[1] Yee haue heard how king Iohn had conceiued no small displeasure against the moonks of the white or|der, for that they would not part with any monie, excusing themselues that they might not doo it, with|out consent of a generall chapiter of their order. Wherevpon the king had caused them diuerse waies to be molested, but cheefelie in restreining them of libertie to haue any horsses or other cattell going to pasture within his forrests. They therefore taking aduise togither, chose foorth twelue abbats amongst them of that order, the which in all [...]heir names went to Lincolne, there to make suit to the king (comming thither at this time to méet the king of Scots) that it would please him to remit his displeasure conceiued against them, and to take them againe into his protection.