[1] Now when all things were readie, and the ships fraught with vittels, armour, and all other prouisi|ons necessarie, the king came to Porchester, there to take the sea, purposing verelie to passe ouer into France, in hope of such faire promises as his fréends of Normandie and Poictou had made, in sending of|tentimes to him, to procure him with spéed to come to their succours. Rafe Cog. The archbi|shop of Can|turburie, and the earle of Penbroke persuade the king to staie at home. But as the king was readie to en|ter on shipboord, Hubert archbishop of Canturburie, and William Marshall earle of Penbroke came to him, and with manie great reasons went about to persuade him to staie his iournie. Who although he was verie loath to follow their counsell, yet they put foorth so manie doubts and dangers that might fol|low of his departing the realme at that present, to the hazarding of the whole state, that in the end (sore to his greefe) he was ouercome by their importunate persuasions, and so dismissing the most part of his armie, appointed his brother the earle of Salisburie with a certeine number of knights & men of armes to passe ouer into Rochell, whither the lord Geffrey the kings base sonne was gone before him, with ma|nie other knights and men of armes.