[1] [2] Whilest king Iohn was thus occupied, newes came to him, Anno Reg. 12. that the Irish rebels made foule worke and sore annoied the English subiects. He therefore assembling a mightie armie, Matth. Paris. King Iohn passeth ouer into Ireland. Polydor. Matth. Paris. imbarked at Pen|broke in Wales, and so hasting towards Ireland, arriued there the twentie fiue of Maie, and brought the people in such feare immediatlie vpon his arri|uall, that all those that inhabited vpon the sea coasts in the champaine countries, came in, and yeelded themselues, receiuing an oth to be true and faithfull vnto him. There were twentie of the cheefest rulers within Ireland, which came to the king at his com|ming to Dublin, and there did to him homage and fealtie as apperteined. The king at the same time ordeined also, that the English lawes should be vsed in that land, and appointed shiriffes and other officers to haue the order of the countrie, to rule the same ac|cording to the English ordinances. After this, he marched forward into the land, and tooke diuerse for|tresses and strong holds of his enimies, which fled be|fore him, for feare to be apprehended, as Walter de Lacie and manie other.Walter de Lacie. At length, comming into the countrie of Meth, he besieged a castell, wherein the wife of William de Breuse, and hir sonne named also William were inclosed, but they found means to escape before the castell was woone, though after|ward they were taken in the Ile of Man,The Ladie de Breuse & hir sonne taken. and sent by the king into England, where they were so strait|lie kept within the castell of Windsor, that (as the fame went) they were famished to death.