[1] Upon the second of October, Matth. Paris. Geffrey Fitz Péers or Fitz Peter depar|teth this life. Geffrey Fitz Peter earle of Essex and lord cheefe iustice of England de|parted this life, a man of great power and autoritie, in whose politike direction and gouernement, the or|der of things perteining to the common-wealth chéefelie consisted. He was of a noble mind, expert in knowledge of the lawes of the land, rich in possessi|ons, and ioined in blood or affinitie with the more part of all the Nobles of the realme, so that his death was no small losse to the commonwelth: for through him and the archbishop Hubert, the king was often|times reuoked from such wilfull purposes, as now and then he was determined to haue put in practise, in so much that the king, as was reported (but how trulie I cannot tell) séemed to reioise for his death, bicause he might now worke his will without anie to controll him.