his Chancellor, with all ſpeed were ſent as Am|baſſadors from the king vnto Pope Innocent, to inſtruct him of the rebellion of the Engliſh nobi|litie, & how that he cõſtrayned by force had gran|ted vnto them certain lawes & priuileges, hurtfull to the realme, and preiudiciall to his crowne. And fith that all this was done by the authoritie of the Pope, the king beſought him to make the ſame voyde, & to cõmaund the Barons to obey him be|ing their king, as reaſon required thẽ to do. There were alſo ſent by him other meſſengers,Hugh de Boues. as Hugh de Boues & others, into diuerſe partes beyond the ſea, to bring from thence great numbers of mẽ of warre and ſouldiers, appoynting them to meete him at Douer, at the feaſt of S. Michael next en|ſuing.Mat. Paris. He ſent alſo vnto al his Chatelaines & Co|neſtables of Caſtels within the realme, requiring them to prouide themſelues of all things neceſſa|rie for defence of their holdes committed to theyr charge, if they ſhuld chance to be beſieged, though it were on the next morow.
[1] His Ambaſſadors and other meſſengers be|ing thus diſpatched, and hauing but few perſons left about him, or i [...]ner none, except ſuche of the Biſhop of No [...]h his ſeruaunts, as hee had borowed of him, he calleth [...]ake priſes as any ſhips came by ſuſpected not to be his friendes, ſo ſeeking to winne the fau [...] [...] Mariners that belonged to the cinque p [...]tes, and ſo lyeth cloſe in the Ile of Wight, and there aboute the Sea coaſts, for the ſpace of there Monethes togither. In which meane time, many things were repor|ted of him, ſome calling him a fiſher, ſome a mer|chant, and ſome a pyrate and rouer. And many, (for that no certain newes could be heard of him) iudged that he was either drowned, or dead by ſome other meanes. But hee ſtyll looking for ſome power to come ouer to hys ayde, kept him|ſelfe out of the way, tyll the ſame ſhoulde be ar|ryued.
[1] [2] The Lords all this while, lie at London,Polidor. and beganne to doubt the matter, bycauſe they coulde heare no certaine newes where the king was be|come: for hee doubting (as I ſayde) the ſuretie of his perſon, conueyed himſelfe ſecretely from one place to another, lodging and taking his diet of|tentymes more meanely than was decent for his eſtate: and ſtyl he longed to heare howe his Am|baſſadours ſpedde with the Pope, who in the meane tyme comming vnto Rome,The Ambaſſa|dors comming to the Popes preſence de|clare their meſſage. and there declaring theyr meſſage at ful, tooke it vpon their ſolemne othe, that the right was on the Kings ſyde, and that the fault reſted onely on the Lords, touching the whole controuerſie betweene them and him, who ſought with great rigour and a|gaynſte reaſon to brydle him at theyr pleaſures. They ſhewed alſo a note of certayne Articles conteyned in the Charter,Mat. Par. which ſeemed to make moſ [...] for the kings purpoſe, and withall declared that the King in open aſſemblie where hee and the Barons mette to talke of ſuch matters, had proteſted that the kingdome of Englande ſpe|cially apperteyned (as tou [...] the ſoueraign|tie) vnto the Church of R [...], wherevpon hee neyther coulde nor ought without knowledge of [page 592] the Pope ordeyne any thing of newe, or chaunge ought within that kingdome in preiudice therof. Wherefore where as he put himſelfe and all the rights of his kingdome by way of appealing vn|der the protection of the Apoſtolike ſea: the Ba|rons yet without regard had to the ſame appeale, did [...]aze into their poſſeſſion the citie of London, and getting them to armor, enforced the king to confirm ſuch vnreaſonable articles, as there ap|peared for him to conſider of.
[1] [2] The Popes an|ſwere vnto the kings Am|baſſadors.The Pope hauing heard their tale, and con|ſidered of the articles, with bending browes (in witneſſe of his indignation) made forthwith this ſhort anſwere: And is it ſo, that the Barons of England quoth he) do go about to expell theyr king, which hath taken vpon him the Croſſe, and is remayning vnder the protection of the Apoſto|like ſea? and doe they meane wt deede to tranſlate the dominiõ that belogeth to the church of Rome vnto an other? By S. Peter wee cannot ſuffer this [...]urie to paſſe vnpuniſhed. Herevpõ therfore (crediting the Ambaſſadors wordes) by the ad|uice of his Cardinals, he decreed that al thoſe pri|uiledges, which the king had graunted vnto the Lords & Barons of this realme, as inforced ther|to by their rebellious attempt, ſhould be accoũted voyd and of none effect. Alſo he wrote vnto the Lords, admoniſhing thẽ by his letters, that they ſhould obey their K. vpõ paine of his curſe, if they ſhould attempt any thing that ſounded to the cõ|trary.Hec. Portius. At the ſame time likewiſe there was in the court of Rome (as Hector Boctius hath) a Car|dinal named Gnald or Wallo,Cardinall Gu [...]o. a moſt auaritious perſon, and ſuch one (as in that place ſome are ne|uer wanting) whiche for money paſſed not what he did to further any mans ſuyte, without regarde either to right or wrong, by whoſe chiefe trauaile and meanes the Pope was greatly induced to fa|uor king Iohns cauſe, and to iudge with him in preiudice of the Lordes purpoſes, as before is expreſſed.
[1] P [...]lidor.But to proceed. The Ambaſſadors being diſ|patched, [figure appears here on page 592] and hauing the popes preſcript,The [...] do [...]+ [...] f [...]th [...] and ſuch other his letters with them as they had obteyned of him, returne with all ſpeed into England vnto the K. (who was come a litle before vnto Wind|ſore caſtell) and there declare vnto him how they had ſpedde. Who being ioyfull in that they had brought the matter ſo well about for his purpoſe,The Pope [...] [...]+cree is [...]+red to the Lordes. cauſed the Popes decree to bee declared vnto the Barons, commaunding them ſtraitly for to obey the ſame. The Barons taking the matter grie|uouſly to be thus mocked, with great indignation both blame king Iohns vniuſt dealing, and the Popes wrongfull iudgement, in that he had pro|nounced agaynſt them, without hearing what they had of right to alledge for themſelues. And therefore out of hand (notwithſtanding the popes prohibition and preſcript to the contrarie) they de|termin to trie their cauſe by dint of ſworde,The [...] will tri [...] quarell [...] of ſw [...] and with al ſpeed aſſemble their powers, which for the more part they had lately diſmiſſed & ſent home. They furniſh the caſtel of Rocheſter with a ſtrõg garriſon of men, and place therein for captaine, one William Albeney, a very ſkilfull warriour.
[1] King Iohn after he vnderſtood that the Barons (contẽning the popes decree
and inhibition,) were more offended and bent againſt him than before,The king [...]+deth c [...] to the [...]
ſendeth once againe to the Pope, to aduertiſe him of their
diſobedience and great cõtumacie ſhewed in refuſing to ſtand vnto his
preſcript.The king turneth [...] the Ile of Wight. This done he returned into the Ile of
wight, and ſailed from thence vnto Douer, where diuerſe of thoſe his
cõ|miſſaries which hee had ſent to hyre ſouldiers in forraine partes
returne to him, bringing with thẽ out of diuerſe countreys ſuch a multitude
of ſoul|diers and armed men,Mat. P [...] Polid [...]. that the only ſight of them ſtroke the hearts of all the
beholders with great feare & terror. For out of the parties of
The a [...]
[...]orain ſ [...] to the k [...] ayde. Sauarie [...] Mi [...]
