[1] The king gladlie herevnto assented, Matth. West. Iohn Gray bishop of Nor|wich president of the councell. Matth. Paris. requiring them to grant their voices vnto Iohn Gray the bi|shop of Norwich, being both his chapleine and presi|dent of his councell. The moonks to gratifie the king obeied his request, and so electing the same bishop of Norwich, they sent their procurators to Rome in the yeare following, to signifie the same vnto the pope, and to require him to confirme this their second elec|tion, as vnmindfull of their first, and clearelie adni|hilating the same to all intents and purposes. A|mongst other that were sent to Rome about this bu|sinesse, Helias de Brantfield was one,Helias de Brantfield. a moonke of great estimation, and had in good credit with the king, who ministred vnto them that were thus sent, sufficient allowance wherewith to beare their char|ges and expenses.