[1] [2] The men of warre that serued vnder his ensignes, being for the more part hired souldiers and stran|gers, came togither, and marching foorth with his bo|die, each man with his armour on his backe, in war|like order, conueied it vnto Worcester, where he was pompouslie buried in the cathedrall church be|fore the high altar, not for that he had so appointed (as some write) but bicause it was thought to be a place of most suertie for the lords and other of his fréends there to assemble, Bernewell. and to take order in their businesse now after his deceasse. And bicause he was some|what fat and corpulent, his bowels were taken out of his bodie, and buried at Croxton abbeie, a house of moonks of the order called Praemonstratenses, in Staffordshire, the abbat of which house was his physician.