[1] Furthermore, about the same time the king taxed the Iewes, and gréeuouslie tormented and empriso|ned them, bicause diuers of them would not willing|lie pay the summes that they were taxed at. Matth. Paris. Iewes taxed. Amongst other, there was one of them at Bristow, which would not consent to giue anie fine for his deliue|rance: wherefore by the kings commandement he was put vnto this penance, that euerie daie, till he would agrée to giue to the king those ten thousand marks that he was seized at, he should haue one of his téeth plucked out of his head. By the space of sea|uen daies togither he stood stedfast, loosing euerie of those daies a tooth, but on the eight day, when he shuld come to haue the eight tooth and the last (for he had but eight in all) drawne out,A Iew hath his téeth drawne out. he paid the monie to saue that one, who with more wisedome and lesse paine might haue doone so before, and haue saued his seauen teeth, which he lost with such torments, for those home|lie toothdrawers vsed no great cunning in plucking them foorth (as may be coniectured.)