[1] [2] Then Pandulph kéeping the crowne with him for the space of fiue daies in token of possession thereof,Pandulph restoreth the crowne again to the king. at length (as the popes vicar) gaue it him againe. By meanes of this act (saith Polydor) the same went a|broad, that king Iohn willing to continue the memo|rie hereof, made himselfe vassall to pope Innocent, with condition, that his successors should likewise from thencefoorth acknowledge to haue their right to the same kingdome from the pope. But those kings that succeeded king Iohn, haue not obserued any such lawes of reconciliation, neither doo the auten|tike chronicles of the realme make mention of any such surrender, so that such articles as were appoin|ted to king Iohn to obserue, perteined vnto him that had offended, and not to his successors. Thus saith Polydor.