[1] About the feast of saint Margaret, Lewes with the lords came againe to London, at whose com|ming, the tower of London was yeelded vp to him by appointment, after which the French capteins and gentlemen, thinking themselues assured of the realme, began to shew their inward dispositions and hatred toward the Englishmen,The French men begin to shew them|selues in their kind. I [...]en. sat. 9. and forgetting all former promises (such is the nature of strangers, and men of meane estate, that are once become lords of their desires, according to the poets words,

Asperius nihil est humili cùm surgit in altum)
they did manie excessiue outrages, in spoiling and robbing the people of the countrie, without pitie or mercie. Moreouer they did not onelie breake into mens houses, but also into churches, and tooke out of the same such vessels and ornaments of gold and sil|uer, as they could laie hands vpon: for Lewes had not the power now to rule the gréedie souldiers, be|ing wholie giuen to the spoile.