[1] [2] [3] From hence he made hast to London, and at his comming thither, tooke counsell how to recouer the great charges and expenses that he had béene at in this iournie, and by the aduise of William Brewer,An assemblie of the prelats at London. Robert de Turnham, Reignold de Cornhill, and Ri|chard de Marish, he caused all the cheefe prelats of England to assemble before him at S. Brides in London. So that thither came all the abbats, abbes|ses, templers, hospitallers, kéepers of farmes and pos|sessions of the order of Clugnie, and other such for|reners as had lands within this realme belonging to their houses. All which were constreined to paie such a greeuous tax,A tax leuied. that the whole amounted to the summe of an hundred thousand pounds. The moonks of the Cisteaux order, otherwise called white moonks, were constreined to paie 40 thousand pounds of sil|uer at this time, all their priuileges to the contrarie notwithstanding. Moreouer, the abbats of that order might not get licence to go to their generall chapter that yéere, which yeerelie was vsed to be holden, least their complaint should mooue all the world against the king, for his too too hard and seuere handling of them.1211 Anno Reg. 13. King Iohn goeth into Wales with an armie.