[1] Also at the same time the bishops that were suf|fragans to the see of Canturburie,The bishops quarell with the moonks of Canturburie about the elec|tion of an archbishop. sent their procu|rators to Rome, about a quarrell which they had a|gainst the moonks there, for that the same moonks presumed to procéed to the election of an archbishop without their consent, hauing (as they alledged) a right by ancient decrées and customes to be associat with them in the said elections. But how this mat|ter was answered, yée shall sée hereafter. In the meane time, these and other like things procured the pope to reiect both the elections, and of his owne au|thoritie to nominate the third person, whereby the trouble begun was not a little augmented (as you shall heare heereafter.) Now whilest these procura|tors were thus occupied in Rome, Philip the French king minding to conquer all that which king Iohn yet held within France, assembled an armie, and comming before the towne of Loches, wan it, and tooke Gerard de Atie prisoner,Gerard de A|tie & Robert de Turnham takẽ prisoners that had so long time and with such valiancie defended it. The same time also was Robert de Turnham taken prisoner, who with great manhood had all this while repressed and chastised the rebellious Poictouins.