[1] [2] King Iohn then hauing recouered ſtrength about hym.Wil. de [...]+ney ca [...] Roche [...] Caſtell. And beeing aduertiſed that Willi|am de Albeney was entred into the Caſtell of Rocheſter with a greate number of Knightes, men of Armes and other Souldiers, haſted thi|ther with his whole armie, and beſieged them within, enforcing himſelfe by all wayes poſſible [page 593] to winne the Caſtell as well by battering the walles with Engines, [...] Iohn be| [...]th the [...]ll of Ro| [...]r. as by giuing thereto ma|ny aſſaultes: but the garniſon wythin (conſiſting of .94. knightes beſide Demilaunces, and other Souldiers) defended the place verie manfully, in hope of reſcue from the barons, which lay as them at London: but they cõming forward one dayes iourney vnto Dartforde, when they heard that the King was comming forwarde in good ar|ray of battayle to meete them, vpon conſidera|tion had of theyr owne forces, for that they were not able to match him with footemen, they retur|ned backe againe to the Citie, breaking that aſ|ſured promiſe which they had made and alſo con|firmed by theyr ſolemne othes, [...]ell. which was that if the Caſtell ſhoulde chaunce to be beſieged, they woulde not fayle but to rayſe the ſiege. At length they within for want of vitayles were conſtray|ned to yeelde it vp vnto the king, [...]eſter Ca| [...] yeelded [...]e king. after it had bene beſieged the ſpace of three ſcore dayes: duryng which time they had beaten backe theyr enimyes at ſundrie aſſaultes, with great ſlaughter and loſſe. But the king hauing now got the poſſeſſi|on of that holde, vpon a griefe conceyued for the loſſe of ſo many men, and alſo bicauſe he had lic [...] ſo long about it ere hee coulde wynne it, to his ineſtimable coſtes and charges, was determined to haue put them al to death that had kept it. But Sauarie de Mauleõ aduiſed him otherwiſe,The counſaile of Sauarie de Mauleon. leaſt by ſuche crueltie, the Barons in any lyke caſe ſhoulde bee occaſioned to vſe the ſame extremi|tie towardes ſuche of his people, as by chaunce might fall into theyr handes. And ſo the king ſpared the nobles and gentlemen, ſending Wil. de Albeney, William de Lancaſter, William de Emeford, Thomas de Muletõ, Oſbert Gifford, Oſbert de Bobye, Odynell de Albeney, and dy|uerſe other to the Caſtell of Corfe, there to bee kepte as pryſoners. And Robert Charney, Richarde Gifforde, and Thomas de Lyncolne were ſent to Notingham, and ſo other were ſent to other places.Arbaleſtiers, thoſe that bear Croſtebowes. But all the Demilaunces or yeomen (if I ſhall ſo call them) and the Arba|leſtiers whiche hadde ſlayne manye of his men during the ſiege (as Mathew Paris hath) the King cauſed to bee hanged, to putte other in feare that ſhoulde ſo obſtinatelye reſyſte hym.
[figure appears here on page 593]
[1] But as the booke that belonged to Bernwell Abbay hath, there was not any of them hanged, ſauing one onely Arbaleſtier, whome the King had brought vp of a childe. But howſoeuer the king dealt with them after they were yeelded, [...]el. true it is (as by the ſame booke it appeareth) there had beene no ſiege in thoſe dayes more earneſtly enforced, nor more obſtinately defended: for after that all the lymmes of the Caſtell had beene re|uerſed and throwne downe, they kept the maiſter Tower, tyll halfe thereof was alſo ouerthrowne, and after kept the other halfe, tyll throught fa|mine they were conſtrained to yeelde, hauing no|thing but horſefleſh and water to ſuſteyne theyr lyues withall.
[1] [2] Here is to bee remembred, that why [...] the ſiege lay thus at Rocheſter, Hugh de Bo [...] a valiant knight, but full of pryde and arrogan [...]e, a Frenchman borne, but [...]aniſhed out of his co [...]|trey, came downe to Cali [...]e with an huge num|ber of men of warre and ſouldiers to come to the ayde of king Iohn. But as he was vpon the [...]a with all his people, meaning to lande at Douer, by a ſoden tempeſt which roſe at that inſtant,Hugh de Bo|ues drowned. the ſayde H [...]gh with all his com~panie was drow|ned by ſhipwracke. And ſoone after the bodie of the ſame Hugh with the carkaſſes of other in|numerable, as well of menne, women, and chil|dren, were founde not farre from Yermouth, and all alongſt that coaſt. There were of them in all [page 594] xl. thouſand as hath Mat. Paris, for of all thoſe which he brought with him, there was (as it is ſayd) not one man left aliue. The king (as the fame went, but how true I know not) had giuen by charter vnto the ſayde Hugh de Boues, the whole Countrey of Norffolke, ſo that he ment to haue expulſed the old inhabitants, and to haue peopled it with ſtrangers. But whether this was ſo or not ſure it is that he was verie ſorowful for the loſſe of this ſuccor and ayde which thus peri|ſhed in the ſeas, though it happened very well for his ſubiects of England, that ſhould haue bin ſore oppreſſed by ſuch multitude of ſtraungers, which for the moſt part muſt needes haue liued vpon the Country, to the vtter vndoing of the inhabitants whereſoeuer they ſhould haue come.
[1] Raufe Cog.Here is to be noted, that during the ſiege of Rocheſter (as ſome write) ther came out of Frãce to the number neare hande of ſeuen thouſand men ſent from the Frenche king vnto the ayde of the Barons, at the ſute of Saer de Quineie. Erle of Wincheſter and other Ambaſſadours that were ſent from the Barons, during the time of thys ſiege, although it ſhoulde ſeeme by Mathewe Paris, that the ſayd Earle was not ſent till after the Pope had excommunicated the Barons (as after yee ſhall heare.) Theſe Frenche menne that came ouer at thys fyrſt tyme landed at Orwell, and at other Hauens there neare ad|ioyning.
[1] About this ſeaſon alſo, the Canons of Yorke (bycauſe the Archbiſhops ſea there had remayned voyde a long time) obteyning licence of the king, aſſembled togither about the election of an Arch|biſhop. And though the king had once againe er|neſtly moued them to preferre Walter Gray Bi|ſhop of Worceſter, yet they refuſed ſo to do, and therfore choſe Simon de Langton, brother to the Archbiſhop of Canterburie, which election was afterwarde made voyde by the earneſt trauaile of the king to the Pope, bycauſe his brother the ſayd Archbiſhop of Canterburie was knowne to fauor the part of the Barons againſt him, ſo that the ſayd Walter Gray was then elected and promo|ted to the guiding of the ſea of Yorke,Walter [...] elected [...] of Yo [...] according to the kings eſpeciall deſire in that behalfe.
[1] About the ſame time alſo, Pope Innocent be|ing certified, how the Barons of
England would not obey his preſcript, iudged them enimies to the Church, and
gaue commaundement to Peter the Biſhop of Wincheſter, to the Abbot of
Reading, and to the ſubdeacon Pãdulph, to pronounce the ſentence of
excommunication againſt them. But they coulde not at the firſt execute the
Popes cõ|maundement herein,The [...] C [...] fa [...] Baron [...]
by reaſon that the Archb. of Cant. who fauored the Barons cauſe,
would not permit them. Wherfore the ſame Archb. was in|terdited out of the
church, & frõ ſaying diuine ſer|uice, & alſo being cited to
appeare at Rome, was in danger to be depriued of his miter, had not
cer|taine Cardinals intreated for him, and obteyned his pardon. The Archb.
being gone to Rome, as well to excuſe himſelf in this matter, as to be
pre|ſent at the generall Councel there holden at that
[figure appears here on page 594]
time (for he was readie to goe take the ſea thither|wardes when the Biſhop
of Wincheſter & Pan|dulph came to him with the popes letters) the
ſaid Biſhop of Wincheſter and Pandulph proceed to the pronouncing of the
excomunication againſt the Barons renuing the ſame euery ſunday and
Math. Paris.
The Barons deuounced ac|curſed by the Popes com|maundement.
[2] But now to returne to king Iohn. After he had wonne the caſtel of Rocheſter
(as before you haue heard) he haſted to S. Albons, and there hee [page 593] deuided his army into two partes,
[...]ng Iohn de| [...]eth his ar| [...] into two [...]es. appoynting the one to remaine in the parties about
London, whileſt he himſelfe with the other might goe into the north parties
to waſt and deſtroy the poſſeſſi|ons of certaine Lordes there, which (as he
was informed) went about to rayſe an armie agaynſt him.
[...]lidore. [...]at. Paris. He made Captaines of that armie which he left
behinde him, his brother William, Earle of Saleſburie, Sauarie de Mauleon,
William Brewer, Walter Buc, and others. He himſelfe departed frõ S. Albons
about the .xxj. day of De|cember, leading
his ſayd army northwardes. In which were chiefe captaines theſe that
followe, Wil. Erle of Albemarle, Philip de Albeney, and Iohn Marſhal. Alſo
of ſtraũgers, Gerard de So|tigam, & Godſtall with the Flemings, the
[...]ng Iohn go [...] northward
Mat. Par.
