[1] Bedford ca|stell deliuered to the barons.Whilest they remained here a certeine time to for|tifie and furnish the castell with necessarie prouision, there came letters to them from London, giuing them to vnderstand, that if they would send a conue|nient power of souldiers to defend the citie, the same should be receiued thereinto at some meet and reaso|nable time in the night season by the citizens, who would ioine with them in that quarell against the king to the vttermost of their powers. The lords were glad of these newes, to haue the chiefe citie of the realme to take part with them, and therfore they sent foure bands of souldiers streightwaies thither, which were brought into the citie in the night season (according to order aforehand taken.) But as Matt. Paris saith, they were receiued into the citie by Al|gate, the 24 of Maie being sundaie, whilest the citi|zens were at masse. The next day they made open re|bellion, tooke such as they knew fauoured the king, brake into the houses of the Iewes, & spoiled them.