[1] This yeare manie woonderfull things happened, for besides the sore winter, which passed any other that had beene heard of in manie yeares before, both for continuance in length and extreame coldnesse of frosts,Great tem|pests. there followed grifelie tempests, with thun|der, lightning, and stormes of raine, and haile of the bignesse of hens egs, wherewith much fruit & great store of corne was perished, beside other great hurts doone vpon houses and yoong cattell. Also spirits (as it was thought) in likenesse of birds and foules were séene in the aire flieng with fire in their beaks, wherewith they set diuerse houses on fire: which did import great troubles yer long to insue, and follo [...]|ed in déed, as shall appeare hereafter.