[...]otingham. 1216 Beuer Caſtell ſummoned to yeelde. William de Albeney.
[1] On the next morow being S. Iohns day,The Caſtell of Beauoit ren|dred to the king. the king went to the caſtell, and receyuing the [...]me, deliuered it to the keeping of Geffrey But [...]vile, and his brother Oliuer.
[1] After this,Dunnington Caſtell taken and razed. was the Caſtell of Iohn La [...]e at Dunnington taken, and razed [...]t to the ground, by commaundement of the king, who hauing ac|compliſhed his will in thoſe parties, drew [...] to|wardes Yorkeſhire, and at his comming thither, deſtroyed the houſes, townes, and manours of thoſe Lords and Gentlemen which were againſt him. It is horrible to heare,Mat. Par. and lothſome to re|herſe the crueltie which was practiſed by the ſoul|diers and men of war, in places where they came, [figure appears here on page 593] to ſpoyle and ranſacke the houſes of the people without pitie or compaſſion, and beſides the rob|beries, ſpoyles and great outrage vſed by the ſol|diers generally agaynſt the common people, fewe there were in that Countrey of great lynage or wealth, whom the king for theyr aſſembling thẽ|ſelues wyth the Barons, eyther ſpoyled not, or put not to execution. And thus with his armye (to the great deſolation of the Countrey) he paſ|ſed forth to the borders of Scotland, [...]ng Iohn ta| [...]h the caſtel Barwike. and entring that Realme, tooke the Caſtell of Barwike, and other places of ſtrength in thoſe parties, meaning to haue wonne more from the Scottes, if other vrgent buſineſſe had not called him backe again. The Countrey therefore which lieth betwixt the riuer of Theſe, and the confines of Scotlande, he committed to the keping of Hugh de Baliol,Hugh de Ball|ol, and Philip de Hulcotes. and to Philip de Hulcotes, aſſigning to them ſuch cõ|uenient number of men of warre as was thought expedient, and the cuſtodie of the caſtels in York|ſhire he deliuered to Robert de Vepount,Robert de Ve|pont, Brian de Liſle, Geffrey de Lucie. to Bri|an de Liſle, and to Geffrey de Lucie.
[3] Finally, when he had ſo ordred things in the North parties as ſtoode with
his pleaſure, ſo that there remayned no mo but two Caſtelles, that is to
witte,Montſorel be|twixt Leiceſter and
Lughbo|rough. Mountſorrell and another in York|ſhire, that
apperteyned to Robert de Roos in poſ|ſeſſion of the Barons, he returned by
the borders [page 596] of Wales into the ſouth parts: and by all the
way as he paſſed he ſhewed great crueltie agaynſt hys aduerſaries, beſieging
and taking their Caſtelles and ſtrong houſes of the which ſome he cauſed to
be fortified with garniſons of ſoldiers to his own vſe, and ſome hee razed.
The [...]ke feates were wrought by the other army in he partyes aboute London.
For William E [...]e of Saliſburie, and Foukes de Brent, with [...] other captains which the King had left [...]hinde him there, perceyuing that the
Citie would not eaſily be wonne by any ſiege, firſt furniſhed the Caſtell of
Windſore, Hertford and Barkhamſ [...]ed, with ſuche ſtrong garniſons of ſouldiers as might watch, vpon
oc|caſion giuen to aſſaile thoſe that ſhould eyther go into the Citie, or
come from thence: they marched forth with the reſidue of the armie, and
paſſing through the Counties of Eſſex, and Hartford,The
Ea [...] Sali-berrie with his [...] inuadeth [...] Countreys [...]+bout Lo [...]
Middleſex, Cambridge, and Huntington, waſted the Countreys, and
brought the townes to be|come
[figure appears here on page 596] tributaries to them.
And as for the houſes, manor places,
parkes, and other poſſeſſions of the Barons, they waſted, ſpoiled and
deſtroyed them, running euen hard to the citie of London, and ſetting fire
in the Suburbes. In this meane time, whileſt the king goeth forwarde on his
iourney northwardes, vpon the .xviij. of December laſt paſt,The Caſtell of Hanſlap. the Caſtel of Hanſlap was
taken by Foukes de Brent, whiche apperteyned vnto William Mauduit, and the
ſame day was the Caſtell of Tunbridge alſo taken by the garniſon of
Ro|cheſter,Tunbridge Caſtell.
which Caſtel of Tunbridge belonged vn|to
the Earle of Clare. Moreouer, the foreſayde Foukes de Brent cõming vnto
Bedford wanne both the towne and Caſtell:Bedford taken by
Foukes de Brent. for they that had the Caſtell in keeping, after
.vij. dayes reſpite (which they obteined at the hands of the ſaid Fouks)
whẽ reſcue came not frõ the Lord Wil. Beauchampe their maſter,William Beauchame. they deliuered it vnto ye ſaid
Foukes. Vnto whõ K. Iohn gaue not only that Caſtell, but alſo committed to
his keeping the Caſtels of
Northamtõ,Caſtels deliue+red to the kee+ping of Fouks
de Brent. Oxford & Cambridge. The K. had this Foukes in
great eſtimation, and amongſt o|ther wayes to aduaunce him, he gaue to him
in mariage Margaret de Riuers,
Foukes de Brent aduaun|ced by ma|riage. Rockinghem, Sawey, and Biham.
[1] In deede about the ſame time Pope Inno|cent, who before at the inſtant ſute of king Iohn had excommunicate the Barons in generall,The Baro [...] accuſed [...] name. doth now excommunicate them by name, and in per|ticular, as theſe. Firſt all the Citizens of London which were authors of the miſchief that had hap|pened by the rebellion of the ſaide Barons. Alſo Robert Fitz Water, Saer de Quiney Earle of Wincheſter, R. his ſon, G. de Mandeuile, & W. [page 597] his brother the Erle of Clare, & G. his ſonne, H. Earle of Hereford. R. de Percy, G. de Veſcy, I. Coneſtable of Cheſter, W. de Mountbray, Wil. de Albeny, W. his ſon, R. de Roos, & W. his ſon, P. de. Brenſe, R. de Creſſey, I. his ſon, Ranulfe Fitz Robert, R. Erle Bygot, H. his ſon, Robert de Vere, Foulke Fitz Warren, W. Mallet, W. de Moũtacute, W. Fitz Marſhall, W. de Beau|champe, S. de Kime, R. de Montbygons, and Nicholas de Stutvile, with diuerſe other.
[1] The army which king Iohn had left behinde him in the South partes, vnder the
leading of the Earle of Saliſburie and other, lay not ydle, but ſcouring the
Countreys abroade (as partly yee haue heard) came to Saint
[...]e Cog. and hauing intelligence there, that dyuerſe knightes,
Ladyes, and Gentlewomen that were there be|fore theyr comming, were fled out
of that towne, and for theyr more ſafetye were withdrawne into the Iſle of
Elye, they followed them, beſie|ged the Ile, and aſſayled it on eche ſyde,
ſo that (although they within had fortified the paſſages, and appoynted
menne of warre to remayne vp|on the garde of the ſame in places where it was
thought moſte needefull yet at length they en|tered vpon them by force,
Walter Bucke wyth hys Brabanders beeyng the fyrſt that got ſoote wythin the
Iſle towardes Herbey: For by rea|ſon that the waters in the Fenues and
Dyt|ches were harde frozen, ſo that menne myghte paſſe by the ſame into the
ſayde Iſle, they founde meanes to enter,
The Ile of Ely ſpoyled.
Polidor. Bernwel.
