[1] Pandulph hauing thus reconciled king Iohn, thought not good to release the excommunication, till the king had performed all things which he had promised, Matth. Paris. and so with all speed hauing receiued eight thousand markes sterling in part of restitution to be made to the archbishop, and the other banished men, he sailed backe into France, & came to Roan, where he declared to king Philip the effect of his trauell, and what he had doone in England. But king Philip hauing in this meane while consumed a great masse of monie, to the summe of sixtie thousand pounds,Fortie thou|sand marks of siluer saith Matth. West. as he himselfe alledged, about the furniture of his iour|nie, which he intended to haue made into England, vpon hope to haue had no small and within the realme, by reason of such bishops and other banished men as he had in France with him, was much offen|ded for the reconciliation of king Iohn, and determi|ned not so to breake off his enterprise, least it might be imputed to him for a great reproch to haue beene at such charges and great expenses in vaine.The French K. displeases for the recon|ciliation of K Iohn with the pope. There|fore calling his councell togither, he declared vnto them what he purposed to doo.