[1] [2] [3] In the summer following, about the 18 day of Iu|lie, king Iohn with a mightie armie went into Wales, and passing foorth into the inner parts of the countrie, he came into Snowdon, beating downe [page 175] all that came in his way, so that he subdued all the rulers and princes, without contradiction. And to be the better assured for their subiection in time follow|ing, he tooke pledges of them, to the number of 28, & so returned to Album Monasterium on the daie of the Assumption of our ladie, Matth. Paris. White church I thinke. from whence he first set foorth into the Welsh confines. In the same yeare also, the pope sent two legats into England, the one named Pandulph a lawier,Pandulph & Durant the po [...]s lega [...]s. Polydor. and the other Du|rant a templer, who comming vnto king Iohn, ex|horted him with manie terrible words to leaue his stubborne disobedience to the church, and to reforme his misdooings. The king for his part quietlie heard them, and bringing them to Northampton, being not farre distant from the place where he met them vpon his returne foorth of Wales had much confe|rence with them; but at length, when they perceiued that they could not haue their purpose, neither for re|stitution of the goods belonging to préests which he had seized vpon, neither of those that apperteined to certeine other persons, which the king had gotten al|so into his hands, by meanes of the controuersie be|twixt him and the pope the legats departed, leauing him accursed, and the land interdicted, as they found it at their comming.