[figure appears here on page 597]
[1] [2] The Barons of the Realme being thus af|flicted with ſo many miſchiefes all at one tyme, as both by the ſharpe and cruel warres which the king made agaynſt them on the one ſyde, and by the enmitie of the Pope on the other, ſyde, they knewe not whiche way to turne them, nor how to ſeeke for reliefe. For by the loſſe of theyr com|plices taken in the Caſtell of Rocheſter, they ſawe not how it ſhoulde any thing auayle them to ioyne in battaile with the king. Therfore con|ſidering that they were in ſuch extremitie of diſ|payre, they reſolue with themſelues to ſeeke for ayde at the enimies handes, and therevpon Saer Earle of Wincheſter, [...]ordes [...]o the [...] kings [...] offring [...]n the [...]e. and Robert Fitz Water, with letters vnder theyr ſeales were ſent vnto Lewes the ſonne of Philip the French king, offe|ring him the Crowne of England, and ſufficient pledges for performaunce of the ſame and other couenãts to be agreed betwixt thẽ, requiring him with al ſpeede to come vnto their ſuccors. This Lewes had maried (as before is ſaide) Blanche daughter to Alfonſe king of Caſtile, nece to king Iohn by his ſiſter Elenore. Now king Philip the father of this Lewes, being glad to haue ſuch an occaſion to inuade the Realme of Englande which he neuer loued, promiſed willingly that his ſonne ſhould come vnto the ayde of the ſaid Ba|rons with all conuenient ſpeed (but firſt he recey|ueth .xxiiij. hoſtages which he placeth at Com|paigne for further aſſurance of the couenants ac|corded.) And herewith he prepared an army, and diuerſe ſhippes to tranſport his ſonne and hys armie ouer into Englande: alſo in the meane time, and to put the Barons in comfort, he ſent ouer a certaine number of men of warre,French men ſent ouer to the ayde of the Barons. vnder the leading of the Chatelayne of Saint Omers, the Chatelayne of Arras, Hugh Thacon, Eu|ſtace de Neuile, Baldwin Brecell, William de Wimes, Giles de Melun, W. de Beamõt, Giles de Herſie, Biſet de Ferſie, and others,The Saterday after the Epi|phanie, ſayth Raufe Coghe|ſhall. the whiche taking the ſea, arryued with .xlj. ſhippes in the Thames, & ſo came to Lõdon the .xxvij. of Febr. [page 598] where they were receyued of the Barons with great ioy and gladneſſe.
[1] Moreouer the ſayde Lewes wrote to the Ba|rons how that he purpoſed by Gods aſſiſtance to be at Calice by a day appoynted with an armye redy to paſſe ouer wt all ſpeed vnto their ſuccors.
[1] Raufe Cog.The Fryday before Candlemaſſe day, Saua|rie de Mauleon, and other Captaines of the kings ſide, layde ſiege to the Caſtell of Colcheſter, but hauing intelligence that the Barons which lay at London made forward with all ſpeede to come to ſuccor that Caſtell, on the Wedneſday after Candlemaſſe day, being the thirde of Februarie, they [...]ayſ [...]d their ſiege, & went backe towards S. Edmondſburie.
[1] [2] In this meane time, the king being gone (as ye haue hearde) vnto the borders of Scotlande, a bruyte was rayſed that hee was deade, and ſecretely buryed at Reding. But this rumour had not tyme to worke any great alteration, for after he had diſpatched his buſineſſe in the north, as hee thought expedient, he returned, and com|ming into the Eaſt parts about the midſt of lent, himſelfe in perſon beſieged the Caſtell of Col|cheſter, and wythin a fewe dayes after hys comming thyther it was delyuered vnto hym by the Frenche men that kept it, wyth condi|tion that they myght depart with all their goodes [figure appears here on page 598] and armour, vnto theyr fellowes at London, and that the Engliſhmen that were there in their companie within that Caſtel, might likewiſe de|part vpon reaſonable raunſome. But although that couenant was kept with the French men, the Engliſhmen were ſtayed and committed to priſon. Wherevpon when the Frenchmen came to London, they were apprehended and charged with treaſon for making ſuch cõpoſition, wherby thoſe Engliſhmen that were fellowes with them in armes were ſecluded from ſo beneficiall condi|tions as they had made for themſelues. They were in daunger to haue beene put to death for theyr euill dealing herein, albeit at length it was concluded that they ſhoulde remayne in pryſon till the comming of Lewes, vnto whoſe plea|ſure theyr cauſe ſhoulde be referred.
[1] After this was the Caſtell of Hydingham woonne, whiche belonged vnto Earle Robert de Vere. And then the King prepared to beſiege London. But the Londoners were of ſuch cou|rage, that they ſet open theyr gates, and hearing of the kings approch, made readie to iſſue forth to giue him battaile: whereof the king being aduer|tiſed, he withdrewe backe, but Sauarie de Mau|leon was ſodenly ſette vppon by the Londoners, loſt many of his men, and was ſore wounded himſelfe.
[1] The King therefore perceyuing it woulde not preuaile him to attempt the wynning of the Citie at that tyme, drewe alongeſt the coaſte, fortifyed hys Caſtelles, and prepared a greate Nauie, meaning to encounter his enimy Le|wes by Sea: But through tempeſt the ſhippes which hee hadde got togyther from Yermouth, Dunwiche, Lynne, and other Hauens, were diſ|perſed in ſunder, and many of them caſt awaye, by rage and violence of the outrageous windes.
[1] Somewhat before this tyme alſo when hee heard of the compact made betwixt the Barons and his aduerſaries the French men,King [...] once [...] ſet [...] the Po [...] hee diſpat|ched a Meſſenger in all haſt to the Pope, ſigni|fying to him what was in hande and practiſed agaynſt him, requiring furthermore the ſaid pope by his authoritie to cauſe Lewes to ſtay his ior|ney, and not to ſuccor thoſe rebels in Englande which he had alreadie excommunicated.
[1] The Pope deſirous to helpe king Iohn in all that he might, bycauſe he was
now his Vaſſall,
Cardi [...] Gu [...]lo.
Ma [...]
[1] [2] [3] On the morrow following being the .xxvj. of Aprill, by his fathers procuremẽt, Lewes came into the Councell Chamber, and with frowning looke behelde the Legate, [...]es the [...]ch kings [...]e maintei| [...] his pre| [...]ed title to [...]rowne of [...]ande. where by his procurator he defended the cauſe that moued him to take vp|pon him this iourney into Englande, diſprouing not onely the right which king Iohn had to the crowne but alſo alledging his owne intereſt, not only by his new election of the barons, but alſo in the title of his wife, whoſe mother the Queene of Caſtile remayned only in life of all the brethren & ſiſters of Henry the ſecond late king of England, (as ye before haue heard.) The Legate made an|ſwere herevnto, that king Iohn had taken vpon him the Croſſe, as one appoynted to goe to warre agaynſt Gods enimies in the holy land, [...] priuilege [...]oſe that [...]e vpon the croſſe. wherfore he ought by decree of the general Coũcell to haue peace for foure yeares to come, and to remaine in ſuretie vnder protection of the Apoſtolike Sea. But Lewes replied thereto, that king Iohn had firſt inuaded by warre his Caſtels and landes in Picardy, and waſted the ſame, as Buncham ca|ſtell & Liens, with the countie of Guiſnes which belonged to the fee of the ſayd Lewes. But theſe reaſons notwithſtanding, [...]. Paris. the Legate warned the French king on paine of curſing, not to ſuffer his ſonne to goe into Englande: and likewiſe hys ſonne, that he ſhould not preſume to take the ior|ney in hand. But Lewes hearing this, declared that his father had nothing to do to forbid him to proſecute his right in ye realm of England, which was not holden of him. And therefore he required his father not to hinder his purpoſe in ſuch things which belonged nothing to him, but rather to ly|cence him to ſeake the recouery of his wines right which he [...]ent to purſue with per [...]ll of life if [...] ſhould require. The Legate perceyuing he coulde not preuaile in his ſute made to k. Philip thought that he would not ſpend time longer in vaine, in further treating with him, but ſped him forth into England, obteining yet a ſafecõduct of the french king to paſſe through his realmeThe French kings ſonne ſendeth to the Pope. Lewes in like maner purpoſing by all meanes to preuẽt the Le|gate firſt diſpatched forth Ambaſſadors in a [...]aſt vnto the Court of Rome to excuſe himſelfe to the Pope, and to render the reaſons that moſt ſpecial|ly moued him to proceede forwarde in his a [...]er|priſe againſt king Iohn, being called by the Ba|rons of England to take the crowne thereof vpon him. And this done, with all co [...]hie [...]e ſpeed he came downe to Calice,He commeth to Calice. where be found [...] ſhips wel appointed and trimmed, which Enſtate [...]ur|named the Monke had gathered and prepared there readie agaynſt his comming.
