[1] [2] About this time came one Iohn Ferentino (so called peraduenture A ferends,Iohn Feren [...]tino the popes legat. a common name to all the whelps of that litter, for they neuer came into the land as legats but they would be sure to carrie out with them manie large legacies and vsurped du|ties) a legat from the pope into England, and passing through the same as it were in visitation, gathered a great summe of monie; and finallie at Reading on the morow after saint Lukes day, celebrated a councell, which being ended, he caused his coffers to be packed vp and sent awaie, hasting himselfe after to depart the realme, and so taking the sea bad Eng|land farewell.The pope g [...]|ueth sentence with ye moonks against the bi|shops. About the same season also pope In|nocent confirmed the authoritie and power which the prior and moonks of Canturburie had to elect and choose the archbishop of that see, giuing sentence a|gainst the suffragans which claimed a right to be ioined with the said prior and moonks in the election,Sée Matt. Pa|ris pag 28 [...]. in the printed copie. as by a letter directed to the same suffragans from the said pope it may more plainelie appeare.