[1] In this yeare, about the 17 of Iulie, pope Inno|cent died,The death of pope In|nocent. at whose death (being knowen in England) all they that were enimies to king Iohn greatlie re|ioised, for they were in great hope that his succes|sour would haue rather inclined to their part, than to the kings. But it fell out otherwise,Honorius the third chosen pope. for Honorius the third that succeeded the same foresaid Innocent, mainteined the same cause in defense of king Iohn, as earnestlie or rather more than his predecessour had doone, sending with all spéed his buls ouer into England to confirme Gualo in his former authoritie of legat, commanding him with all indeuour to pro|céed in his businesse, in mainteining the king a|gainst Lewes, and the disloiall English nobilitie that aided the said Lewes. But now to our purpose.