[1] Lewes therefore forthwith embarking him|ſelfe with his people, and all neceſſarie prouiſions for ſuch a iourney, tooke the Sea,He taketh the ſea. and arriued at a place called Stanehorre in the Ile of Tenet,He landeth in Kent. vpõ the .xxj. day of May, and ſhortly after came to Sandwiche and there landed with all his people. [figure appears here on page 599] Here hee alſo encamped vppon the ſhore by the ſpace of three dayes. In which meane time there came vnto him a greate number of thoſe Lordes and Gentlemen which had ſent for him,The Lordes do homagee vn|to him. & there euery one apart and by himſelfe ſware fealtie and homage vnto him, as if he had bene their true and naturall Prince.
[1] King Iohn about the ſame time that Lewes thus arriued, came to Douer, meaning to fight with his aduerſa [...]yes by the way as they ſhoulde come forwarde towardes London. But yet vp|on other aduiſement taken, he chaunged his pur|poſe,Mat. Par. bycauſe hee putte ſome doubt in the Fle|mings and other ſtraungers, of whome the moſt part of his armye conſiſted, bycauſe hee knewe that they hated the Frenche men no more than [page 600] they did the Engliſh. Therefore furniſhing the Caſtell of Douer, with men, munition, and vit|tails; he left it in the keeping of Hubert or Burgh, a man of notable prowes and valiancie, and re|turned himſelfe vnto Canterburie, and frõ thence tooke the high way towardes Wincheſter.
[1] Lewes being aduertiſed that king Iohn was retyred out of Kent, paſſed through the countrey without any encounter, and wanne al the caſtels and holdes as he went, but Douer he coulde not wynne.
[1] At his comming to Rocheſter, he layde ſiege to the caſtel there, & wan it,Rocheſter [...]+ſtell w [...] cauſing at the ſtraun|gers that were found within it to be hanged.
[figure appears here on page 600]
[1] [2] [3] [4] Lewes com|meth to Lon|don.This done, he came to London, and there re|ceyued the homage of thoſe Lordes and gentle|men whiche had not yet done theyr homage to him at Sandwich. And he on the other part toke an othe to mainteyn and performe the old lawes and cuſtomes of the realme, and to reſtore to eue|rie man his rightfull heritage and landes, requy|ring the Barons furthermore to continue fayth|full towardes him, aſſuring them to bring things ſo to paſſe, that the realme of Englande ſhoulde recouer the former dignitie, and they their aunci|ent liberties. Moreouer hee vſed them ſo courte|ouſly, gaue them ſo fayre wordes, and made ſuch large promiſes, that they beleeued him with all theyr heartes. And the rumor of this his outward courteſie being once ſpred through the Realme, cauſed great numbers of people to come flocking to him, amongſt whõ there were diuerſe of thoſe which before had taken part with king Iohn, as William Erle Warren,Noble men reuolting frõ king Iohn vn|to Lewes. William erle of Arun|dell, William Earle of Saliſburie, William Marſhall the yonger, and diuerſe other, ſuppoſing verily that the Frenche kings ſonne ſhoulde nowe obteine the kingdome,Simon Lang|ton Chancel|lor to Lewes. who in the meane time or|deyned Simon Langton afore mentioned, to bee his Chancellor, by whoſe preaching and exhor|tation, aſwel the Citizens of London as the Ba|rons that were excõmunicate, cauſed diuine ſer|uice to be celebrated in their preſẽce, induced ther|to bycauſe Lewes had alreadie ſent his procura|tors to Rome before his coming into Englande, there to ſhewe the goodneſſe of his cauſe and qua|rell. But this auayled them not, neyther tooke his excuſe any ſuch effect as he did hope it ſhould: for thoſe Ambaſſadors that king Iohn had ſent thi|ther, replied againſt theyr aſſertions, ſo that there was hard hold about it in that Court, albeit that the Pope would decree nothing till he heard fur|ther from his Legate Gualo,Car [...]+lo c [...] ouer i [...] lande. who the ſame time (being aduertiſed of the procedings of Lewes in his iorney wt all diligence haſted ouer into Eng|land, & paſſing through the middle of his aduerſa|ries, came vnto King Iohn, as then ſoiorning at Gloceſter, of whõ he was moſt ioyfully receiued, for in him king Iohn repoſed all his hope of vic|torie. This Legate immediatly after his cõming did excõmunicate Lewes by name, with all hys fautors & cõplices, but ſpecially Simon de Lang|ton, with booke, bel, & cãdel, as ye maner was. But the ſame Simon, & one Geruaſe de Hobrug dean of S. Pauls in Lõdon, with other, alledged that for the right and ſtate of the cauſe of Lewes, they had alredy appealed to the court of Rome, & ther|fore the ſentence publiſhed by Gualo they tooke as voyd. The ſame time alſo, all the knights & men of warre of Flanders and other parties of beyond the ſea, which had ſerued the king,The [...] part of th [...] ſtraung [...] par [...] [...] ſeruice o [...] Iohn. departed from him, except onely the Poictouins. And part of them that thus went from him, reſorted vnto Lewes, and entred into his wages: but the reſi|due repayred home into their owne countries, ſo yt Lewes being thus encreaſed in power, departed frõ London, & marching towards Wincheſter, he wan ye caſtels of Rigate, Guildford, & Farnham.Caſtel [...] by Ie [...]
[1] [2] [page 601] From thence he went to Wincheſter where ye Citie was yeelded vnto him, with all the Caſtels and holdes thereabout, as Woluefey, Odyham, and Beamnere. Whileſt the ſayde Lewes was thus occupyed in Suſſex, about the ſubduing of that countrey vnto his obeyſance, there was a yong Gentleman in thoſe parties named Wil|liam de Collingham, [...]am de [...]ingham [...]tleman [...]ſſex. who in no wiſe would doe fealtie to Lewes, but aſſembling togither aboute the number of a thouſande archers, kept himſelfe within the wooddes and deſerte places, whereof that countrey is full, and ſo during all the tyme of this warre, ſhewed himſelfe an enimie to the French men, ſlaying no ſmall numbers of them, as he tooke them at any aduantage.
[1] In like manner, all the Fortreſſes, Townes, and Caſtels in the South parties of the Realme were ſubdued vnto the obeyſance of Lewes, (the Caſtels of Douer and Windeſor onely excep|ted.)
[1] Within a little while after, Wil. te Mande|uile, Robert Fitz Walter, and William de Hun|tingfield, [...]els forti| [...]by Kyng [...]n. with a greate power of men of warre, dyd the like vnto the Countreys of Eſſex and Suffolke. In whyche ſeaſon, Kyng Iohn forti|fied the Caſtels of Wallingforde, Corfe, War|ham, Briſtow, the Vies, and diuerſe others, with munition and vittailes. About whych time, let|ters came alſo vnto Lewis from his procura|tors, which he had ſent to the Pope, by the tenor whereof he was aduertiſed, that notwithſtanding all that they coulde doe or ſay, the Pope meante to excommunicate him, and did but onely ſtay till he had receyued ſome aduertiſement from his Legate Gual [...].
[1] The chiefeſt poyntes (as we fynde) that were layde by Lewes his procurators againſte King Iohn were theſe,The poyntes wherewith King Iohn was charged. that by the murther committed in the perſon of his nephew Arthur, hee had bene condemned in the Parliamente chamber, before the Frenche Kyng, by the peeres of Fraunce, and that beeing ſummoned to appeare, he had obſti|nately refuſed ſo to doe, and therefore had by good right forfeyted not only his lands within the pre|cinct of Fraunce, but alſo the Realme of Eng|land which was now due vnto the ſayde Lewes as they alledged, in righte of the Lady Blanche his wife, daughter to Eleanor Quene of Spaine. But the Pope refelled all ſuche allegations as they produced for proofe heereof, and ſeemed to defende King Iohns cauſe very pithyly, but namely, in that hee was vnder the protection of him as ſupreme Lord of Englande. And againe, for that hee had taken vppon him the Croſſe (as before ye haue heard.) But now to returne where we left.
