[1] [2] [3] [4] Thus the more part of the Irish people being brought vnder,The bishop of Norwich lor [...] lieutenant of Ireland. he appointed Iohn Gray the bishop of Norwich, to be his deputie there, remoouing out of that office Hugh Lacie, which bare great rule in that quarter before. The bishop then being appointed de|putie and cheefe iustice of Ireland,Irish moni [...] reformed. reformed the coine there, causing the same to be made of like weight and finenesse to the English coine, so that the Irish mo|nie was currant, as well in England, as in Ireland, being of the like weight, forme, and finenesse to the English. Moreouer, those that inhabited the wood-countries and the mounteine places, though they would not as then submit themselues, he would not at that time further pursue, bicause winter was at hand, which in that countrie approcheth timelie in the yeare. Hauing thus subdued the more part of all Ire|land, and ordred things there at his pleasure, he tooke the sea againe with much triumph,The king r [...]turneth into England. and landed in England about the thirtith day of August.