[1] [2] In this hurlie burlie also the lords and péeres of the realme (by the setting on of the archbishop) were ear|nestlie bent to haue the king to restore and confirme the grant which his grandfather king Henrie the first had by his charter granted and confirmed to his sub|iects, which to doo, king Iohn thought greatlie preiu|diciall to his roiall estate and dignitie. The earle of Tholouse hauing lost all his possessions, Ralfe Cog. The earle of Tholouse. the citie of Tholouse onelie excepted, came ouer into England, & rendred the said citie into the hands of king Iohn, and receiued at his departure, the summe of ten thou|sand marks as was reported, by the bountifull gift of king Iohn.