[1] King Iohn then hauing recouered strength [...] him and being aduertised that William de [...] was entred into the castell of Rochester with a great number of knights, [...] men of armes and other souldiers, hasted thither with his whole arme, and be|sieged them within, inforcing himselfe by all waies possible to win the castell as well by battering the walles with engines, [...] as by giuing thereto manie as|saults: but the garison within consisting of nintie and foure knights beside demilances, and other soul|diers defended the place verie manfullie, in hope of reseue from the barons, which laie as then at Lon|don: but they comming forward one daies iournie vnto Dartford, when they heard that the king was comming forward in good araie of battell to meet them vpon consideration had of their owne forces, for that they were not able to match him with foot|men, they returned barke againe to the citie, break|ing that assured promise which they had made and al|so confirmed by their solemne oths, which was that if the castell should chance to be besieged, [...] they would not faile but raise the siege.