[1] [2] About the feaſt of Saint Margaret, Lewes with the Lordes came agayne to London, at whoſe comming, the Tower of London was yeelded vp to him by appoyntmente, after whi|che, the Frenche Captaynes and Gentlemen, thinking themſelues aſſured of the Realme, be|ganne to ſhewe their inwarde diſpoſitions and hatred towarde the Engliſhmen, and forgetting all former promiſes (ſuch is the nature of ſtraun|gers,The French men begin to ſhewe them|ſelues in their kinde. that are once become Lordes of theyr de|ſires,) they did many exceſſiue outrages, in ſpoy|ling and robbing the people of the coũtrey, with|out [figure appears here on page 601] pitie or mereye. And not onely brake into mens houſes, but alſo into Churches, and tooke out of the ſame ſuche veſſels and ornamentes of golde and ſyluer, as they dyd lay handes vppon: for Lewes coulde not now rule the greedy Soul|diers, being giuen wholy to the ſpoyle. But moſt of all, theyr tyrannie did appeare in the Eaſt partes of the Realme, when they wente through the Countreys of Eſſex, Suffolke and North|folke, where they miſerably ſpoyled the Townes [page 602] and villages, reducing thoſe quarters vnder their ſubiection, and making them tributaries vnto Lewes in moſt ſeruile and flauiſh manner.
[1] The Caſtell of Norwich left for a pray to Lewes.Moreouer, at his comming to Norwiche, hee found the Caſtell voyde of defence, and ſo tooke it, without any reſiſtaunce, and put into it a gar|riſon of his Souldiers. Alſo hee ſente a power to the Towne of Linne,Linne. whiche conquered ye ſame, and tooke the Citizens priſoners, cauſing them to pay greate ſummes of money for theyr raun|ſomes.
[1] Thomas de Burgh taken priſoner.Moreouer, Thomas de Burgh, Chatelayne of the Caſtel of Norwich, who vpon the approch of the Frenchmenne to the Citie, fiedde out, in hope to eſcape, was taken Priſoner, and put vn|der-ſafekeeping. He was brother vnto Hubert de Brughe Captayne of Douer Caſtell.
[1] [2] Now when Lewes had thus finiſhed his en|terpriſes in thoſe parties, he returned to London,Gilbert [...] G [...] Earle of [...] [...]o [...] and ſhortly therevpon created Gilbert de Gaunte Earle of Lincolne, appoynting hym to got thi|ther with all conueniente ſpeede, that he myghte reſiſt the iſſues made by them whyche helde the Caſtels of Nottingham and Newarke, waſting and ſpoyling the poſſeſſions and landes belon|ging to the Barons neere adioyning to the ſame Caſtels. Thys Gilbert de Gaunt then, togyther with Roberte de Ropeley, comming into that [figure appears here on page 602] countrey,Lincolne won. tooke ye Citie of Lincolne, and brought all the countrey vnder ſubiection (the Caſtell only excepted.Holland in Lincolnſhire inuaded.) After that, they inuaded Holland, and ſpoyling that Countrey, made it alſo tributary vnto the Frenche. Lykewiſe, Roberte de Roos, Peter de Bruys, and Richarde Percy, ſubdued Yorke,Yorkſhire ſubdued to Lewes. and all Yorkſhire, bringing the ſame vn|der the obeyſance of Lewes. The K. of Scottes in lyke ſorte, ſubdued vnto the ſayde Lewes, all the countrey of Northumberlande, excepte the Caſtels whyche Hugh de Baliole, and Phillippe de Hulcotes valiantly defended againſte all force of enimies. And as theſe wicked Rebels made a pray of their own countrey, ſo the Legate Gual|lo not behynde for his parte to get ſomethyng ere all ſhould be gone, tooke proxies of euery Cathe|drall Church and houſe of Religiõ within Eng|land,The Legate Gualo gathe|reth prox [...]s. Sequ [...]ation of benefices. that is to witte, for euery proxie fiftie Shil|lings.
[2] Moreouer, hee ſequeſtred all the benefices of thoſe perſons and religious
men, that eyther ay|ded or councelled Lewes, and the Barons, in their
attemptes and enterpriſes. All whiche bene|fices he ſpeedily conuerted to
his owne vſe, and to the vſe of his Chaplaynes. In the meane time, Lewes was
broughte into ſome good hope tho|rough meanes of Thomas de Burgh, whome he
had taken Priſoner, (as before you haue heard,) to perſwade his brother
Hubert to yeld vp ye Ca|ſtel of Douer, the ſiege where of was the next
en|terpriſe which he attempted. For his father king Phillippe, hearing that
the ſame was kepte by a garriſon, to the behoofe of Kyng Iohn, wrote to his
ſonne, in blaming him, that hee left behynde hym ſo ſtrong a fortreſſe in
hys enimies handes.
Lewes re|uelleth i [...] vayne [...] the Caſtell of Douet.
Raufe C [...]
[figure appears here on page 603]
[1] [2] The Barons alſo, which at this ſeaſon lay at London, made a rode vnto Cambridge, and toke the Towne, and after wente foorth into North|folke and Suffolke (as it were, to gather vp ſuch ſcrappes as the Frenche had left) ſpoyling thoſe countreys very pitifully, with Churches and all. They canſtreyned the Townes of Yermouth, [...]mouth [...]wich and [...]peſwich [...]nſomed. Dunwiche and Gippeſwiche, to pay to them great ſummes of money by way of raunſoming. And at length returning by Colcheſter, they v|ſed the lyke practiſe there. From thence, they re|turned to London, and ſhortly after, vnder the conduit of the Earle of Neuers (vpon a ſodayne) they wente vnto Windeſor, and layde a ſtrong ſiege about that Caſtel. In the which was Cap|tayne Ingelarde de Athie, with ſixtie valiaunte Knightes, and other men of warre of their ſuite, the which manfully ſtoode at defence. In the mo|neth of Auguſt, Alexander K. of Scotland came through the countrey vnto the ſiege of Douer, & there did homage vnto Lewes, [...]xander K. Scottes. [...] homage K. Lewes. as in right of hys tenure holden of the kings of England, and then returned home, but in his comming vp, as hee came by Caſtell Bernarde, in the Countrey of Halywerkfolke (whiche apperteyned vnto Hugh de Baliole) hee loſt his brother in law the Lorde Euſtace de Veſey, [...]is Euſtace [...] married ſiſter of Alexander. who was ſtriken in the fore|head with a quarrell, as he rode in company of the King, neere vnto the ſame Caſtell, to viewe if it were poſſible vpon any ſide to winne it by aſ|ſault.
[1] [2] About the ſame tyme, or rather in the yeare laſt paſt as ſome holde, it fortuned the Vicount of Melune a French man, to fall ſicke at Lon|don,Mat. Paris. and perceyuing that death was at hand, hee called vnto hym certayne of the Engliſhe Ba|rons, whyche remayned in the Citie,The Vicount of M [...]lune diſcouereth the purpoſe of Lewes. vpon ſafe|gard thereof, and to them made thys proteſtati|on: I lament (ſayth he) for your deſtruction, and deſolation at hand, bycauſe ye are ignorant of the perils hanging ouer youre heads. For this vn|derſtande, that Lewes, and with him ſixteene Earles and Barons of Fraunce, haue ſecretely ſworne (if it ſhall fortune him to conquere thys Realme of England, and to be Crowned king) to kyll, or baniſhe, and confyne all thoſe of the Engliſhe nobilitie, whyche nowe doe ſerue vnder hym, and perſecute theyr owne Kyng as Trai|tors and Rebels, and furthermore, diſpoſſeſſe all theyr linage, of ſuche inheritances as they nowe holde in Englande. And bycauſe (ſayth hee) you ſhall not haue doubt heereof, I which lye heere in the poynte of death, doe now affirme vnto you, and take it on the perill of my ſoule, that I am one of thoſe ſixteene that haue ſworne to per|forme thys thyng: and therefore I aduiſe you, to prouide for youre owne ſafeties, and alſo of your Realme which you nowe deſtroy, and that you keepe this thyng ſecrete whych I haue vtte|red vnto you. After thys,The Vicount of Melune dyeth. he ſtraight wayes dy|ed. When theſe wordes of the Lord of Melune were opened vnto the Barons, they were, and not without cauſe, in greate doubt of themſelues, for they ſawe howe Lewes had already placed, and ſet Frenchmenne in moſt of ſuche Caſtels and Townes as he hadde gotten, the right wher|of indeede belonged to them. And againe,The Engliſh nobilitie be|ginneth to miſlike with the marche which they had made with Lewes. it gree|ued them much to vnderſtande, how beſides the hatred of theyr Prince, they were euery Sunday and holyday openly accurſed in euery Churche, ſo that many of them inwardly relented, and coulde haue bin contented to haue returned to [page 604] King Iohn, if they had thought that they ſhould thankfully haue bin receyued.
