[1] [2] The archbishop and the other bishops receiuing the kings letters,The bishops doo returne. with all speed made hast to come into England, and so arriuing at Douer the sixtéenth day of Iulie, with other the banished men, they went to Winchester, where the king yet remained,They came to Winchester y^ [...] 20 of Iulie. who hea|ring that the bishops were come, went foorth to re|ceiue them, and at his first méeting with the archbi|shop of Canturburie, he knéeled downe at his féet,The K. kn [...]|leth to the archbishop. and besought him of forgiuenesse, and that it would please him and the other bishops also to prouide for the releefe of the miserable state of the realme. Here|with the water standing in diuerse of their eies on both sides, they entred into the citie, the people great|lie reioising to behold the head of the commonwealth agrée at length with the members. This was in the yeare after the birth of our Sauiour 1213.