[1] In this meane time the French king, Anno Reg. 5. to bring his purpose to full effect, entred int [...] Normandie, wasted the countries, and wan the townes of Cowches, Matth. Paris. Polydor. The French king inuadeth Normandie. le Ual de Rueil, and Lis [...]e Dandel [...] Le Ual de Rueil wis giuen ouer without any great inforcement of assault, by two noble men that had charge thereof, the one named Robert Fitz Walter, and the other Saer de Quin [...]ie. Howbeit Lisle Dandele was valiantlie for a certeine time defended by Roger de Lacie the conestable of Chester. But at length they within were so constreined by famine and long siege, that the said Lacie and others perceiuing it to be more honourable for them to die by the sword, than to starue through want of food, brake out vpon their enimies, and slue a great sort of the Frenchmen,Roger de La|cie conestable of Chester taken. but yet in the end they were taken prisoners, and so these fortresses came into the French kings hands.