[1] [page 182] At length notwithstanding that deuise tooke no place: for it was otherwise decréed by the pope, that the king should restore to them the summe of fortie thousand marks, [...] of the which he had paid alreadie twelue thousand, before the returne of the said arch|bishop and bishops into the realme, and fifteene thou|sand more at the late meeting had betwixt them at Reading, so that there remained onelie 13000 be|hind: for not onelie the king, but also the cardinall had sent to the pope, requiring him to take direction in the matter, and to aduertise him, that there was a great fault in the archbishop and his fellowes. In so much that Pandulph which was sent to him from the legat,King Iohn commended to the pope for an hum|ble prince. declared in fauour of the king, that there was not a more humble and modest prince to be found than king Iohn, and that the archbishop and his fel|lowes were too hard, and shewed themselues too co|uetous in requiring the restitution that should be made to them for losses susteined in time of the in|terdiction.