[1] [2] [3] Moreouer, they wasted and destroied the lands which Lewes the French kings sonne was possessed of in those parts. In the meane time, king Iohn ha|uing prepared a mightie nauie, and a strong armie of valiant soldiers, tooke sea at Portsmouth on Can|dlemas day, with his wife, his sonne Richard, & Elia|nor the sister of Arthur duke of Britaine. He had not many of his earles or barons with him, but a great number of knights and gentlemen, with whome he landed at Rochell in safetie, within a few daies after his setting foorth. He tooke ouer with him inestima|ble treasure, as it was reported; in gold, siluer, and iewels. Immediatlie vpon his arriuall at Rochell, the barons of Poictow reuolted from the French king, and comming in to king Iohn, did homage vn|to him, as to their king and souereigne lord.