7.1. The words of fealtie made by king Iohn to the pope.
The words of fealtie made by king Iohn to the pope.
[1] _EG [...] Iohannes Dei gratia rex Angliae, & dominus Hyberniae, ab hac hora & in antea, fidelis ero Deo & beato Pe|tro & ecclesiae Romanae, & domino meo papae domino Innocentio, eiús successoribus catholicè intrantibus. Non ero in fa|cto, in dicto, consensu vel consilio, vt vitam per|dant vel membra, vel mala captione capiantur. Eo|rum damnum si sciuero, impediam, & remanere faciam sipotero: alioquin eis quàm citiùs potero in|timabo, vel tali personae dicam, quàm eis creda [...] pro certo dicturam. Consilium quod mihi credide|rint, per se vel per nuncios suos seu literas suas, se|cretum, tenebo, & ad eorum damnum nulli pan|d [...] me sciente. Patrimonium beati Petri, & spe|cialiterregnum Angliae, & regnum Hyberniae ad|iutor ero ad: tenendum & defendendum, contra omnes homines pro posse meo. Sic me adiuuet Deus, & haec sancta euangelia, Amen Act a autem sunt haec, vt praedictum est, in vigilia dominicae Ascen|sionis ad Doueram, Anno 1213.
7.2. An English thus.
An English thus.
[1] _IOhn by the grace of God king of England, and lord of Ireland, from this houre forward, shall be faithfull to God and to saint Peter, and to the church of Rome, and to my lord pope Inno|centius, and to his successours lawfully entring. I shall not be in word nor deed, in consent or counsell, that they should lose life or member, or be apprehended in euill manner. Their losse if I may know it, I shall impeach and staie, so far as I shalbe able, or else so shortlie as I can I shall signifie vnto them, or declare to such person the which I shall beleeue will declare the same vnto them. The counsell which they shal com|mit to me by themselues, their messengers, or letters, I shall keepe secret, and not vtter to any man to their hurt to my knowledge. The patri|monie of S. Peter, and speciallie the kingdomes of England and Ireland, I shall indeuour my selfe to defend against all men to my power. So helpe me God, and these holie euangelists, A|men. These things were done on the eeue of the Ascension of our Lord, in the yeare 1213.