[1] The death of Pope Innocẽt.In this yeare, about the ſeuententh of Iuly, dyed Pope Innocente, whoſe deathe being kno|wen in England, all they greatly reioyced there|of, that were enimies to Kyng Iohn, for they were in great hope, that his ſucceſſor would haue rather enclined to their parte, than to the Kings: but it fell out otherwiſe,Honorius the third choſen Pope. for Honorius the thirde that ſucceeded the ſame foreſayde Innocente, maynteyned the ſame cauſe in defence of Kyng Iohn, as earneſtly, or rather more, than his pre|deceſſor hadde done, ſending with all ſpeede hys Bulles ouer into Englande to confirme Gualo in hys former authoritie of Legate, commaun|ding him with all endeuour, to proceede in hys buſineſſe, in maynteyning the Kyng agaynſte Lewes, and the diſloyall Engliſh nobilitie that ayded the ſayde Lewes. But nowe to our pur|poſe.
[1] Kyng Iohn lying all this while at Winche|ſter, and hauing knowledge how his aduerſaries were dayly occupied in moſt hard enterpriſes, as in beſieging ſundry ſtrong and inuincible places, ſent foorth hys Commiſſioners to aſſemble men of warre, and to allure vnto his ſeruice all ſuche, as in hope of pray, were minded to followe hys Standerde, of the whiche, there reſorted to hym no ſmall number. So that hauing gotten togy|ther a competent army for his purpoſe, hee brea|keth foorth of Wincheſter,The i [...] which K [...] Iohn [...] the po [...] of his a [...]+ſaries. as it had bin an hide|ous tempeſt of weather, beating downe al things that ſtoode in hys way, ſending foorthe his people on eache ſyde to waſt the Countreys, to brenne [figure appears here on page 604] vp the Townes and Villages, and to ſpoyle the Churches and Churchmen. With whiche ſuc|ceſſe, and ſtill encreaſing his fury, hee turned hys whole violence into Cambridge ſhire, where hee dyd hurte ynough.Northfolke and Suffolke. And after entring into the Countreys of Northfolke and Suffolke, hee committed the lyke rage, waſt, and deſtruction, in the landes and poſſeſſions that belonged vnto the Earle of Arundell, vnto Roger Bygot, Wil|liam de Huntingfield, and Roger de Creſſey.
The ſiege rei| [...]d from Windſor.The Barons in the meane time that lay at
ſiege before the Caſtell of Windeſor, hearing of that hauocke whych Kyng
Iohn had made in ye Eaſt partes of the Realme, ſecretly in the nyght
ſeaſon rayſed their Campes and leauing
theyr tentes behinde them, with all ſpeede made to|wards Cambridge. But King
Iohn by fayth|full eſpials, hauing aduertiſement of their intent, which was,
to get betwixt him and the places of his refuge, he withdrewe, and was got
to Stan|ford, ere they mighte reach to Cambridge, ſo that miſſing their
purpoſe, after they had taken ſome ſpoyles abroade in the Countrey, they
returned to London. King Iohn from Stanforde, mar|cheth towarde Lincolne,
bycauſe hee hearde that the Caſtell there was beſieged,Gilbert de Gaunt [...] from the [...] of K. Iohn. but thoſe that had beſieged it as Gilbert de
Gaunt, and others, hea|ring that K. Iohn was comming towards thẽ, durſt not
abide him, but fled, and ſo eſcaped. The K. then turned his iourney towards
the marches of Wales, & there did much hurt to thoſe places yt
belõged to his aduerſaries. After this alſo, & with a great
puiſſant army, he wente eftſoones Eaſt|wards, & paſſing through the
Countreys, came again into the Counties of Northfolke & Suff.
waſting & afflicting al that came in his way, and at length comming
to Linne,
Lynne. The Abbe [...] of Pete [...] and Cro [...] ſpoyled. Bernewe.
[1] Thus the Countrey beeyng waſted on eache hande, the Kyng paſſeth forwarde
tyll he came to Welleſtreme ſandes, where in paſſing the waſhes,
[...]e loſſe of [...] Kyngs [...]ages. hee loſt a great parte of his army, wyth Horſes and Carriages, ſo that it was iudged to bee
a puniſhmente appoynted by God, that the ſpoyle whyche hadde bene gotten and
taken out of Churches, Abbeys, and other Religious hou|ſes, ſhoulde periſhe,
and be loſt by ſuche meanes, togither with the ſpoylers. Yet the Kyng
[...]t. Paris. [...]t. VVeſt. and a fewe other, eſcaped the violence of the
waters, by following a good guide. But as ſome haue written, hee tooke ſuche
griefe for the loſſe ſuſteyned at thys paſſage, that immediately therevppon hee fell into an agewe,
[...]g Iohn [...]eth ficke of [...]gewe.
Mat. Paris.
[...]th. VVeſt. [...]t Paris.
[1] There be whiche haue written, that after hee had loſt hys army, hee ſhoulde come vnto the Ab|bey of Swyneſhead in Lincolneſhire, and there vnderſtanding the cheapeneſſe and plentie of corne, ſhewed hymſelfe greatly diſpleaſed there|with, as he that for the hatred whiche he bare to the Engliſhe people, that had ſo trayterouſly re|uolted from hym vnto his aduerſarie Lewes, wi|ſhed all miſerie to lighte vppon them, and there|vpon ſayde in hys anger, that hee woulde cauſe all manner grayne to be at a farre higher price, ere many dayes ſhoulde paſſe. Wherevppon, a Monke that heard hym ſpeake ſuche wordes, be|ing moued with zeale for the oppreſſion of hys Countrey, [...]ns Cro. gaue the Kyng poyſon in a cuppe of Ale. whereof hee fyrſte tooke the aſſaye, to cauſe the Kyng not to ſuſpect the matter, and ſo they both dyed in manner at one time.
[1] [...]n &There are that write, howe one of hys owne ſeruauntes dyd conſpire with a conuert of that Abbey, and that they prepared a diſhe of peares, whyche they poyſoned, three if the whole num|ber excepted, whyche diſhe, [...] ſayde conuerte preſented vnto hym: and then the Kyng ſuſpe|cted them to be poyſons indeede, by reaſon that ſuch precious ſtones as he hadde about, caſt ſoorth a certayne ſweate, as it were, bewraying the poi|ſon, hee compelled the ſayde conuerte to faſt and eate ſome of them, who [...]nowing the three peares whych were not poyſond, tooke and eate thoſe three, whych when the Kyng had ſeene, he coulde no longer abſteyne, bu [...] [...]ell too, and eate greedi|ly of the reſt, and ſo [...]d the ſame nyghte, ney|ther any hurte chaunced [...]o the conuert, who tho|rough helpe of ſuche as [...]e no good will to the Kyng, founde ſhift to eſcape, and conueyed him|ſelfe away from daunger of rece [...]ing due pu|niſhmente for ſo wicked a deede.
[1] But verily, touching the manner of his dea [...] there is great diuerſitie among Writers.The variable re [...]ortes of w [...]ers, con|cerning the death of King Iohn. For be|ſyde theſe reportes whyche ye haue hearde, there are other that write, howe hee dyed of ſurfeting in the nyghte, as Raufe Niger: ſome of a blou|dy flixe, as one hathe, that writeth an addition vnto Roger Houeden. And Raufe Cogheſhall ſayeth, that comming to Lynne, (where he ap|poynted Sauary de Mauleon to be Captayne, and to take order for ye fortifying of that towne) hee tooke a ſurfet there of immoderate dyet, and withall fell into a laſke, and after hys laſke had left hym, at hys commyng to Laford in Linſey, hee was let bloud, and to increaſe hys other griefes and ſorrowes for the loſſe of his carriage, iewels & men, in paſſing ouer the waſhes, whych troubled hym ſore: there came vnto him meſ|ſengers from Hubert de Burgh, and Gerard de Sotegam Captaynes of Douer Caſtell, aduer|tiſing him, that they were not able to reſiſt the forcible aſſaultes and engines of the enimies, if ſpeedy ſuccoures came not to them in tyme.
