[1] The rumour of this pretended outward courtesie being once [...]ored through the realme, caused great numbers of people to come flocking to him, among [page 192] whome were diuerse of those which before had taken part with king Iohn, as William earle Warren, William earle of Arundell,Noblemen reuolting frõ K. Iohn vn|to Lewes. William earle of Sa|lisburie, William Marshall the yoonger, and diuerse other, supposing verelie that the French kings sonne should now obteine the king dome, who in the meane time ordeined Simon Langton afore mentioned,Simon Lãg|ton chancellor to Lewes. to be his chancellour, by whose preaching and exhortati|on, as well the citizens of London as the barons that were excommunicated, caused diuine seruice to be celebrated in their presence, induced thereto, bicause Lewes had alreadie sent his procurators to Rome before his comming into England, there to shew the goodnesse of his cause and quarell.