Snippet: 236 of 288 (1587, Volume 6, p. 189)
[1] The king had this Foukes
in great estimation, and amongst other waies to aduance him, he gaue to him
in marriage Margaret de Riuers, a ladie of high nobilitie,
Foukes de Brent ad|uanced by marriage.
Rockingham, Sawey, and Biham.
with all the lands and possessions that to hir belonged. Moreouer,
to William earle of Al|bemarle the king deliuered the custodie of the
ca|stels of Rockingham, Sawey and Biham. To one Ranulfe Teutonicus, the
castell of Barkehamsted, and to Walter Godreuill seruant to Foukes de
Brent,Barkhamsted he betooke the kéeping of the
castell of Hert|ford. Thus what on the one part,Hertfort
ca|stell. and what on the o|ther, the barons lost in maner all
their possessions from the south sea vnto the borders of Scotland, the king
seizing the same into his hands, and commit|ting them to the kéeping of
strangers, and such other as he thought more trustie and conuenient. All
this while the barons laie at London banketting and making merrie, without
attempting anie exploit praise-worthie. But yet when they heard by certeine
aduertisement, what hauocke and destruction was made of their houses
& possessions abroad, they could not but lament their miseries, and
amongst other their complaints which they vttered one to another, they sore
blamed the pope, as a cheefe cause of all [page 190] these euils, for
that he mainteined and defended the king against them.