[1] Hereof his greefe of mynde beyng doubled, ſo as hee myghte ſeeme euen oppreſſed with ſor|row, the ſame increaſſed hys diſeaſe ſo vehement|ly, that within a ſmall tyme it made an ende of hys lyfe (as before yee haue hearde.)
[1] The menne of warre that ſerued vnder hys enſignes, beeyng for the more parte hyred Soul|diers and ſtraungers, came togyther, and mar|ching foorthe with his body, eache man with hys armour on hys backe, in warlike order, conuey|ed it vnto Worcetor, where hee pompouſly was buryed in the Cathedrall Churche before the hygh Aulter, not for that hee had ſo appoin|ted, (as ſome write,Bernewell.) but bycauſe it was thought to be a place of moſt ſuretie for the Lordes and other of hys friendes there to aſſemble and to take order in their buſineſſe nowe after hys de|ceaſſe.
[1] [page 606] Bycauſe he was ſomewhat fatte and corpu|lente, his bowels vere taken foorth of his body, and buried at Cr [...]ton Abbey, a houſe of Mõks, of the order called Premonſtratenſis, in Stafford|ſhire. The Abbot of which houſe was his Phiſi|tion.
[figure appears here on page 606]
[1] He had iſſue by his wife Queene Iſabell two ſonnes, Henry who ſucceeded him in the Kyng|dome, and Richard, with three daughters, Ioane married to Alexander Kyng of Scotlande, Iſa|bell coupled in matrimony with the Emperoure Fredericke the ſeconde, and Eleanor whome William Earle of Glowceſter had to wife. Hee had alſo another daughter (as ſome haue lefte in writing) called alſo Eleanor.
[1] Hee was comely of ſtature, but of lookes and countenaunce diſpleaſant and angry, ſomewhat cruell of nature, as by the writers of hys time he is noted, and not ſo hardy as doubtfull in time of perill and daunger.
[1] But this ſeemeth to be an enuious report vt|tered by thoſe that were giuen to ſpeake no good of hym whome they inwardly hated. But yet there be that giue this witneſſe of him, as the au|thor of the booke of Bernewell Abbey and other, that he was a great and mighty Prince, but yet not very fortunate, not vnlike altogither to Ma|rius the noble Romayne, taſting of fortune both wayes: bountifull and liberall vnto Strangers, but of his owne people (for their dayly treaſons practiſed towardes hym) he was a great oppreſ|ſour, ſo that hee truſted more to forreyners than to them, and therefore in the ende he was of them vtterly forſaken.
[1] Verely, who ſoeuer ſhall conſider the courſe of the hiſtory written of thys Prince, hee ſhall fynde, that he hath bin little beholden to ye Wri|ters of that time in which he liued: for vnneth cã they aford him a good word, except whẽ ye trueth enforceth them to come out with it as it were a|gainſt their willes.
[1] And the occaſion (as ſome think) was, for that he was no great friende to the Cleargie. And yet vndoubtedly his deedes ſhew, he hadde a zeale to Religiõ as it was then accompted: for he foũded the Abbey of Beaulean in the new forreſt, as it were, in recompence of certayne Pariſhe Chur|ches, which to enlarge the ſame forreſt, he cauſed to be throwen downe and demoliſhed.
[1] Hee alſo buylded the Monaſterie of Faren|don, and the Abbey of Hales in Shropſhire. Alſo he repared Godſtow where his fathers concubine Roſamond lay enterred. Likewiſe, he was no ſmall benefactor to the Minſter of Liechfielde in Staffordſhire. Likewiſe, to the Abbey of Crokeſ|den in the ſame ſhire, and to the Chappell at Knateſburgh in Yorkſhire. So that to ſay what I thinke, hee was not ſo voyde of deuotion to|wards the Churche, as dyuers of his enimies haue reported, who of meere purpoſe, conceale all his vertues, and hide none of his vices, but are plentifull ynough in ſetting foorthe the ſame to the vttermoſt, and interprete all hys doyngs and ſayings to the worſt, as may appeare to thoſe that aduiſedly reade the workes of them that write the order of hys lyfe,Mat. P [...] Polidor, & alii. whych may ſeeme ra|ther an inuectiue than a true hiſtory. Albeeit, ſyth we cannot come by the trueth of things through the malice of Writers, wee muſt contente oure ſelues with this vnfriẽdly deſcription of his time. Certaynely it ſhoulde ſeeme the man hadde a princely heart in him, and wanted nothing but faithful ſubiectes to haue wroken himſelfe of ſuch wrongs as were done and offered to him by the French Kyng and others.
[1] [2] Moreouer, the pride and pretenced authoritie of the Cleargie he could not well abide, whẽ they went about to wraſt out of his hands the prero|gatiue [page 607] of his princely rule and gouernemente. True it is, that to maynteyne his warres whych he was forced to take in hand, as wel in Fraunce as elſe where, he was conſtreyned to make all the ſhift hee coulde deuiſe to recouer money, and by|cauſe he pinched at theyr purſes, they conceyued no ſmall hatred againſt him, which when he per|ceyued, and wanted peraduenture diſcretion to paſſe it ouer, hee diſcouered now and then in hys rages hys immoderate diſpleaſure, as one not a|ble to bridle his affections, a thing very hard in a ſtout ſtomacke, and thereby he miſſed nowe and then to compaſſe that which otherwiſe he might very well haue broughte to paſſe. [...] Paris. It is written, that he meant to haue become feodarſe (for main|tenaunce ſake agaynſte hys owne diſloyall ſub|iectes, and other his aduerſaries) vnto Miramu|meline the great Kyng of the Sarazens: but for the trueth of this reporte, I haue little to ſay, and therefore I leaue the credite thereof to the Au|thors.
[1] It is reported lykewiſe, that in time when the Realme ſtoode interdited, as he was abroade to hunt one day, it chaunced, that there was a great Stagge or Hart killed, whiche when he came to be broken vp, prooued to be very fatte and thycke of fleſh, oh (ſayth hee) what a pleaſant lyfe thys Deare hathe ledde, and yet in all hys dayes hee neuer hearde Maſſe. To conclude, it may ſeeme, that in ſome reſpectes hee was not greatly ſuper|ſtitious, and yet not voyde of a religious zeale to|wardes the mayntenaunce of the Cleargie, as by his bountifull liberalitie beſtowed in buyl|dyng of Abbeyes and Churches (as before yee haue hearde) it may partly appeare.
[1] There lyued in hys dayes many learned men, as Geffrey Vineſaufe, Simon Fraxinus alias Aſch, Adamus Dorenſis, Gualter de Conſtan|tijs, firſt Biſhop of Lincolne, and after Archby|ſhop of Rouen, Iohn de Oxeford, Colman ſur|named Sapiens, Richard Canonicus, William Peregrine, Ilane Teukeſbury, Simon Thur|uaye, who beeing an excellente Philoſopher, but ſtanding too much in his owne conceyt, vppon a ſuddayne dyd ſo forget all his knowledge in learning, that he became the moſt ignorant of all other, a puniſhment (as was thought) appoynted to hym of God, for ſuche blaſphemies as he hadde wickedly vttered, both againſt Moiſes & Chriſt. Geruaſius Dorobernenſis, Iohn Hanwill,Bale. Ni|gel Woreker, Gilbert de Hoyland, Benet de Pe|terburgh, William Parbus a Monke of New|burgh, Roger Houeden, Huberte Walter, firſte Biſhop of Saleſbury, and after Archbyſhoppe of Caunterbury, Alexander Theologus, of whome ye haue heard before, Geruaſius Tilbe|rienſis, Silueſter Giraldus Cambrenſis, who wrote many treatiſes. Ioſeph Deuonius, Wal|ter Mapis, Radulfus de Diceto, Gilbert Legley, Mauritius Morganius, Walter Morganius, Iohn de Fordeham, William Leiceſter, Ioceline Brakeland, Roger of Crowland; Hugh White alias Candidus, that wrote an hiſtory entituled Hiſtoria Petroburgenſis, Iohn de Saint Omer, Adam Barking, Iohn Gray, an Hiſtoriogra|pher and Byſhop of Norwich, Walter of Co|uentrie, Radulphus Niger. &c. See Bale Scrip|torum Britannia Centuria tertia.