[1] Moreouer, sith that all this was doone by the au|thoritie [page 189] of the pope, the king besought him to make the same void, and to command the barons to obeie him being their king, as reason required they should. There were also sent by him other messengers, as Hugh de Boues and others,Hugh de Boues. into diuerse parts be|yond the sea, to bring from thence great numbers of men of war and souldiers, appointing them to meet him at Douer, at the feast of saint Michaell next in|suing. Matth. Paris. He sent likewise vnto all his chateleins and constables of castels within the realme, requiring them to prouide themselues of all things necessarie for defense of the holds committed to their charge, if they should chance to be besieged, though it were on the next morrow.